OT: NFL settles with Kaepernick and Reid

I love how people like you look to call black people racist; if you knew the true definition of racist, you would see that as a black man, he can't be the one who's a racist.
Ignore Earl and his troll self. I do have one question for you. Why do you suggest that anyone of color can’t have a racist attitude toward other races or cultures?
Lots of angry white men in this thread who don’t like people raising awareness of cops killing innocent black people. You are on the wrong side of history again.

Glad they got paid by the slavemaster league.

Kaep has never been able to intelligently articulate any protest, though. His has always been nothing more than a mishmash of #blacklivesmatter memes. And not even the good ones. Wrong messenger for the wrong protest.
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Nathan Peterman was named a starting QB this year for multiple games.

OrangeRegalia, you may be correct in your inference above in that Kapernick may have been better than some other QBs in the league.
But when you add in his expectation of value along with the baggage he brings from a personal standpoint, I think most owners would be justified in not bringing him on as a team member. If I were an NFL owner I certainly would not consider him for my team. An example on the collegiate level would be an interview that a rock musician had with Dabo about what he would do if he had a 5 star football player available but this player had behavioral issues on the outside. Dabo didn't hesitate, "Move on to the next guy."
Ignore Earl and his troll self. I do have one question for you. Why do you suggest that anyone of color can’t have a racist attitude toward other races or cultures?

I replied to this very question in a later post. Too long of a response to summarize and unfortunately, I am not able to link it here. Keep reading the thread and you will find it.
OrangeRegalia, you may be correct in your inference above in that Kapernick may have been better than some other QBs in the league.
But when you add in his expectation of value along with the baggage he brings from a personal standpoint, I think most owners would be justified in not bringing him on as a team member. If I were an NFL owner I certainly would not consider him for my team. An example on the collegiate level would be an interview that a rock musician had with Dabo about what he would do if he had a 5 star football player available but this player had behavioral issues on the outside. Dabo didn't hesitate, "Move on to the next guy."
Kaepernick protesting police brutality is baggage and equivalent to behavioral issues?
Kap and Reid just got paiiiiiiiid.

Joint announcement from both parties. Settlement comes just a few weeks before final hearing.

Owners didnt want to get dragged for colluding. They knew they were gonna lose. It was never about his skills as a football player—had nothing to do with him being a bad bad QB. His protest against police brutality was just “bad for business”. Owners blackballed him because of it.
You know, I have received several comments but none yet has refuted what was written. Yes, a lot of snide comments and feign disbelief, but nothing answering the general premise of the question asked, and the basis of the answer given. But I understand completely. So I suggest you re-read what was written and tell me where, factually, I am wrong?

A simple review of history will answer who's right and who isn't.
Because your post is laced with retardancy. If someone is delusional enough to type that garbage there is no point. I'll continue to laugh at you and other people of your ilk. Carry on, please.
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I replied to this very question in a later post. Too long of a response to summarize and unfortunately, I am not able to link it here. Keep reading the thread and you will find it.
Thank you.
Kaepernick protesting police brutality is baggage and equivalent to behavioral issues?

When he first started it? No. But since, it’s spiralled into what it is now.

I refuse to believe every, maybe even most, player agrees with him. This would split a locker room. That’s why he isn’t on a team.
Because your post is laced with retardancy. If someone is delusional enough to type that garbage there is no point. I'll continue to laugh at you and other people of your ilk. Carry on, please.

Ahh, the typical "personal attack" strategy to make yourself look superior. Ignorance is apparent in the fact that you can't formulate a rational response to a simple question. But you have entertained me enough so I will gladly move on.
Ahh, the typical "personal attack" strategy to make yourself look superior. Ignorance is apparent in the fact that you can't formulate a rational response to a simple question. But you have entertained me enough so I will gladly move on.
Well my friend, this is a convenient definition as created by those who like to water down the true aspect of racism so that any one, singular person can be categorized as "racist". However, racism has always been, and will continue to be a "group phenomenon", where it's real definition is "a competitive relationship between two groups of people that are competing for the ownership and control of resources and power. In which one group (which controls those resources) can exert their political will and influences over the other, based solely on the criteria (in this case, the amount of skin melanoma) established by the controlling group". So if you can tell me a what point in the current society, or even through the historical time of creation and existence of this country, that the black race, either as an individual or collusive group, had the ability, through political power, policy or control of resources, that they could override the collective will of Caucasians in this country, then yes, I would agree that a black man can be racist.

We can be prejudice. We can be biased. What we can't be, either individually, or collectively, is racist. (and you can look up the definition of those two words to get a better understanding of what I am saying).

Simple example given the topic that generated this conversation: At what point in time did the collective black players had enough influence, control, and power to change the outcome of the Kaepernick decision? Answer: they never did because the controlling power doesn't reside with them, but does with the white team owners. So the collective will of the owners said, "to hell with what you want, we are not signing you, thus crippling you economically, and there isn't a thing any of you collectively can do about it."

When you look at the racial issue in this country as one of an individual choice or decision, you seriously do the topic a disservice. By making this a "single person" problem, you would say that racism will be eradicated when each individual changes his/her own mind, when in fact public policies and the systemic (and yes, historical) unequal allocation and distribution of resources are the real issues.
Who decided what the "real" definition of racism is? You're arbitrarily changing definitions to fit your narrative.

Racism is and always has been an attitude, which starts with an individual. Individuals make up a group. The groups comprised of individuals compete for the "resources" and "power." You're speaking of racism as it's a societal imbalance of power. That is the byproduct of racism which allows for discrimination to manifest when one group controls the power. That is not racism, but an addition to it. Which is instead? Systematic racism.

According to

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human-racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

Any individual, no matter the group they belong to, can implement this. If enough individuals wielding power implemented this that is institutional racism, which is exactly what you are describing. A specific kind of system that is based on the attitude, that is racism.

You're implying that a majority can only be racist to a minority, power vs no power, and that is utterly false. You're just needlessly convoluting the language so racism is a very specific thing that can't, by definition, include black people. It's a very foolish conflation that excuses racism in some directions. Thankfully, most do not subscribe to that asinine line of delusional twisting.

These are two fundamentally separate ideas. Do you think that the following two ideas are distinct enough to warrant different terms?
  1. Institutional/widespread oppression of a racial minority by the majority/those wielding power.
  2. Belief of superiority based on racial reasons.
It doesn't matter what you think. We already have separated the two. Using the term racism interchangeably for both doesn't fit. You're simply denying reality if you believe #2 isn't a practice used by some racist black people, let alone impossible for them to use. Same for white people. Your entire premise is laughable and you're a retard looking to fit a political agenda.
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Wouldn't the solution just be to have more black cops policing predominantly black neighborhoods? Encouraging more people of color to become police officers would be a great cause to get behind.
Who decided what the "real" definition of racism is? You're arbitrarily changing definitions to fit your narrative.

Racism is and always has been an attitude, which starts with an individual. Individuals make up a group. The groups comprised of individuals compete for the "resources" and "power." You're speaking of racism as it's a societal imbalance of power. That is the byproduct of racism which allows for discrimination to manifest when one group controls the power. That is not racism, but an addition to it. Which is instead? Systematic racism.

According to

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human-racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

Any individual, no matter the group they belong to, can implement this. If enough individuals wielding power implemented this that is institutional racism, which is exactly what you are describing. A specific kind of system that is based on the attitude, that is racism.

You're implying that a majority can only be racist to a minority, power vs no power, and that is utterly false. You're just needlessly convoluting the language so racism is a very specific thing that can't, by definition, include black people. It's a very foolish conflation that excuses racism in some directions. Thankfully, most do not subscribe to that asinine line of delusional twisting.

These are two fundamentally separate ideas. Do you think that the following two ideas are distinct enough to warrant different terms?
  1. Institutional/widespread oppression of a racial minority by the majority/those wielding power.
  2. Belief of superiority based on racial reasons.
It doesn't matter what you think. We already have separated the two. Using the term racism interchangeably for both doesn't fit. You're simply denying reality if you believe #2 isn't a practice used by some racist black people, let alone impossible for them to use. Same for white people. Your entire premise is laughable and you're a retard looking to fit a political agenda.

Dude, let it go. Please. You are trying way too hard and your adolescent personal insults only further confirm your serious inability to construct a cogent argument against what was originally written. I said I am no longer entertained, so I'm letting this go. But before I leave, please know that I started my definition of racism with the note that the definition used was "convenient" for those that define it i.e. the ones publishing the dictionary. My definition isn't one that's created out of air, but more so details the true nature of racism not by those who benefit from it, but from those who are impacted by it.

BTW, in all your ranting, still no answer to the original question posed.
Dude, let it go. Please. You are trying way too hard and your adolescent personal insults only further confirm your serious inability to construct a cogent argument against what was originally written. I said I am no longer entertained, so I'm letting this go. But before I leave, please know that I started my definition of racism with the note that the definition used was "convenient" for those that define it i.e. the ones publishing the dictionary. My definition isn't one that's created out of air, but more so details the true nature of racism not by those who benefit from it, but from those who are impacted by it.

BTW, in all your ranting, still no answer to the original question posed.
Aka "I recognize that my statement of black people can't be racist should instead say that I believe black people in this country are subject to institutional racism. My previous statement holds no weight and I can't defend it. I'm out. I won't further waste time since I don't know the basic meanings of different words."

It's okay man.
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Not sure they were going to lose per say, a lot of information would come out that would hurt their public image. Same could be said for Kaep’s side as well, in the end it was simpler to just pay a settlement than to draw it out in court.

Per se
I don't understand how people don't understand this concept.

If I went outside my office during lunch every day and stood out by the road with a sign of something I believe strongly in like "Quit taking human lives" or some other topic that has validity and I think is a problem in our country there's no doubt that I would be asked to stop by my employer and if I didn't I would be fired.


What’s sort of ironic, given things like Nike’s ads, is that Kap picked one of the few subjects you could protest on the job and actually get positive press for. And that’s despite how controversial the premises of that protest are.
Aka "I recognize that my statement of black people can't be racist should instead say that I believe black people in this country are subject to institutional racism. My previous statement holds no weight and I can't defend it. I'm out. I won't further waste time since I don't know the basic meanings of different words."

It's okay man.

And in all of that, still not answering the question asked. But as you say, "it's ok man". LOL
Sad have to pay someone because don't want to hire him. No team and no fanbase wants a cancer like that in the locker room. American soldiers died for our flag and country so he could receive that ridiculous settlement, and he can't even stand for national anthem. A disgusting slap in the face to those brave men and women, their families, and those who continue proudly serving for us today.
I love how people like you look to call black people racist; if you knew the true definition of racist, you would see that as a black man, he can't be the one who's a racist.

This has to be a troll right?
Really a shame the NFL likely folded and handed out a hefty settlement but at least we won't have to hear from Kap anymore. Probably worth it just to shut him up and make that nuisance go away.

Could it be that they paid bc they did something wrong? Maybe they didn't but I highly doubt the NFL would have settled if they felt they were clean - they have been known to brawl in the courts for years.
Apologies for triggering you. Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand how delicate some snowflakes can be. I’ll try to be more sensitive to your needs.

There is a big reason I call him the "cursing christian" . The dude will spout out evangelical stuff one minute and make a vulgar cursing comment the next. I am always curious if his preacher curses and uses profane language too?
Could it be that they paid bc they did something wrong? Maybe they didn't but I highly doubt the NFL would have settled if they felt they were clean - they have been known to brawl in the courts for years.

Not likely. They paid the hustler who was shaking them down because they believed it was easiest, quickest, cheapest. Business decision.
Lots of angry white men in this thread who don’t like people raising awareness of cops killing innocent black people. You are on the wrong side of history again.

Glad they got paid by the slavemaster league.

Maybe you should research what percentage of the population are black and what percentage of crime they commit and you may understand why the perceived injustice is a load of horse dung. White people get killed by cops all the time so get your racist head out of your ass, do some research and stop believing the crap that the news media feeds everybody. Maybe if people like Kaepernick cared at all about black on black crime which accounts for the vast majority of the black men killed, maybe they would have some credibility. But no, that's not the cool thing to do and you cant play the race card and be a "victim" of the terrible "slave master" if you go that route.
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They would have done that two years ago then. Don’t be so obtuse.

I'm not being obtuse.

I'm not trying to stand up for the NFL owners intelligence. Far from it. This is a sh*t show of their own making. All they had to do was fine then suspend kap like the would for someone wearing unauthorized socks. But they didn't. Then they tried to ignore it and hope it would go away...which didn't work. So in the end they got hustled. Kap taking it to the bank!
Love when the racists use fake news to support their argument. Kaep never had a single contract offer since he started his protest.

Except John Elway said the Broncos offered him $14MM over 2 yrs. But sure.....playing the racist card and ignoring the facts fits your obvious narrative so carry on.

Could it be that they paid bc they did something wrong? Maybe they didn't but I highly doubt the NFL would have settled if they felt they were clean - they have been known to brawl in the courts for years.

I think it's very possible that an owner or GM said something in an email or text about not wanting "the distraction" or something along those lines that the Kaepernick team got their hands on but that doesn't change the fact that he's a below average player at his position demanding money that hasn't shown he's worth. Since he turned down the player option with the 49ers he's not been interested in rejoining the league unless it was on his terms 100%. He was never going to take a fair deal like the one the Broncos offered him.
Before he started protesting. They also didn’t offer him a $7 million deal with no catch. They asked if the 49ers would trade him to the Broncos would be take a $12 million dollar pay cut which in turn would net him the $7 million.

So nobody is taking a $12 million pay cut. He was still under contract with the 49ers. He still played football after this and made $14 million that year with the 49ers.

They never approached him when he was a free agent.
In all honesty @VeniceTiger @OrangeRegalia

Would you pay him 12+ million a year to play QB for you in the nfl if you were a owner? Do you think that’s a good investment?

If so can you explain your answer?

I’m just asking because I think as a fan, you (any fan) wants to pull for certain players. But as a owner man if I don’t have a Brady, or Brees, I’m looking for the next Watson or Mahomes

You find a low budget QB to get that savings for the next great QB...

Do you honesty think Kap is worth 12+ million? That’s the real question...sure he is better than guys out there, but is that saying anything? Lol no
Kaepernick protesting police brutality is baggage and equivalent to behavioral issues?

Didn't say that!! If Kap wants to protest police brutality then why doesn't he protest in front of police stations that are allegedly committing the brutality. Instead, he protests at his place of work who had nothing to do with police brutality. That is a behavioral issue in my book.
In all honesty @VeniceTiger @OrangeRegalia

Would you pay him 12+ million a year to play QB for you in the nfl if you were a owner? Do you think that’s a good investment?

If so can you explain your answer?

I’m just asking because I think as a fan, you (any fan) wants to pull for certain players. But as a owner man if I don’t have a Brady, or Brees, I’m looking for the next Watson or Mahomes

You find a low budget QB to get that savings for the next great QB...

Do you honesty think Kap is worth 12+ million? That’s the real question...sure he is better than guys out there, but is that saying anything? Lol no
Why are you using $12 million as your number? He never turned down a $12 million contract while protesting. He was never offered anything to play. So would I pay him $12 million? No. Would I pay him something to be a borderline starter/top backup in the league? Yes.
Lots of angry white men in this thread who don’t like people raising awareness of cops killing innocent black people. You are on the wrong side of history again.

Glad they got paid by the slavemaster league.


Donovan McNabb baffled.gif
Why are you using $12 million as your number? He never turned down a $12 million contract while protesting. He was never offered anything to play. So would I pay him $12 million? No. Would I pay him something to be a borderline starter/top backup in the league? Yes.
Would he take 650k a year?

I used 12 cause I read where he was requesting 16 a year, or did the news just make it up?

Btw it makes sense to request a hire number like this because he or he was advice to request a crazy number for him. He looks good to be rejected so you could turn around in court.

I’m am just thinking from a business standpoint

What he did was genius or someone advice him was genius, his playing days were over but look at what he became for standing up(or kneeling) for his opinion.

Every decision he had was planned and well planned
They were winning the collusion case. For the collateral damage maybe not, but they weren’t losing the collusion case.
Who really gives a crap.... just another crybaby over paid athlete. If he really stands for what he claims he would donate it all. BUT HE WONT.... lets move on to the next similar story that will surely follow
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Who really gives a crap.... just another crybaby over paid athlete. If he really stands for what he claims he would donate it all. BUT HE WONT.... lets move on to the next similar story that will surely follow
How are you overpaid when you aren’t getting paid?
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Would he take 650k a year?

I used 12 cause I read where he was requesting 16 a year, or did the news just make it up?

Btw it makes sense to request a hire number like this because he or he was advice to request a crazy number for him. He looks good to be rejected so you could turn around in court.

I’m am just thinking from a business standpoint

What he did was genius or someone advice him was genius, his playing days were over but look at what he became for standing up(or kneeling) for his opinion.

Every decision he had was planned and well planned
No one knows if he’d take $650k because he wasn’t offered anything to turn down based off monetary reasons.
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Kaps a phony-racist- loser, other than that, he’s a really great guy. The NFL has turned into a boring league with spoiled athletes, so I’m not a big fan of them either.
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Well my friend, this is a convenient definition as created by those who like to water down the true aspect of racism so that any one, singular person can be categorized as "racist". However, racism has always been, and will continue to be a "group phenomenon", where it's real definition is "a competitive relationship between two groups of people that are competing for the ownership and control of resources and power. In which one group (which controls those resources) can exert their political will and influences over the other, based solely on the criteria (in this case, the amount of skin melanoma) established by the controlling group". So if you can tell me a what point in the current society, or even through the historical time of creation and existence of this country, that the black race, either as an individual or collusive group, had the ability, through political power, policy or control of resources, that they could override the collective will of Caucasians in this country, then yes, I would agree that a black man can be racist.

We can be prejudice. We can be biased. What we can't be, either individually, or collectively, is racist. (and you can look up the definition of those two words to get a better understanding of what I am saying).

Simple example given the topic that generated this conversation: At what point in time did the collective black players had enough influence, control, and power to change the outcome of the Kaepernick decision? Answer: they never did because the controlling power doesn't reside with them, but does with the white team owners. So the collective will of the owners said, "to hell with what you want, we are not signing you, thus crippling you economically, and there isn't a thing any of you collectively can do about it."

When you look at the racial issue in this country as one of an individual choice or decision, you seriously do the topic a disservice. By making this a "single person" problem, you would say that racism will be eradicated when each individual changes his/her own mind, when in fact public policies and the systemic (and yes, historical) unequal allocation and distribution of resources are the real issues.

Well, sir. When I have a black man calling me a honky, I see a fvcking racist. It is what it is.
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