Some thoughts from a guy who has worked the AOR for 11 years.
- Iranian back militia groups have been attacking US bases in the area ever since we finished off ISIS. I don't want to say its "no big deal" but its not uncommon, we're prepared for it, and its really status quo for the AOR. These sort of attacks aren't dragging us into WW3.
- About every 5 years, plus or minus, Israel has to crack skulls in Gaza and Lebanon. Again, this is nothing new. It isn't starting WW3.
- Yep....Israel shwacking Palestinian zealots ensures a new generation of Palestinian zealots. It's an ugly ride but there's no way off it. You don't have terrorists kill 1200 of your people and not retaliate 10 fold.
- These zealots are literally bred from birth to hate Jews. They are as racist as it comes.
- I support Israel but temper that support with the fact Israel doesn't respectfully acknowledge that their entire existence is contingent on US Aid. They spy on us almost as much as China. The US govt should remind them of our generosity at every opportunity.
- Do you see the Arab nations rising up and offering the Palestinians a home in their countries? This problem could be solved by giving the Palestinians a new home away from Israeli border. Saudi has plenty of land and a need for workers. I don't see them offering to help. Why? Saud believe Palestinian are beneath them. Same with Egypt, Jordan and the GCC nations.
- The troops the US are sending are to improve our defensive posture in the region AND to signal to Iran to shut the **** up and don't even think about doing anything.
- Anything out of Yemen targeting Israel or the US is not the Houthi''s Iran. Houthi's may be involved but its' Iranian SOF training, supplying and giving them direction. Now you know why the Sauds didn't want the Houthi's to have control of Yemen.
- Publicly the Arab governments will make pronouncements in favor of the Palestinians. Behind the scenes they will quietly support Israel. Why because they hate Iran and is Israel fights Iran.
- Iran is the real enemy here.