Pay Attention

When did we get dupped into believing that we need a new law? We have a law. Its being deliberately ignored.

Here's a little anecdote for those who don't think we have real problems with immigration:

A close friend picks their 5 y/o granddaughter from school. They implore her to hurry, that they have friends coming over and they have a boys her age she can play with. The little girl responds: "do they speak English?"

This is a 100% true story from a close military friend of mine.

I love our imagrant communities and admire the courage and hard work it takes to make it in a foreign land. This is not about them. This is about it being OUR SOVEREIGN RIGHT to be in full control of who comes and goes and the RATE at which that happens.

We have a law. Its being deliberately ignored.

Can you lay out for us here exactly what laws the current administration is ignoring?
So they’re working for a “telecommunications” company, but they’re nosing around a special forces guy’s house with no equipment or identification? That’s brilliant.

They were something like 250yds behind the guy’s house; nosing around the power easement with a telephoto lens. They never say what they were photographing, but it is implied the guy who shot them felt like they were photographing his kid(s). Spying on power infrastructure? Spying on a soldier and his family? Def up to no good.
Selective enforcement of the law is 100% an answer. What’s your play here? You trying to say this group has done a good job? There’s no way you’re trying to insinuate that what this current administration is doing to the country is positive.
Oh he is for sure.
Recommending all American citizens to be armed and ready. We are in very uncertain times.
Selective enforcement of the law is 100% an answer. What’s your play here? You trying to say this group has done a good job? There’s no way you’re trying to insinuate that what this current administration is doing to the country is positive.

Ever since trump commanded the GOP to kill the bi partisan immigration bill to help his own reelection chances, I have seen many on here parrot the right wing talking point that "we dont need new laws, the current administration just needs to enforce the current laws."

Every time I have seen that claim made, I have asked the poster which specific laws were not being enforced. I have never gotten an answer. Not once. That is strange, no? So many making the same claim, but no one can list the specific laws not being enforced.

Another logical question would be, if the current laws, which were enacted almost 40 years ago, are sufficient if enforced, why did the incoming GOP majority in congress immediately draft a new set of laws for the border when elected? Why did they run on that? Why is trump also promising new laws?

These are all logical questions that one would ask if that person was not stuck in an echo chamber that is devoid of logic or reason.
Ever since trump commanded the GOP to kill the bi partisan immigration bill to help his own reelection chances, I have seen many on here parrot the right wing talking point that "we dont need new laws, the current administration just needs to enforce the current laws."

Every time I have seen that claim made, I have asked the poster which specific laws were not being enforced. I have never gotten an answer. Not once. That is strange, no? So many making the same claim, but no one can list the specific laws not being enforced.

Another logical question would be, if the current laws, which were enacted almost 40 years ago, are sufficient if enforced, why did the incoming GOP majority in congress immediately draft a new set of laws for the border when elected? Why did they run on that? Why is trump also promising new laws?

These are all logical questions that one would ask if that person was not stuck in an echo chamber that is devoid of logic or reason.
This is a word salad. Answer my question - why do you think this administration is doing a good job? Illegals, prosecuting your political rival, robbing women of equal rights, arresting property owners, putting J6 people in prison, the economy, unemployment, record social programs, defunding police, allowing people to shit and shoot herion on the streets, lying at literally every opportunity. Or the never ending proxy wars, or the pharma companies that lie or the way Covid was handled. How about how RFK is being treated, or maybe Rachel Levine. Stfu. They’re still blaming Trumps admin who hasn’t been there in 4 years. What are you most proud of??? We will all wait on your enlightenment.
This is a word salad. Answer my question - why do you think this administration is doing a good job? Illegals, prosecuting your political rival, robbing women of equal rights, arresting property owners, putting J6 people in prison, the economy, unemployment, record social programs, defunding police, allowing people to shit and shoot herion on the streets, lying at literally every opportunity. Or the never ending proxy wars, or the pharma companies that lie or the way Covid was handled. How about how RFK is being treated, or maybe Rachel Levine. Stfu. They’re still blaming Trumps admin who hasn’t been there in 4 years. What are you most proud of??? We will all wait on your enlightenment.

You accuse me of a word salad and then you type this dogshit?

Stop answering my question with more questions. Name the laws not being enforced.
This is a word salad. Answer my question - why do you think this administration is doing a good job? Illegals, prosecuting your political rival, robbing women of equal rights, arresting property owners, putting J6 people in prison, the economy, unemployment, record social programs, defunding police, allowing people to shit and shoot herion on the streets, lying at literally every opportunity. Or the never ending proxy wars, or the pharma companies that lie or the way Covid was handled. How about how RFK is being treated, or maybe Rachel Levine. Stfu. They’re still blaming Trumps admin who hasn’t been there in 4 years. What are you most proud of??? We will all wait on your enlightenment.
putting J6 people in prison
👆 This is supposed to be bad?

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Enlighten us then. Instead of beating around the bush.
You aren’t sending in NOCs on false papers to conduct surveillance on static utilities installations that you can accomplish with sats and/or publicly available data.

You accuse me of a word salad and then you type this dogshit?

Stop answering my question with more questions. Name the laws not being enforced.
The current administration is not breaking any law. How many laws has Netanyahu broke? I know y’all love him. Is his administration as good as this one because they haven’t broken a law?

There’s your answer - Biden admin is following the law. But so were Southerners when they had slaves. Do you want man made laws to determine what’s acceptable in a moral sense? If so please carry on. Y’all have done a terrific job of ruining almost every country these liberal ideas are implemented. And the cities here that are blue are third world.
Now what are you proud of again? What are they getting right?
👆 This is supposed to be bad?

Dude. Do you need a picture to justify your opinion. There’s 1000’s of pages of documents, photos, even videos showing that this was a massive overreach. That picture is nothing compared to what was happening in Seattle and Minneapolis, why aren’t you calling for protestors to be arrested there? It was much more violent and millions of dollars in private property were destroyed. Is it rules for thee and not for me?
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Because thousands of protestors were arrested in Seattle and Minneapolis and every other city the right likes to cry about whenever J6 comes up. You know what you don't see? Any of the "libs" on here defending those people.

The current administration is not breaking any law. How many laws has Netanyahu broke? I know y’all love him. Is his administration as good as this one because they haven’t broken a law?

There’s your answer - Biden admin is following the law. But so were Southerners when they had slaves. Do you want man made laws to determine what’s acceptable in a moral sense? If so please carry on. Y’all have done a terrific job of ruining almost every country these liberal ideas are implemented. And the cities here that are blue are third world.
Now what are you proud of again? What are they getting right?
This whole second paragraph is stupid.
Because thousands of protestors were arrested in Seattle and Minneapolis and every other city the right likes to cry about whenever J6 comes up. You know what you don't see? Any of the "libs" on here defending those people.

This whole second paragraph is stupid.
Explain. Have you seen what’s going on in your haven of virtuosity California? They had 100 billion dollar surplus at the end of 22. They now are 30 billion in debt. The governor blamed the weather. He literally blamed climate change for the disastrous policies of the left.
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Because thousands of protestors were arrested in Seattle and Minneapolis and every other city the right likes to cry about whenever J6 comes up. You know what you don't see? Any of the "libs" on here defending those people.

This whole second paragraph is stupid.
Thousands of people were arrested?? Were they charged? Are they still in jail? A bunch of those non-violent J6 folks are still in prison. Didn’t realize they had that happen in the areas I mentioned. Could you please site your information for us to see. Specifically the 1000’s of people that were arrested, there should be tons of documentation on the thousands being arrested. We will wait….
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Explain. Have you seen what’s going on in your haven of virtuosity California? They had 100 billion dollar surplus at the end of 22. They now are 30 billion in debt. The governor blamed the weather. He literally blamed climate change for the disastrous policies of the left.
Explain what? Why the 2nd paragraph is stupid? I don't want to get into a discussion about why we shouldn't have Christian, or any other religion, being the backbone for laws in this country. If you want to live in a Christian Theocracy, I recommend you move to Vatican City.

I don't really care about what's going on in California. I live in Texas, which is about as right wing as it gets, and this state is a ****ing catastrophe.

Thousands of people were arrested?? Were they charged? Are they still in jail? A bunch of those non-violent J6 folks are still in prison. Didn’t realize they had that happen in the areas I mentioned. Could you please site your information for us to see. Specifically the 1000’s of people that were arrested, there should be tons of documentation on the thousands being arrested. We will wait….
Yes, around 14,000 people were arrested following the George Floyd riots of 2020. The articles below go into further detail.

Explain what? Why the 2nd paragraph is stupid? I don't want to get into a discussion about why we shouldn't have Christian, or any other religion, being the backbone for laws in this country. If you want to live in a Christian Theocracy, I recommend you move to Vatican City.

I don't really care about what's going on in California. I live in Texas, which is about as right wing as it gets, and this state is a ****ing catastrophe.

Yes, around 14,000 people were arrested following the George Floyd riots of 2020. The articles below go into further detail.

Were. They. Charged.
1265 people charged with felonies on J6. How many of the peaceful arsonists or looters were charged and served time?? The answer is less than 100. You better start paying attention.
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Dude. Do you need a picture to justify your opinion. There’s 1000’s of pages of documents, photos, even videos showing that this was a massive overreach. That picture is nothing compared to what was happening in Seattle and Minneapolis, why aren’t you calling for protestors to be arrested there? It was much more violent and millions of dollars in private property were destroyed. Is it rules for thee and not for me?
They were arrested and I don't care how stiff their sentences were - they are criminals and deserve what they got. Those riots also have nothing in common with thousands of angry imbeciles attacking our own government over some shit a sociopath made up in his head. This false equivalency is getting really tired.

Now please just answer NY's simple question
They were arrested and I don't care how stiff their sentences were - they are criminals and deserve what they got. Those riots also have nothing in common with thousands of angry imbeciles attacking our own government over some shit a sociopath made up in his head. This false equivalency is getting really tired.

Now please just answer NY's simple question
What was his question? About breaking a law? I answered.
Explain what? Why the 2nd paragraph is stupid? I don't want to get into a discussion about why we shouldn't have Christian, or any other religion, being the backbone for laws in this country. If you want to live in a Christian Theocracy, I recommend you move to Vatican City.

I don't really care about what's going on in California. I live in Texas, which is about as right wing as it gets, and this state is a ****ing catastrophe.

Yes, around 14,000 people were arrested following the George Floyd riots of 2020. The articles below go into further detail.

Who said anything about Christian laws. Simple test here. I have a 16 year old daughter. Should she be able to use the restroom at her school without a man lurking around inside of the women’s bathroom? How about needing an ID to vote? I say yes. That’s common sense. Your turn.
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Were. They. Charged.
Did you read the articles he posted? But again, these events have nothing in common so quit trying to defend Trump with whataboutisms that are completely unrelated.

"An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.

The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.

The dissonance between the rhetoric of Capitol rioters and their supporters and the record established by courts highlights both the racial tension inherent in their arguments — the pro-Donald Trump rioters were largely white and last summer’s protesters were more diverse — and the flawed assessment at the heart of their claims.

“The property damage or accusations of arson and looting from last year, those were serious and they were dealt with seriously, but they weren’t an attack on the very core constitutional processes that we rely on in a democracy, nor were they an attack on the United States Congress,” said Kent Greenfield, a professor at Boston College Law School."
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Why don’t you answer some of mine. I’ve answered it. If you like what you see, if you’re all about this woke liberal agenda please explain it to me. Tell me what we should be excited about. I’m begging you. You win the semantic argument of what law was broken. Now defend it. Tell me how you’re better off.
Were. They. Charged.
1265 people charged with felonies on J6. How many of the peaceful arsonists or looters were charged and served time?? The answer is less than 100. You better start paying attention.
It's slow today, so I'll bite.

127 faced charges in Minnesota, alone. Did they all get time? Probably not, but that wasn't the original question.
Who said anything about Christian laws. Simple test here. I have a 16 year old daughter. Should she be able to use the restroom at her school without a man lurking around inside of the women’s bathroom? How about needing an ID to vote? I say yes. That’s common sense. Your turn.
YOU asked "do you want man made laws determining what is moral?" Man-made laws are usually seen in contrast to divine laws. You should phrase your questions better if that's not what you meant.

I don't want people "lurking around" in any bathrooms, regardless of their gender. I, also, don't have issues with requiring an ID to vote.
It's slow today, so I'll bite.

127 faced charges in Minnesota, alone. Did they all get time? Probably not, but that wasn't the original question.

YOU asked "do you want man made laws determining what is moral?" Man-made laws are usually seen in contrast to divine laws. You should phrase your questions better if that's not what you meant.

I don't want people "lurking around" in any bathrooms, regardless of their gender. I, also, don't have issues with requiring an ID to vote.
Sounds like we have a lot in common then. Do the people you vote for share your beliefs (at least publicly)? Both sides are inundated with liars and psychopaths.
Why don’t you answer some of mine. I’ve answered it. If you like what you see, if you’re all about this woke liberal agenda please explain it to me. Tell me what we should be excited about. I’m begging you. You win the semantic argument of what law was broken. Now defend it. Tell me how you’re better off.
Nah, you've already derailed the thread with false accusations about border laws and now you want me to defend against your exaggerated hyperbole about the Left. Not interested but I will say, my net worth has dramatically increased since Biden has been Pres so I'm doing just fine.
Sounds like we have a lot in common then. Do the people you vote for share your beliefs (at least publicly)? Both sides are inundated with liars and psychopaths.
I pretty much vote straight ticket blue in local elections since the GOP in Texas is full of hyper christian theocratic monsters. If that were to ever change, or if the GOP would put up someone in a local/state election that wasn't the worst person imaginable, then i'd probably go back to voting Republican.

Biden, probably not, but I loathe Trump and would probably vote for a hamburger over him.
Why speculate on what they are trying to do when all you have to do is listen.

"All of them. our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers and all of them to geta path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here."

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Yeah, what's the problem? Do you want to deport 11mm people and completely disrupt the agricultural industry and food&bev industry? It's also a cheaper solution than rounding up and bussing/flying out 11mm people, but then again fiscal conservatism isn't really a MAGA trait.
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The current administration is not breaking any law. How many laws has Netanyahu broke? I know y’all love him. Is his administration as good as this one because they haven’t broken a law?

There’s your answer - Biden admin is following the law. But so were Southerners when they had slaves. Do you want man made laws to determine what’s acceptable in a moral sense? If so please carry on. Y’all have done a terrific job of ruining almost every country these liberal ideas are implemented. And the cities here that are blue are third world.
Now what are you proud of again? What are they getting right?

Under what is happening here. You made a statement that you now admit was factually incorrect. And now you want to pivot from facts and instead talk about your feelings.

**** your feelings.
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