Pfizer vaccine worked.


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I'm sure Trump was in the lab making this happen lol. It is such BS they waited until today to announce it worked.
Trump is for cheaper Pharma prices and more strict rules around price gouging. It's a major part of how he was/is trying to take on lowering medical costs. Pfizer and other big pharma companies wanted Biden. Trump begged for this information to be released prior to the election and they wouldn't do it.

The timing of the release of the information is very peculiar to say the least.
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It will be interesting to see if Kamala will take the vaccine. She stated in her debate that she would not take a vaccine that Trump released... which makes no sense because Trump has nothing to do with making a vaccine.

But this vaccine was developed while Trump was in office. Really weird times when a vaccine is political.
Trump is for cheaper Pharma prices and more strict rules around price gouging. It's a major part of how he was/is trying to take on lowering medical costs. Pfizer and other big pharma companies wanted Biden. Trump begged for this information to be released prior to the election and they wouldn't do it.

The timing of the release of the information is very peculiar to say the least.

The swamp in action.
The Pfizer vaccine will be the first rolled out but would never be commercially viable in a non Covid environment. The Pfizer vaccine must be shipped and and stored at -80 Celsius, a temperature far lower than attainable by any other than a very few medical grade freezers. 60 minutes had a segment last night on the four star general in charge of the logistics on getting the vaccine delivered and disseminated. He has already spent $12 billion in preparing for the roll out and anticipates a total cost of $26 billion. They showed his planning board and is was very apparent that the Pfizer vaccine is the first one that will be available. He also spoke about the problems of transportation and storage of this vaccine and stated he had solutions already in place for the cold storage problems. He would not state the number of doses available for the first rollout, but the lady in charge of the New Jersey vaccine distribution stated she had been told New Jersey would receive 500,000 doses in the first batch. She has 5 million health care workers who need to be vaccinated first. You also have to half the number of doses to reach the treated patient number as two doses are required for each patient. This is very good news on the vaccine front but a very long way to the final solution.
I don’t understand how Pf stock is rising when it will be a free vax.
So now, does that "unifier" of the masses, Joe Biden, thank Trump for his efforts to get this vaccine done at warp speed?
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Or everything is a conspiracy...yalls choice.

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to understand giant corporations use any means necessary to manipulate the business environment in their favor. Big pharma stood to be a big loser in Trump’s healthcare approach.

They we’re funding presidential ads to impact the election. Of course it’s reasonable they would also adjust an announcement like this by a couple weeks if that also had a chance to move the needle.
-80 Celsius?? MINUS 112 Fahrenheit?? All the time?
@OC Tiger
Don't worry. Biden is putting a team together to plan and then submit the plan to focus groups. Then change the plan. Then put together the review of the new plan. He will mandate masks and order more stringent shutdowns to get control of the virus. When the team he put together finally has implemented stage one of the shutdowns and the plan, they will then redefine what constitutes a positive case of COVID and how COVID deaths are reported. The numbers will start to drop, not due to the plans, but due to the redefined cases.

Once his team starts to open up the economy middle of next year, or possibly after Harris is moved into the White House due to Pelosi and the 25th amendment, she will be seen as the savior of the country by leading us through a COVID crisis.

Vaccines will be starting to be rolled out next fall and we will be told how awesome everything is by comparing numbers from 2021 to 2020. But we should all know nothing really changed if you look at things being defined the same.

There will be huge issues of how they roll it out and who gets it first, and any deaths due to the vaccine will be ignored by the MSM as well as any of the issues with the roll out. But hey, Harris is awesome so no one will report it.

Once the vaccine is kind of out there, they will reopen everything in the economy and lift the mask requirement, but still highly encouraged.

And no one will hear about the still hundreds that die every month from COVID, just like no one hears about the same numbers of deaths from Flu and pneumonia right now. The CDC will list these deaths as COVID/Flu/Pneumonia all lumped together and pretty much stop tracking them.

Our country will have lost over a year of economic prosperity and many factories will have relocated to Mexico or oversees during this time due to the economy being shut down and Biden/Harris lifting many of the tax benefits Trump put in place.

But hey, year 1 of Harris as President will be over so we have that.
Hopefully, the Moderna vaccine will also report similar positive results. It's based on the same technology as the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine. If so, allows us to have 2 vaccines going which means we can produce more and innoculate people quicker.

And yes, I was a Moderna Phase 3 tester. Unfortunately, I got the placebo. I went and got tested for antibodies a few weeks after the second booster shot.

One thing to keep in mind about these, and this is based on anectdotal evidence with other trail participants, the second "booster" shot packs quite a punch. A lot of people run fever after getting it and feel really bad for 12-24 hours. Chills, fever, headaches, etc. They said it was quite a bit more powerful than a regular flu shot. But still better than getting COVID.

Also, the Moderna vaccine does not need to be kept at the super cold temps like the Pfizer vaccine.
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The Pfizer vaccine will be the first rolled out but would never be commercially viable in a non Covid environment. The Pfizer vaccine must be shipped and and stored at -80 Celsius, a temperature far lower than attainable by any other than a very few medical grade freezers. 60 minutes had a segment last night on the four star general in charge of the logistics on getting the vaccine delivered and disseminated. He has already spent $12 billion in preparing for the roll out and anticipates a total cost of $26 billion. They showed his planning board and is was very apparent that the Pfizer vaccine is the first one that will be available. He also spoke about the problems of transportation and storage of this vaccine and stated he had solutions already in place for the cold storage problems. He would not state the number of doses available for the first rollout, but the lady in charge of the New Jersey vaccine distribution stated she had been told New Jersey would receive 500,000 doses in the first batch. She has 5 million health care workers who need to be vaccinated first. You also have to half the number of doses to reach the treated patient number as two doses are required for each patient. This is very good news on the vaccine front but a very long way to the final solution.

How can NJ have 5 million health care workers? The entire population of New Jersey is just 9 million people, something is off.
This is definitely an attempt to inject tracking chips into Americans so that Democrats can control the masses.
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I got the AZ vaccine last Tuesday. 66% get vaccine. I developed most of the side affects 24 hours after I got it, so that makes me pretty sure I got vaccine. Had pretty solid fatigue and chills but only lasted about 1 day.
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Great!!! Just in time for Joe Biden to take credit. He will likely say that he was getting this done behind the scenes?
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How can NJ have 5 million health care workers? The entire population of New Jersey is just 9 million people, something is off.
The number was quote from her and I assumed all first responders ( police. fire and medic) as well as associated hospital and nursing home staff.
Good for you.

Many of us made this prediction in March/April, etc. It was quite obvious, despite the lib outrage at such a thought.
I’m just thankful that the rich will continue to get richer under a democrat. It’s important America sees what failed government interventionist policies do to people. With Trump out they don’t have the “orange man bad” excuse.

Will be even funnier after Bezo’s hits 200 billion net worth before 2024.
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I’m just thankful that the rich will continue to get richer under a democrat. It’s important America sees what failed government interventionist policies do to people. With Trump out they don’t have the “orange man bad” excuse.

Will be even funnier after Bezo’s hits 200 billion net worth before 2024.

The Ga senate runoffs are of mass importance. I’ll do my part.
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I got the AZ vaccine last Tuesday. 66% get vaccine. I developed most of the side affects 24 hours after I got it, so that makes me pretty sure I got vaccine. Had pretty solid fatigue and chills but only lasted about 1 day.
Is Astrazeneca a 1 shot deal or 2? Can't remember.

Pfizer and Moderna are 2 shots. The second seems to be the real kicker
If possible, I will take a vaccine based on the dead virus (old technology). The RNA vaccines have been out (there is a shingles vaccine in use). There are people that experienced side effects from that shingles vaccine. The Covid vaccines are being tested more thoroughly than even the shingles RNA was. Trials just can't be big enough (although the Chinese vaccine being tested in Brazil comes close).

I just want the politics in Covid-19 to end. Stop reporting infections and just show death rate and hospital capacity. Roll the vaccines out when they meet analysis. Leave operation warp speed in place to reduce time to develop vaccines. Go ahead and start development of a vaccine for the new covid found in minks that is already proven to jump to humans.
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Just as Trump promised it would be before the end of the year.
Fastest vaccine in human history for a novel virus like this.
The man worked his ass off cutting bureaucratic red tape and made it happen.
Great job America and Trump.

This is great news. I cannot wait to see Biden at the podium announcing widespread distribution of the vaccine next year. He will say "Today we have rebounded from the economic and healthcare hell scape of the previous administration. I have defeated the virus and rebuilt out economy. We have diverted billions of dollars of federal aid to save NYC. Clemson has reclaimed the national title. Today, America is great again. God bless America, and god bless your Uncle Joe. You're welcome."
Wait, why does a vaccine help since this was all a hoax to get Trump out of office? I'm so confused...

Oh, and its now time for the anti-vaxxer crowd to start making A LOT of noise. I heard in from a next door neighbor this weekend.
This is great news. I cannot wait to see Biden at the podium announcing widespread distribution of the vaccine next year. He will say "Today we have rebounded from the economic and healthcare hell scape of the previous administration. I have defeated the virus and rebuilt out economy. We have diverted billions of dollars of federal aid to save NYC. Clemson has reclaimed the national title. Today, America is great again. God bless America, and god bless your Uncle Joe. You're welcome."

The Pfizer vaccine will be the first rolled out but would never be commercially viable in a non Covid environment. The Pfizer vaccine must be shipped and and stored at -80 Celsius, a temperature far lower than attainable by any other than a very few medical grade freezers. 60 minutes had a segment last night on the four star general in charge of the logistics on getting the vaccine delivered and disseminated. He has already spent $12 billion in preparing for the roll out and anticipates a total cost of $26 billion. They showed his planning board and is was very apparent that the Pfizer vaccine is the first one that will be available. He also spoke about the problems of transportation and storage of this vaccine and stated he had solutions already in place for the cold storage problems. He would not state the number of doses available for the first rollout, but the lady in charge of the New Jersey vaccine distribution stated she had been told New Jersey would receive 500,000 doses in the first batch. She has 5 million health care workers who need to be vaccinated first. You also have to half the number of doses to reach the treated patient number as two doses are required for each patient. This is very good news on the vaccine front but a very long way to the final solution.

FWIW, Trane Technologies (NYSE:TT) and the subsidiary Thermoking has containers that can maintain -77 C for days, much more effective compared to the existing supply chain. The challenge with the cold temp storage has been known and in the works for 6+ months.
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I was talking to a friend early this morning and was like "I can't wait to see the right wing conspiracy theorists on the timing of the Pfizer news."

[Logs onto TI, confirms suspicions]

We all are aware why this was your initial thought.