Don't worry. Biden is putting a team together to plan and then submit the plan to focus groups. Then change the plan. Then put together the review of the new plan. He will mandate masks and order more stringent shutdowns to get control of the virus. When the team he put together finally has implemented stage one of the shutdowns and the plan, they will then redefine what constitutes a positive case of COVID and how COVID deaths are reported. The numbers will start to drop, not due to the plans, but due to the redefined cases.
Once his team starts to open up the economy middle of next year, or possibly after Harris is moved into the White House due to Pelosi and the 25th amendment, she will be seen as the savior of the country by leading us through a COVID crisis.
Vaccines will be starting to be rolled out next fall and we will be told how awesome everything is by comparing numbers from 2021 to 2020. But we should all know nothing really changed if you look at things being defined the same.
There will be huge issues of how they roll it out and who gets it first, and any deaths due to the vaccine will be ignored by the MSM as well as any of the issues with the roll out. But hey, Harris is awesome so no one will report it.
Once the vaccine is kind of out there, they will reopen everything in the economy and lift the mask requirement, but still highly encouraged.
And no one will hear about the still hundreds that die every month from COVID, just like no one hears about the same numbers of deaths from Flu and pneumonia right now. The CDC will list these deaths as COVID/Flu/Pneumonia all lumped together and pretty much stop tracking them.
Our country will have lost over a year of economic prosperity and many factories will have relocated to Mexico or oversees during this time due to the economy being shut down and Biden/Harris lifting many of the tax benefits Trump put in place.
But hey, year 1 of Harris as President will be over so we have that.