Originally posted by CUT93:
Originally posted by KingBMich:
Why is it ok to mock someones religion but not their sexuality?
I will provide the answer based on the thought at large.
Religion is a choice. You can be Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, Jewish, Protestant and many others. The large factions are mocked some but the extreme, rare versions: Wicken, cult factions, Scientologists are mocked daily.
You can change your religion tomorrow if you want. You can choose to have no religion at all. Having options makes it debatable and subject to criticism. Many on this board CHOOSE to follow religions deep in protesting the way Christianity was being consumed. Essentially mocking earlier form of Christianity until it was comfortable(Methodist, Baptist) to your liking.
Sexuality is a natural attraction, not a decision. For the vast majority of people, you are not choosing your sexuality. I'm know there are some making a choice(and those folks IMO are subject to mocking - Lindsay Lohan/Samantha Ronson, white guy/with submissive Asian woman).
But the vast majority are doing what comes natural.
is it cool to mock someone for missing an arm? Is it ok to make fun of someone who can't see? Is it ok to mock a person kissing another human being who are attracted to each other?
Im with the majority. Calling attention to oneself in that manner is not appropriate. That display on TV the other day is unnecessary and was exactly that, a display. Kiss each other as you normally do. If they do that every time, I stand corrected.
This argument is flawed, illogical, and unsupportable.
First, for those who are truly Christians, it is not a choice. It is the way they feel, it is what they believe. They love their God. It is not a choice. The way we act, what we do, what we say - these are choices we make. What you believe, how you feel, who you love are not choices.
Second if the explination/justification for living a gay lifestyle is that "sexuality is a natural attraction" and that they are "doing what comes natural" tell me this. If you strictly stick to sexual attraction what is your opinion to child molesters? Did they get up one day and say "gee, I think I want to be a child molester from now on"? No, it is a natural attraction, it is the way their brains are wired. They can not help the desires they have. HOWEVER, they can choose not to act on them. Also, if you are married, does that mean you stop being physically attracted to other women? Is it okay for you to cheat on your wife just because you are "doing what comes natural"?
I will not pretend to tell someone they can choose how they "feel" or who they may be attracted to. What I will say is that you can choose how you act. We all choose how we act. We choose how we respond to the way we feel, whether it is a response to anger, love, humiliation, lust(sexual attraction), etc.
The most common defense or argument that homosexuality is not a sin is that you are born that way, that you don't, as you say, choose to be gay. This argument is frankly absurd. A psychopath? A sociopath? Are any actions someone takes as a result of the way they feel or how their brain is wired justified? No.