Poll about social media

Are you afraid or concerned about posting on social media?

  • Yes. I’m concerned about my job/livelihood about posting or liking something controversial.

    Votes: 123 20.8%
  • Yes, but I’m fairly confident the cancel culture is limited to “names” and not regular people

    Votes: 11 1.9%
  • Everyone should limit what they say on social media

    Votes: 141 23.9%
  • I post anonymously so I’m fine.

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • No. Cancel culture isn’t a real threat.

    Votes: 9 1.5%
  • No. Don’t play stupid games and you won’t win stupid prizes.

    Votes: 84 14.2%
  • Don’t do social media.

    Votes: 219 37.1%

  • Total voters
I don’t do social media, but everyone for sure should watch what they say on those platforms. Not just for cancel culture (which is a real concern IMO), but if you ever find yourself in litigation like divorce, child custody, business dealings, or even criminal. All that shit you say on social media can be used against you in those instances.
Would like to read the board’s thoughts on this.
I think most people who have been “cancelled” have said some really stupid things. Like the woman that got fired from the mandalorian - said that being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany. I mean, come on, what did she expect the reaction would be to that?

Where it really bothers me is when they go back in someone’s twitter account several years and start pulling out quotes, which I believe is what happened to Kevin Hart when he was slated to host the oscars.

Like all things, people just need to be aware that what they say on social media can have consequences.
I think most people who have been “cancelled” have said some really stupid things. Like the woman that got fired from the mandalorian - said that being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany. I mean, come on, what did she expect the reaction would be to that?

Where it really bothers me is when they go back in someone’s twitter account several years and start pulling out quotes, which I believe is what happened to Kevin Hart when he was slated to host the oscars.

Like all things, people just need to be aware that what they say on social media can have consequences.
I mean that was a dumb statement, but is it worth losing your job over? I’m sure any/all celebrities that said that “TrUmP iS liTerAllY hITler” are still doing just fine.
The whole concept of social media is lost on me. I don't think that my life, thoughts, feelings are interesting to anyone outside of my close friends and family, so why would I broadcast them? I definitely do not care what someone (non expert on subject matter) thinks/feels about almost any topic. I know this makes me seem like "old man yells at clouds". :D
Cancel culture is an absolute scourge on humanity. To be clear, it is about power. The only speech they care to cancel is speech that they don't agree with. And, the fact that there is a "they" illustrates that there is a group exerting power, influence, and, now, control over others. It is not an overstatement to say that everyone should be concerned about this. It is now beyond censored speech. The cancel culture mob are truly the extremists of the day. And, they will not be satisfied at stopping at your speech.
What kinds of things are people saying on social media that would have them conceded about their jobs? That’s the real question.
Things like calling out non-white people for their racism, pointing out scientific facts like there is no such thing as a transgender person but there are a lot of people suffering from mental illness, etc. Just basic, scientific facts that the left has decided to ignore or outright defy.
I think most people who have been “cancelled” have said some really stupid things. Like the woman that got fired from the mandalorian - said that being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany. I mean, come on, what did she expect the reaction would be to that?

Where it really bothers me is when they go back in someone’s twitter account several years and start pulling out quotes, which I believe is what happened to Kevin Hart when he was slated to host the oscars.

Like all things, people just need to be aware that what they say on social media can have consequences.

What do you make of this, then?

What do you make of this, then?

I mean putting people in cages seems like a more direct comparison than comparing people not liking your political views to genocide, no?

Personally I think it’s just beautiful capitalism. People can decide what they want to say on social media and businesses can decide if they want to continue to employ that person. Freedom is awesome!
I've deactivated my Facebook account because I don't agree with how Facebook is run. I still have my Instagram account, but have reservations about it because it's Facebook owned and I very very rarely post anything. Twitter I mainly just consume content.

But, generally speaking, I have no issues with the premise of posting things on social media, just don't be an idiot. If you use it as stream of consciousness and put stupid things out there, then you should reap the repercussions.
IE; don't post anything you wouldn't say out loud to another human being.
I have social media platforms but I mainly use it to look up businesses and links that require me to have one in order to view it. I can't tell you the last time I posted anything on social media or just browsed it for the hell of it. I have no interest in scrolling through people's lives which is usually a brag fest of all the good and none of the bad.

I wish I could get my wife, sister, and mother off of it. It's especially bad for women who tend to spend a lot more time on things like facebook and instagram where all they see is the glamorous stuff. They get a false sense of reality. It happens to men as well to be fair but in my experience not nearly as much.

Pet peeve. It drives me nuts to see people just sitting around mindlessly scrolling through facebook. I always give my wife a hard time if we are in the car and she is doing it. If we are on vacation, we try not to use it at all. You shouldn't care what Karen is doing when you are sitting by the pool/beach or exploring or taking in a new place. If you do, then you should seek professional counseling.
Coworker was fired this week for being in DC on Jan 6. Company saw his posts on FB. Let that sink in. Just for being there, he was fired.

Big brother is watching. And corporations like Bank of America is helping them without a warrent.

My twitter will be killed soon. I don't want to kill my FB because it does enable me to stay in contact with some friends. That said, I am seriously considering deleting my account.
I think most people who have been “cancelled” have said some really stupid things. Like the woman that got fired from the mandalorian - said that being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany. I mean, come on, what did she expect the reaction would be to that?

Where it really bothers me is when they go back in someone’s twitter account several years and start pulling out quotes, which I believe is what happened to Kevin Hart when he was slated to host the oscars.

Like all things, people just need to be aware that what they say on social media can have consequences.
Having a dumb opinion should not lead to anyone getting cancelled. Otherwise, you would have been cancelled many years ago. :cool:

She should not have been cancelled for stating a dumb opinion. Kevin Hart should not have been cancelled over tweets. None of this shit should be happening. There are dumb people with bad opinions all over the place. But they should be allowed to have them because they are fvcking opinions!

But all that is happening is people bitching about the cancel culture but doing nothing about it. Somehow, it continues and gets worse by the day. At some point, people will have to stand up against this shit. But I don't have any idea what that looks like or how it happens.
Here's a good rule of thumb.

If you're expressing a view that you wouldn't be sharing in a room full of your colleagues at work, then you probably shouldn't be posting it on social media.

Despite how long it's been around now, people still can't seem to grasp the concept that social media is not a part of your private life. It is part of your public life.
Coworker was fired this week for being in DC on Jan 6. Company saw his posts on FB. Let that sink in. Just for being there, he was fired.

Big brother is watching. And corporations like Bank of America is helping them without a warrent.

My twitter will be killed soon. I don't want to kill my FB because it does enable me to stay in contact with some friends. That said, I am seriously considering deleting my account.
This is insane and I feel like lawsuits need to be filed.

What someone does without breaking the law is none of a company's business outside of working hours so long as they are not acting on behalf of the company.

I don't see how being fired for supporting Trump on social media is any different than firing someone for posting gay rights stuff or BLM. In both cases no laws were broken and in both cases it's discrimination based on that company's beliefs. It should be illegal in both instances to fire them.
Things are out of control right now. People are just losing it and this is a dangerous time. I just don't understand how this is happening in the United States except to say that we're no longer the land of the free and we sure as hell have forgotten we are the home of the brave. Freedom isn't free and I fear a time of payment is coming due.
I think most people who have been “cancelled” have said some really stupid things. Like the woman that got fired from the mandalorian - said that being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany. I mean, come on, what did she expect the reaction would be to that?

Where it really bothers me is when they go back in someone’s twitter account several years and start pulling out quotes, which I believe is what happened to Kevin Hart when he was slated to host the oscars.

Like all things, people just need to be aware that what they say on social media can have consequences.

I had to go look this up because Ive never had a facebook, or IG, or snachpat or any other social media account.

After reading what I think you are referencing...she didnt say - from what I read- anything comparing being a R to being a Jew in Nazi Germany.

What I read was her making a histroically accuate post, one I learned about in Clemson in a Wrold History class. One of the brillinaces of Hitler was his manipulation and brainwash techniques. He did convince the public to despise Jewish people largely and largely had them do the outing for the Nazi soldiers.

I think the message was - we all have to be mindful of indoctrination from any source. Either aligned or opposed with our primary view point.
I mean putting people in cages seems like a more direct comparison than comparing people not liking your political views to genocide, no?

Personally I think it’s just beautiful capitalism. People can decide what they want to say on social media and businesses can decide if they want to continue to employ that person. Freedom is awesome!

the problem is people are really not free to post what they want. Social media companies allowed a completely false narrative of Trump collision to run for many years without a verified fact both before and after an investigation. Yet any whiff of Biden’s corruption with China that appeared to have more initial evidence than Trumps collusion claims and the platforms shut it down.

I don’t care if you like Trump or not and realize it has nothing to do with the first amendment. But at least be honest with your uses and don’t claim no bias when there clearly is.
Things like calling out non-white people for their racism, pointing out scientific facts like there is no such thing as a transgender person but there are a lot of people suffering from mental illness, etc. Just basic, scientific facts that the left has decided to ignore or outright defy.

Care to share any specific examples?
Things are out of control right now. People are just losing it and this is a dangerous time. I just don't understand how this is happening in the United States except to say that we're no longer the land of the free and we sure as hell have forgotten we are the home of the brave. Freedom isn't free and I fear a time of payment is coming due.
Agree. And people are doing it without realizing. Freely giving up their rights by hating people who disagree with them so strongly. It's all fun when they are ganging up on Trump supporters/democrats/etc (both sides are guilty), but when it comes back at them, it will feel differently.

I would support any big business that stands up against this. If the Star Wars people said "We hired her for her acting skills, not her opinions. While we certainly do not agree with her opinion here, we will continue to employ as Dune going forward." I would go out and buy Mando gear just because. Something has to give!
This is insane and I feel like lawsuits need to be filed.

What someone does without breaking the law is none of a company's business outside of working hours so long as they are not acting on behalf of the company.

I don't see how being fired for supporting Trump on social media is any different than firing someone for posting gay rights stuff or BLM. In both cases no laws were broken and in both cases it's discrimination based on that company's beliefs. It should be illegal in both instances to fire them.
South Carolina is a right to work state. A company doesn't need a reason to let you go.
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South Carolina is a right to work state. A company doesn't need a reason to let you go.
As an employer, that is not totally true in the context people use it.

Yes, you can fire anyone. But they can sue you and you can lose. You have to document the shit out of everything and show that you gave them specific instructions they could not or did not do. You have to be especillay careful firing women and elderly. They will sue for discrimination and clean you out without proper documentation.
This is insane and I feel like lawsuits need to be filed.

What someone does without breaking the law is none of a company's business outside of working hours so long as they are not acting on behalf of the company.

I don't see how being fired for supporting Trump on social media is any different than firing someone for posting gay rights stuff or BLM. In both cases no laws were broken and in both cases it's discrimination based on that company's beliefs. It should be illegal in both instances to fire them.

You know what solves this problem? A union...

But also. Companies should be able to fire employees for expressing views that contradict the companies values in or out of work. Are you advocating for more government control of a businesses ability to fire someone?
I had to go look this up because Ive never had a facebook, or IG, or snachpat or any other social media account.

After reading what I think you are referencing...she didnt say - from what I read- anything comparing being a R to being a Jew in Nazi Germany.

What I read was her making a histroically accuate post, one I learned about in Clemson in a Wrold History class. One of the brillinaces of Hitler was his manipulation and brainwash techniques. He did convince the public to despise Jewish people largely and largely had them do the outing for the Nazi soldiers.

I think the message was - we all have to be mindful of indoctrination from any source. Either aligned or opposed with our primary view point.

What she said is historically accurate and true in the philosophical sense. It is something that has been washed over but it happened. He used his beer hall speeches to stir hatred against the Jews. It was part of what carried him to power whether people want to recognize this or not. Identify with people's suffering, convince them there is a way forward and then show them who to blame for their plight. It is the modern leftist playbook and it is also used on the far right. It's dangerous and has devastating consequences. Right now, this dehumanization is taking place in the media and on the left at a frightening pace.

All of this is further exacerbated by the silo people live in now with all the Covid restrictions. We're not going to games, restaurants, social events, etc. and seeing each other as just people. We have little to no common ground now. There's no time when we're exposed to people and see them simply as people. A silo fills quickly while flat ground doesn't and all the confirmation bias is reaching an apex we won't be able to control. It is really scary to watch. People like Matt Taibbi, Glen Greenwald and Bari Weiss saw this a while back. I wish other good hearted liberals and conservatives would see this and start to turn back the tide before it washes us all away.
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the problem is people are really not free to post what they want. Social media companies allowed a completely false narrative of Trump collision to run for many years without a verified fact both before and after an investigation. Yet any whiff of Biden’s corruption with China that appeared to have more initial evidence than Trumps collusion claims and the platforms shut it down.

I don’t care if you like Trump or not and realize it has nothing to do with the first amendment. But at least be honest with your uses and don’t claim no bias when there clearly is.
Man I love capitalism! Private business has the right to do as they please and consumers have the right to use their service or not use their service. Twitter beating expectations on revenue and EPS in Q4 so the market is siding with them.
South Carolina is a right to work state. A company doesn't need a reason to let you go.
NOT TRUE. SC is a right to work state but there are still rules on that.
A right to work state is a state that employers can terminate employees who do not have a written employment contract for any non-discriminatory, non-retaliatory reason.
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The actress in question did not state that, "being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany." Did some people see that as her intent? Probably... but being cancelled for how people view your "intent" isdangerous in my opinion.

Second, while corporations are entitled to do as they please within the law when it comes to hiring and firing people... what people do on their own time should be protected to a degree.

When Colin Kapernick was let go from the NFL, his 'intent' was debated by several people... but he was doing his protests on his employers dime. Hence I can see his subsequent firing.

In 2016 I was given a written reprimand by the local BOE because I was reported by a parent for "liking a tweet" that espoused Hillary Clinton supporters as "whiners." In reality I liked an article that showcased the graduation rate of Clemson football players. When you clicked on that article, and scrolled down, there was a political cartoon that had 4 pictures of Clinton supporters with smiles talking about "unity" and a 4th picture of someone in tears screaming obscenities after the election.

I never saw the cartoon... I loved the article... my like and retweet was captions with "Getting it DONE #GoTigers!"

I agree that I wouldn't say or like anything that I wouldn't say in person, or to my fellow co-workers.... hence my longstanding tradition of posting under my real name.

But I think this is getting extremely dangerous.
You know what solves this problem? A union...

But also. Companies should be able to fire employees for expressing views that contradict the companies values in or out of work. Are you advocating for more government control of a businesses ability to fire someone?
Lot of socialists ITT that apparently want more government regulations placed on private businesses and increased worker protections.
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I have a IG page with 20k followers which deals with street photography/drug addiction/awareness of inner city Philadelphia... Four or five years ago I would go live every once in a while until people starting coming to my job(banking) saying "your the guy the crazy instagram page".. So I post anonymously now... You wouldn't IMAGINE the dm's I get.. From people threatening my life to people saying my page keeps them sober and EVEYRTHING in between
As an employer, that is not totally true in the context people use it.

Yes, you can fire anyone. But they can sue you and you can lose. You have to document the shit out of everything and show that you gave them specific instructions they could not or did not do. You have to be especillay careful firing women and elderly. They will sue for discrimination and clean you out without proper documentation.
You nailed it, and IMO, the biggest issue here is that people just don't understand the law.

People like to compare how Dylan Roof and George Floyd were treated, illustrating a false point of white privilege. George Floyd died because he didn't follow the law once police arrived. Dylan Roof followed the law once police arrived, so he lived. Black or white had nothing to do with it. One guy followed the law, the other continued to break it.

Now, don't be silly and try to put words in my mouth, I'm not saying that resisting arrest is a valid reason for a cop to kill a suspect. That's ignorance. But in the case of George Floyd, he wasn't killed by the cops anyway, he OD'ed. He was dead before the cops even touched him.