Poll about social media

Are you afraid or concerned about posting on social media?

  • Yes. I’m concerned about my job/livelihood about posting or liking something controversial.

    Votes: 123 20.8%
  • Yes, but I’m fairly confident the cancel culture is limited to “names” and not regular people

    Votes: 11 1.9%
  • Everyone should limit what they say on social media

    Votes: 141 23.9%
  • I post anonymously so I’m fine.

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • No. Cancel culture isn’t a real threat.

    Votes: 9 1.5%
  • No. Don’t play stupid games and you won’t win stupid prizes.

    Votes: 84 14.2%
  • Don’t do social media.

    Votes: 219 37.1%

  • Total voters
No, he shouldn't. Words should not have that type power. He didn't call anybody that word. He said it while drunk to one of his friends. Context should matter. Blip on the radar, like "Morgan Wallen is an idiot when he's drunk." Ok. Cancel him from radio and not let him on the CMA's? GTFO.

What's funny is... here you are as a white guy thinking Morgan Wallen should be in trouble (and nobody here would expect any less from you), while black guys are popping up everywhere saying they don't have an issue with it. Much ado about nothing. If they don't care, it's ridiculous that you do. His album sales sky rocketed this week.
Whether words should have power or if they do are two different things. That word absolutely has power. Point blank do not use that word ever. I'm glad people on here know that I'm not cool with letting non-black people use that word. That is exactly how I want everyone to look at me. Also you'd be naïve or just don't care if you think this is the only time he has used this word around his friends. Drunk or not.

Also nowhere have I called for him to be taken off the radio or the CMA's. If I'm the CMA's though, I'm probably gonna tell him thanks but we are good without you performing this year. Your actions have consequences and this seems to be a fair one IMO.

Majority of black people are not ok with white people using the N word. You can pull out your anecdotal evidence but by and large black people are not cool with it. They'll go about their day but they'll never respect or trust you after that.

His album sales booming does not surprise me in the least. I mean we are talking about country music loving white people. This is right up their alley.
Let me tell you this my friend. I have worked with over 100 people on this board in the past year on refinance loans. It's a lot more than social media. It's a community of a lot of really great people. I've been so blessed to work with folks here in TI. We all need to treat each other better, myself included because I have been an ass as well and that's not right for anyone.
You don't have to take it as a negative. After all, an online community of really great people is social media + great people.
Whether words should have power or if they do are two different things. That word absolutely has power. Point blank do not use that word ever. I'm glad people on here know that I'm not cool with letting non-black people use that word. That is exactly how I want everyone to look at me. Also you'd be naïve or just don't care if you think this is the only time he has used this word around his friends. Drunk or not.

Also nowhere have I called for him to be taken off the radio or the CMA's. If I'm the CMA's though, I'm probably gonna tell him thanks but we are good without you performing this year. Your actions have consequences and this seems to be a fair one IMO.

Majority of black people are not ok with white people using the N word. You can pull out your anecdotal evidence but by and large black people are not cool with it. They'll go about their day but they'll never respect or trust you after that.

His album sales booming does not surprise me in the least. I mean we are talking about country music loving white people. This is right up their alley.

You ok with derogatory slurs aimed at Whites, Asians, Latinas or any other race/culture?
Why would I be? Also, why are you using whataboutism?
I swear you guys all have the same play book you post out of. Whataboutism is page 3.

You know who hates whataboutism? People who know their hypocritical stances are not in line with logic.

Don't bother responding. All rhetorical here.
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I swear you guys all have the same play book you post out of. Whataboutism is page 3.

You know who hates whataboutism? People who know their hypocritical stances are not in line with logic.

Don't bother responding. All rhetorical here.
Having a dumb opinion should not lead to anyone getting cancelled. Otherwise, you would have been cancelled many years ago. :cool:

She should not have been cancelled for stating a dumb opinion. Kevin Hart should not have been cancelled over tweets. None of this shit should be happening. There are dumb people with bad opinions all over the place. But they should be allowed to have them because they are fvcking opinions!

But all that is happening is people bitching about the cancel culture but doing nothing about it. Somehow, it continues and gets worse by the day. At some point, people will have to stand up against this shit. But I don't have any idea what that looks like or how it happens.
It won't be pretty....and probably very violent. JMO
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You sound like an old man that has lost his self awareness.

I sound like I have lost my self awareness? Please explain. I literally poke fun at myself in my post.

I am on this site because I love Clemson athletics and I enjoy reading the articles that C/L/P publish. I come on the message board because I enjoy reading other's opinions/thoughts on the the teams as well. I don't post much because I either don't care about the subject matter or I have nothing to add to the discussion. You might want to consider that methodology before making any future posts.

The ageism is just stunning on this board. He doesn't sound like an old man. He sounds like someone who knows who he is and doesn't need to broadcast everything he feels to the world. He sounds like the kind of person we need a lot more of.

This might be a bit hyperbolic. Ha Ha
Whether words should have power or if they do are two different things. That word absolutely has power. Point blank do not use that word ever. I'm glad people on here know that I'm not cool with letting non-black people use that word. That is exactly how I want everyone to look at me. Also you'd be naïve or just don't care if you think this is the only time he has used this word around his friends. Drunk or not.

Also nowhere have I called for him to be taken off the radio or the CMA's. If I'm the CMA's though, I'm probably gonna tell him thanks but we are good without you performing this year. Your actions have consequences and this seems to be a fair one IMO.

Majority of black people are not ok with white people using the N word. You can pull out your anecdotal evidence but by and large black people are not cool with it. They'll go about their day but they'll never respect or trust you after that.

His album sales booming does not surprise me in the least. I mean we are talking about country music loving white people. This is right up their alley.
your last paragraph ruins your point
Why would I be? Also, why are you using whataboutism?

I merely asked a question based on your previous answer. You are obviously bothered by the use of a slur against Blacks (understandable) but I didn't see where you were as equally bothered the other way. Hence my asking a question for clarification. Simple and precise. As to your question above, I don't know why you would be or wouldn't be because I don't know you personally. I can assume a lot of things but unless it is confirmed, I can't really know for sure.
I merely asked a question based on your previous answer. You are obviously bothered by the use of a slur against Blacks (understandable) but I didn't see where you were as equally bothered the other way. Hence my asking a question for clarification. Simple and precise. As to your question above, I don't know why you would be or wouldn't be because I don't know you personally. I can assume a lot of things but unless it is confirmed, I can't really know for sure.
Didn't realize I had to state I was equally against slurs towards other races of people to get my point across. But now you know and hopefully understand my post better.
Didn't realize I had to state I was equally against slurs towards other races of people to get my point across. But now you know and hopefully understand my post better.

"His album sales booming does not surprise me in the least. I mean we are talking about country music loving white people. This is right up their alley."

Sterotype much? Point made.
It'll probably be very short as well. I just pray we don't get to that point.
What happened in DC should seriously scare everyone. The Left is pushing policies that hurt the
It'll probably be very short as well. I just pray we don't get to that point.
It's according to what the spark is that would cause the violence. Could you imagine trying to forcibly take a man's guns? With the guaranteed price hikes coming due to the idiotic environmental policies
Not me. My simple question and concern is that it seems "intent" of your words can be used to get you fired. How intent is decided is now left to a mob.
And a not very intelligent mob.
It won't be pretty....and probably very violent. JMO
Who is the violence going to be against? You think people are going to storm Disney head quarters because they fired one person for comments and didn't fire another one over comments?

Are you guys even for real right now?
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Spot on. My favorite quote I was told is “comparison is the thief of joy”. No one’s life is a grand as they make it seem on social media. I got off all social media stuff (I’m in my mid-20s for reference) bc it’s easy to get sucked into feeling like your life isn’t as great as so and so’s, they go on better vacations, etc. It was best for me to just get off of it. I still have to remind my wife that while this couple may go on nicer trips than us, things aren’t always as rosy as they always seem on the outside.
Absolutely. I never went on vacations I couldn't afford to pay cash. I hate debt. I have no debt. But the Jones next door might be living pay check to pay check to go on these excursions you don't go on. Debt is a man's Master.... after the wife ..😁
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Ditched all but one platform a coupe of years ago. The only reason that it was not a "clean" sweep is that one of the worst is my primary means of staying in touch with extended family (some in far-flung locales), and former employees and coworkers.

I find "social media" to be a cesspool, that one has to wade through to find the occasional "nugget."
Brother....I use messenger. My wife started a new FB account for a "few" friends that are FB opinion.... after doing away with her original account.

The Social media originators that use it as their weapon should be hung upside down by the balls. Pushing their agenda and squashing honest opinions isn't American....or it didn't used to be.
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Who is the violence going to be against? You think people are going to storm Disney head quarters because they fired one person for comments and didn't fire another one over comments?

Are you guys even for real right now?
You guys? FY dude. Not even what I meant or hinted at. Move along before I call you something derogatory....
it does for me...if i said a rap album sells well because of (insert black stereotype here) would you be ok with that?
What did I say was untrue? A country star says the N word and then his sales boom afterwards in support of him. Does that surprise you at all?
Lol. You don’t even realize how dumb your “gotcha” moments are. Difference between me and you and your people... I just ignored you and went on about my life. I didn’t seek out ways to cancel you. I never even posted at you. Meanwhile, you have been an insufferable kunt across the board.

Nit surprised you don’t understand the difference.
You guys? FY dude. Not even what I meant or hinted at. Move along before I call you something derogatory....
Take a breath who are you thinking the violence will be against? You claimed it
I’ve been off completely for almost 5 years. Stupid people shouldn’t be given more of a platform to espouse stupid people things. And, it’s just a waste of time. I’m not interested in seeing a curated collection of staged photos and contrived nonsense selected to airbrush your life and impress your e-friends.
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Whether words should have power or if they do are two different things. That word absolutely has power. Point blank do not use that word ever. I'm glad people on here know that I'm not cool with letting non-black people use that word. That is exactly how I want everyone to look at me. Also you'd be naïve or just don't care if you think this is the only time he has used this word around his friends. Drunk or not.

Also nowhere have I called for him to be taken off the radio or the CMA's. If I'm the CMA's though, I'm probably gonna tell him thanks but we are good without you performing this year. Your actions have consequences and this seems to be a fair one IMO.

Majority of black people are not ok with white people using the N word. You can pull out your anecdotal evidence but by and large black people are not cool with it. They'll go about their day but they'll never respect or trust you after that.

His album sales booming does not surprise me in the least. I mean we are talking about country music loving white people. This is right up their alley.
Why do you care? You don’t know him personally and you weren’t there to witness the horror. You don’t even know if the person he directed the word at was black or not. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it wasn’t or else we would have heard about it.
Not social media, but relevant to the cancel conversation. Chris Harrison is getting the boot for something pretty lame. All started because - God forbid - a college girl attended a party on a plantation that happened to have slaves hundreds of years ago.

Not social media, but relevant to the cancel conversation. Chris Harrison is getting the boot for something pretty lame. All started because - God forbid - a college girl attended a party on a plantation that happened to have slaves hundreds of years ago.

That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, and it’s a perfect example of feaux outrage. Anyone who was offended by that photo needs to re-examine their priorities. This would’ve been a perfect opportunity for Warner Bros to draw a line in the sand and stand up for Harrison, especially since he didn’t do anything even remotely wrong. Freaking cancel culture.
That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, and it’s a perfect example of feaux outrage. Anyone who was offended by that photo needs to re-examine their priorities. This would’ve been a perfect opportunity for Warner Bros to draw a line in the sand and stand up for Harrison, especially since he didn’t do anything even remotely wrong. Freaking cancel culture.

How many Clemson alumni would be canceled now if the only requirement is having attended an Old South KA party?

It’s just so stupid. Maybe I should be canceled because we had family photos taken at Boone Hall plantation down the road.
Left is who Chris was defending. Stunning.

I agree that this is stupid.

I wondered if anyone else saw that.

Never watched the show, but I am concerned that we’ve now entered into a reality where anything... anything can be deemed cancel worthy.

There is no rational intelligent argument as to why this should have happened. Not any way I can see it.

Again we have moved way past any left vs right... political movement.

We’ve reached mob rule.
How many Clemson alumni would be canceled now if the only requirement is having attended an Old South KA party?

It’s just so stupid. Maybe I should be canceled because we had family photos taken at Boone Hall plantation down the road.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if within the next year or two Old South is permanently canceled everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if certain chapters of KA across the southeast have already done away with it. It’s obvious by WBs conciliations that folks are terrified of being labeled as racist or as being soft on racism. So terrified, in fact, that they are willing to kowtow to the most ridiculous of accusations/demands.

This is a perfect example of where a line should’ve been drawn to fight cancel culture. There is nothing racist about a fraternity dressing up in old historical garb and inviting college women to do the same.
@Joe Cobb
I waited a few days to look over the poll results

Using numbering system of your options 1-7, the results are quite amazing to me.
Saying that even despite some of the very loud and consistent voices herein.

As of today:
1 - 20.8%
3 - 23.9%
6 - 14.2%
7 - 37.1%

Ranking is obvious with #7 waaayyy ahead.

I would consider all of those to be somewhat seriously suspicious of social media and/or it's dangers. Certainly, at least somewhat negatively, cautiously against it.

That TOTALS 96% of the respondents.

Tiger Illustrated is clearly a more conservative group as far as it's position on social media.
Makes me wonder how or why the obvious minority seem to make so much noise.


There seems to be a trend here.
Seems to be a silent majority hovering around.

Imagine that.

I believe in you.
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