Poll about social media

Are you afraid or concerned about posting on social media?

  • Yes. I’m concerned about my job/livelihood about posting or liking something controversial.

    Votes: 123 20.8%
  • Yes, but I’m fairly confident the cancel culture is limited to “names” and not regular people

    Votes: 11 1.9%
  • Everyone should limit what they say on social media

    Votes: 141 23.9%
  • I post anonymously so I’m fine.

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • No. Cancel culture isn’t a real threat.

    Votes: 9 1.5%
  • No. Don’t play stupid games and you won’t win stupid prizes.

    Votes: 84 14.2%
  • Don’t do social media.

    Votes: 219 37.1%

  • Total voters
Ahhh...Here's how it works.

In South Carolina, if an employee is employed for an indefinite period of time, the employment relationship is considered to be “employment at will.” This means that both the employer and the employee can end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all, as long as the reason is not against the law.

You and shortbus are correct. If you fire someone for cause, you have to document the heck out of it. If you restructure you have to show those staying were the best fit (usually by job description). Restructuring is a easier from a "proof" standpoint.

Now you don't have to give a reason to fire someone the documentation is to protect yourself.
This. I do linked in also but never post. I am 48 and really don’t like change but not having a social media presence can hurt in my profession because when hiring that’s the first thing employers look at so having none can be just as bad.

You’re right. I do still look at LinkedIn, but I hate it lol
I do a lot of hiring. If someone doesn't have a social media presence at all, that's a flag for me that's worth digging into.

I do what I have to do on LinkedIn for professional reasons. Full profile, updated etc. I don’t post or share much because that’s just not my style. If it affects my next job, so be it.
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Why is it a flag if someone doesn't have a social media presence? You think they may be hiding something?

Maybe. I don't want to make assumptions about someone, but it's certainly abnormal and worthy of further investigation.

For instance, people who are that private about their life are probably not a good personality fit for me and my teams. So we'd need to answer that question in greater depth than if they did have social channels.
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Why is it a flag if someone doesn't have a social media presence? You think they may be hiding something?

I say this with all due respect but consider the source of the comment. it's not a stretch to say that they probably want to make sure you're drinking the Kool-Aid before they bring you into the Kool-Aid factory. I would not worry about it.
The internet is forever. If you post some bigoted stuff then it might follow you around. No one is canceling people because of their opinions on macroeconomics.
The internet is forever. If you post some bigoted stuff then it might follow you around. No one is canceling people because of their opinions on macroeconomics.

This is good stuff. People are being canceled for "bigoted" stuff that isn't bigoted at all. The problem is the ever evolving or rather devolving standard of what is bigoted and who decides it. 95% of the stuff people say is bigoted just isn't. They just want it to be so they can carry on their crusade of horribleness toward others. The irony is the bigots are the people who are labeling others as bigots. But then, it's been that way frequently throughout history.
This is good stuff. People are being canceled for "bigoted" stuff that isn't bigoted at all. The problem is the ever evolving or rather devolving standard of what is bigoted and who decides it. 95% of the stuff people say is bigoted just isn't. They just want it to be so they can carry on their crusade of horribleness toward others. The irony is the bigots are the people who are labeling others as bigots. But then, it's been that way frequently throughout history.

Who are we talking about here?
Who are we talking about here?

You can take your pick. Right now, Gina Carino and Morgan Wallen could be two. The outright lies and extraordinary hyperbole being used against Trump and anyone who supported Trump is pretty terrifying as well.
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I mean that was a dumb statement, but is it worth losing your job over? I’m sure any/all celebrities that said that “TrUmP iS liTerAllY hITler” are still doing just fine.

This is not the first time that Carano has posted controversial stuff on her social media account. So yeah, if your employer talks to you about it and you do it again, F you you are fired. It's common sense. It's money being lost.
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Consider if you will the following from the Disney release about Carino:

"Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

There is nothing in her posts denigrating people based on cultural and religious identities. That's just an overt lie. This from a company that thanked China and the people in a region where they have concentration camps that are currently holding thousands of people against their will for their cultural and religious views. It is breathtaking hypocrisy but typical of the left in America today. No liberals mind you but the left. There is a significant difference there.
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This is not the first time that Carano has posted controversial stuff on her social media account. So yeah, if your employer talks to you about it and you do it again, F you you are fired. It's common sense. It's money being lost.

What was controversial? Every vote should be counted? People should be free to believe what they want? The integrity of our voting system should be solid as a rock so no one wakes up not sure what happened with an election?

This happens so often now. We just presume something and go with it from there without ever looking at the original act and realizing it was nothing like what it was being portrayed to be. It's insanity and a sign of just how stupid we've become in this country.
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What was controversial? Every vote should be counted? People should be free to believe what they want? The integrity of our voting system should be solid as a rock so no one wakes up not sure what happened with an election?

This happens so often now. We just presume something and go with it from there without ever looking at the original act and realizing it was nothing like what it was being portrayed to be. It's insanity and a sign of just how stupid we've become in this country.
We are a country of headline readers. It's embarrassing honestly.
The internet is forever. If you post some bigoted stuff then it might follow you around. No one is canceling people because of their opinions on macroeconomics.

There is the rub. To me it doesn’t appear this axiom is applicable to everyone.

Some define “bigoted” as economic disagreements over the use of government funds. Some see bigotry in the refusal to support certain social causes. Some have even claimed people to be bigots based on their adherence to scientific facts.

And so they are cancelled... labeled ... and ostracized from expressing their view point, while those that fall in lock step with the vocal majority and saved from the attacks. Which then gives credence to the vocal majority’s belief system... however contrived and bigoted in itself.
The actress in question did not state that, "being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany." Did some people see that as her intent? Probably... but being cancelled for how people view your "intent" isdangerous in my opinion.

Second, while corporations are entitled to do as they please within the law when it comes to hiring and firing people... what people do on their own time should be protected to a degree.

When Colin Kapernick was let go from the NFL, his 'intent' was debated by several people... but he was doing his protests on his employers dime. Hence I can see his subsequent firing.

In 2016 I was given a written reprimand by the local BOE because I was reported by a parent for "liking a tweet" that espoused Hillary Clinton supporters as "whiners." In reality I liked an article that showcased the graduation rate of Clemson football players. When you clicked on that article, and scrolled down, there was a political cartoon that had 4 pictures of Clinton supporters with smiles talking about "unity" and a 4th picture of someone in tears screaming obscenities after the election.

I never saw the cartoon... I loved the article... my like and retweet was captions with "Getting it DONE #GoTigers!"

I agree that I wouldn't say or like anything that I wouldn't say in person, or to my fellow co-workers.... hence my longstanding tradition of posting under my real name.

But I think this is getting extremely dangerous.

I am glad you brought up Kapernick, that is the first thing I thought of while reading this. A lot of the people complaining about cancel culture were very happy he lost his job. And I don't blame NFL owners for not hiring him. It would cost them fans and money. Same with the Mandalorian actress.
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Wishful thinking but nothing would make me happier than social media being abolished.

Along with mainstream media.

Why should social media be abolished because people misuse it? Plenty of people use it just to stay in touch with friends and family. It's not social media's fault that people decide to post stupid and controversial stuff on it.
What was controversial? Every vote should be counted? People should be free to believe what they want? The integrity of our voting system should be solid as a rock so no one wakes up not sure what happened with an election?

This happens so often now. We just presume something and go with it from there without ever looking at the original act and realizing it was nothing like what it was being portrayed to be. It's insanity and a sign of just how stupid we've become in this country.

what are you talking about? She has posted about trans people, mask wearing, Jeff Epstein, etc. She has every right to her opinions, and her employer has every right to fire her if it is going to cost them money.
Would like to read the board’s thoughts on this.
So here's the thing with social media. When we were growing up we were (most) all taught to not talk about certain subjects in public. Those were Religion, Money, and Politics. I'm not sure why these didn't translate media is the most public situation we can be in.

Now its grown to the point where I can't tell you the last time I had a conversation with someone that politics didn't some how show its ugly head. And yet, we are reaching a crisis of financial literacy in this country and we still refuse to talk about that.
There is the rub. To me it doesn’t appear this axiom is applicable to everyone.

Some define “bigoted” as economic disagreements over the use of government funds. Some see bigotry in the refusal to support certain social causes. Some have even claimed people to be bigots based on their adherence to scientific facts.

And so they are cancelled... labeled ... and ostracized from expressing their view point, while those that fall in lock step with the vocal majority and saved from the attacks. Which then gives credence to the vocal majority’s belief system... however contrived and bigoted in itself.
Sure its nuanced and we are really discussing some kind of relative morality as it applies to mob mentality. Usually mob mentality is crazy, I think each case of 'canceled' is of course its own nuanced instance. For example I think Aziz Ansari getting 'canceled' looked pretty damn weak. He was accused of nothing more of an awkward date and some tried to cancel him. Pretty sure it didn't work ....

Louis C.K. got canceled because he asked some colleagues/subordinates if it was cool if he pulled his dick out and jerked it in front of them. Matt Lauer was canceled because he was allegedly sexually assualting subordinates as well... I think we can agree thats behavior that people will get upset about and may cost someone a job. Ellen has been 'canceled' because she's a meanie...

What examples of being canceled would you like to point to that show us some of the victims of 'canceling' I think its just so nuanced you can't talk about it other than anecdotally. Im sure there are examples that are 'just' and unjust
Does social media affect you in business? Heck yes, it can. Here's a real example that happened early this year.....
In my business, I end up with clients who need services that I can't provide by myself so I have a number of freelancers I can sub work out to for these specialized services. Just this past month, I was working with a guy who needed me AND some other things I don't do. But I knew the absolute best resource to help him. I hadn't talked to her in a while, so I texted her to gauge interest. A deal was In the making. For whatever reason I popped over to her insta and was less than pleased with her latest post. Texted her back and told her the deal was off. And I told her why. Ultimately found my client someone else to do his specialized work and carried on with life, never looking back. And now she's off my list forever. No more referrals going to that woman.
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Didnt you get a guy cancelled off of this website once?
No. As usual, your facts are twisted. I was involved in two different people getting themselves cancelled here, but that has nothing to do with the post you quoted. One threatened to kill me and a few others in our DM’s. The other said my daughter was fat, ugly, and a future methhead because I disagreed with him.

They were shown the door, but not because I asked for it.
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No. As usual, your facts are twisted. I was involved in two different people getting themselves cancelled here, but that has nothing to do with the post you quoted. One threatened to kill me and a few others in our DM’s. The other said my daughter was fat, ugly, and a future methhead because I disagreed with him.

They were shown the door, but not because I asked for it.
I'd probably lose my cool if people started talking about my kids.
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No. As usual, your facts are twisted. I was involved in two different people getting themselves cancelled here, but that has nothing to do with the post you quoted. One threatened to kill me and a few others in our DM’s. The other said my daughter was fat, ugly, and a future methhead because I disagreed with him.

They were shown the door, but not because I asked for it.
One was shown the door and back three weeks later with a new username ...
Imo, social media is the worst thing to happen to society. There are a number of reasons why I feel that way but at the top is it gives every idiot in America (world) a platform to voice their dumb ass opinion.
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Maybe. I don't want to make assumptions about someone, but it's certainly abnormal and worthy of further investigation.

For instance, people who are that private about their life are probably not a good personality fit for me and my teams. So we'd need to answer that question in greater depth than if they did have social channels.
You say you don't want to make assumptions but say you assume someone who doesn't waste their life on social media is hiding something. Some of the best people I know aren't on social media and its because they don't see value in it. Some of the worst people in our society are consumed by social media. Other than for business purposes, it has way more negative side effects than positive. People are addicted to their phones and are so "connected" that they are disconnected from their real life. Maybe your team at work is fond of wanting to know what everyone they work with is up to at all times. Most people, particularly good employees and people, don't care about these things.
The standards of our criminal justice system have nothing to do with whether a private company can fire an employee for actions outside of work, absent contract language.

If your shoes are a color I don't like, in most states, I can fire you. I might have to prove why I fired you in court. But your assertion that a company couldn't fire someone for being arrested prior to their conviction is just wrong legally.

If a company wants to fire someone for being a drag queen, in most states, they have the right to do that. They might get sued, and they might have to prove that the person wasn't fired for being a member of a protected class (and gender is a protected class so this would be tricky), but, again, in most states, that's perfectly legal.

That company would likely face significant backlash, like a company who fired someone for loving to hunt. But that has nothing to do with the legality of the termination.

BLUF: I agree with you. I think we have both used extreme example to illustrate our points.

I think we can agree that state labor laws vary greatly from state to state.

If you want to fire a person for their arrest...yup... you can do that. Should you? I'd say it'd depend on the offense and the nature of the work. A cop or airline pilot being charged with a DUI is a serious thing. For a retail sales person, probably not as serious an impact. If you do fire them, and the person is proven innocent, then you open yourself up to a suit. Obviously they have the burden of proving that was that's the cause in court. And a smart employer, that doesn't give a reason, holds all the cards.
You say you don't want to make assumptions but say you assume someone who doesn't waste their life on social media is hiding something. Some of the best people I know aren't on social media and its because they don't see value in it. Some of the worst people in our society are consumed by social media. Other than for business purposes, it has way more negative side effects than positive. People are addicted to their phones and are so "connected" that they are disconnected from their real life. Maybe your team at work is fond of wanting to know what everyone they work with is up to at all times. Most people, particularly good employees and people, don't care about these things.

I run political campaigns. So it's a different environment than anything most folks are used to.

And I need to be able to evaluate someone's personal politics and idelogy before we hire them. So social media is a crucial part of that.
No. As usual, your facts are twisted. I was involved in two different people getting themselves cancelled here, but that has nothing to do with the post you quoted. One threatened to kill me and a few others in our DM’s. The other said my daughter was fat, ugly, and a future methhead because I disagreed with him.

They were shown the door, but not because I asked for it.

got it, you had nothing to do with guy getting kicked off this website who said your daughter was ugly. It was someone else who was offended by that and had him cancelled. That makes perfect sense. Well played.

For the record I didnt even like that guy, especially when he said all democrats should be purged from society. But, I think it is funny to see you complaining about cancel culture when you got your panties in a wad about a random, anonymous poster who does not even know your daughter making comments about her.