I have social media platforms but I mainly use it to look up businesses and links that require me to have one in order to view it. I can't tell you the last time I posted anything on social media or just browsed it for the hell of it. I have no interest in scrolling through people's lives which is usually a brag fest of all the good and none of the bad.
I wish I could get my wife, sister, and mother off of it. It's especially bad for women who tend to spend a lot more time on things like facebook and instagram where all they see is the glamorous stuff. They get a false sense of reality. It happens to men as well to be fair but in my experience not nearly as much.
Pet peeve. It drives me nuts to see people just sitting around mindlessly scrolling through facebook. I always give my wife a hard time if we are in the car and she is doing it. If we are on vacation, we try not to use it at all. You shouldn't care what Karen is doing when you are sitting by the pool/beach or exploring or taking in a new place. If you do, then you should seek professional counseling.