Poll about social media

Are you afraid or concerned about posting on social media?

  • Yes. I’m concerned about my job/livelihood about posting or liking something controversial.

    Votes: 123 20.8%
  • Yes, but I’m fairly confident the cancel culture is limited to “names” and not regular people

    Votes: 11 1.9%
  • Everyone should limit what they say on social media

    Votes: 141 23.9%
  • I post anonymously so I’m fine.

    Votes: 3 0.5%
  • No. Cancel culture isn’t a real threat.

    Votes: 9 1.5%
  • No. Don’t play stupid games and you won’t win stupid prizes.

    Votes: 84 14.2%
  • Don’t do social media.

    Votes: 219 37.1%

  • Total voters
As an employer, that is not totally true in the context people use it.

Yes, you can fire anyone. But they can sue you and you can lose. You have to document the shit out of everything and show that you gave them specific instructions they could not or did not do. You have to be especillay careful firing women and elderly. They will sue for discrimination and clean you out without proper documentation.
Yeah. "We restructed the company." That's the only reason they need. They don't have to give a reason. The burden is then on the employee to prove discrimination which is very hard to do.
Man I love capitalism! Private business has the right to do as they please and consumers have the right to use their service or not use their service. Twitter beating expectations on revenue and EPS in Q4 so the market is siding with them.

I don’t disagree. That is why I cancelled my account and don’t give them the ability to monetize my time on the app.
You know what solves this problem? A union...

But also. Companies should be able to fire employees for expressing views that contradict the companies values in or out of work. Are you advocating for more government control of a businesses ability to fire someone?
There are already laws in place that say you cannot fire someone for discriminatory reasons in every state no matter if it is a right to work state or not. I would say that firing someone based on their political affiliation/beliefs is discrimination. So no, I am not advocating for any new laws, government overreach, or unions.
You know what solves this problem? A union...

But also. Companies should be able to fire employees for expressing views that contradict the companies values in or out of work. Are you advocating for more government control of a businesses ability to fire someone?
So a company can fire a person who vocally expresses support for LBGT issues in your opinion. A company can fire someone who participated in BLM protests. Good to know this is your stance.
So a company can fire a person who vocally expresses support for LBGT issues in your opinion. A company can fire someone who participated in BLM protests. Good to know this is your stance.
Yeah the non discrimination laws were put in place to protect the very groups with different beliefs and orientations that are now wanting to fire others for expressing a view they don't agree with.

Interesting how that works.....
I have social media platforms but I mainly use it to look up businesses and links that require me to have one in order to view it. I can't tell you the last time I posted anything on social media or just browsed it for the hell of it. I have no interest in scrolling through people's lives which is usually a brag fest of all the good and none of the bad.

I wish I could get my wife, sister, and mother off of it. It's especially bad for women who tend to spend a lot more time on things like facebook and instagram where all they see is the glamorous stuff. They get a false sense of reality. It happens to men as well to be fair but in my experience not nearly as much.

Pet peeve. It drives me nuts to see people just sitting around mindlessly scrolling through facebook. I always give my wife a hard time if we are in the car and she is doing it. If we are on vacation, we try not to use it at all. You shouldn't care what Karen is doing when you are sitting by the pool/beach or exploring or taking in a new place. If you do, then you should seek professional counseling.
Spot on. My favorite quote I was told is “comparison is the thief of joy”. No one’s life is a grand as they make it seem on social media. I got off all social media stuff (I’m in my mid-20s for reference) bc it’s easy to get sucked into feeling like your life isn’t as great as so and so’s, they go on better vacations, etc. It was best for me to just get off of it. I still have to remind my wife that while this couple may go on nicer trips than us, things aren’t always as rosy as they always seem on the outside.
I think most people who have been “cancelled” have said some really stupid things. Like the woman that got fired from the mandalorian - said that being a republican in america was like being a jew in nazi germany. I mean, come on, what did she expect the reaction would be to that?

Where it really bothers me is when they go back in someone’s twitter account several years and start pulling out quotes, which I believe is what happened to Kevin Hart when he was slated to host the oscars.

Like all things, people just need to be aware that what they say on social media ca
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America in 2021 is suffering a predictable backswing of reverse McCarthyism and fundamentalism. I pray the pendulum swings back in say less than 4 years, as I think most folks are at a tipping point.

Fascism can be defined as basically the corporate state with a dash of nihilism and rehashed old school fundamentalism worthy of the Inquisition. It is not merely a Republocrat question. Lets recap where we are based on the activities of the past 18 months:
  1. Government decides which businesses are good or bad? Check. Shutdowns told us that.
  2. Government is run by elites with the proper background? Check. See the Biden cabinet, or the regulatory state.
  3. Approved elites control information? Also check. NYT, tv news, etc.
  4. Public platforms like advertisements and social media include approved behaviors and ridicule/censor those not approved? Of Course. I had no idea every couple in America in 2021 was multi-racial, LGBTQIA or had a rescue dog until I saw the ads from corporate America.
  5. Approved elites get preferential treatment under the law? Yep-see Facebook and Google, Amazon.
No social media for me- I aint smart enough to keep up with whats cool or not cool. TI is as close as I get. Maybe in a few years.
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As someone who's a little older than most on this board, I started working before social media was a thing, hell, before cell phones were an expectation. Really the most "instant" form of communication was email.

I learned early on that firing off an email when you are pissed is a BAD idea. Let that sit until tomorrow and then see if you think it's a good idea. More often than not, I toned it way down upon reflection.

While social media gives us the ability to stay in contact with folks that in the past would have slowly drifted out of our lives and reach a lot of people at once, it also gives us much greater opportunity to make fools of ourselves.

American icon Will Rogers (WAY back in the day) said that a smart man knows when to keep his mouth shut. I guess that we could update that to say that a smart man/woman knows when to keep their thumbs in their pockets.
There are already laws in place that say you cannot fire someone for discriminatory reasons in every state no matter if it is a right to work state or not. I would say that firing someone based on their political affiliation/beliefs is discrimination. So no, I am not advocating for any new laws, government overreach, or unions.

So you are just for vastly expanding existing anti-discrimination laws for private companies? Ok. Noted.
That's not how it works, but ok.

Ahhh...Here's how it works.

In South Carolina, if an employee is employed for an indefinite period of time, the employment relationship is considered to be “employment at will.” This means that both the employer and the employee can end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all, as long as the reason is not against the law.
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So a company can fire a person who vocally expresses support for LBGT issues in your opinion. A company can fire someone who participated in BLM protests. Good to know this is your stance.

If an employees actions out of work don't comport with a company's values then yes. For instance, you could be fired for a DUI. Or getting arrested trying to stage an insurrection. Or punching a cop in the face. Or posting on social media about how much you love hunting. Again, if those actions outside of work don't comport with the company's values. If the employee doesn't like it, don't work at the company.

Why am I the one advocating for the free market here guys?

To be clear, private companies shouldn't be able to fire someone for being gay. Or black. That should be illegal.
Ahhh...Here's how it works.

In South Carolina, if an employee is employed for an indefinite period of time, the employment relationship is considered to be “employment at will.” This means that both the employer and the employee can end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all, as long as the reason is not against the law.

Can let you go? Yea. Can let you go and not lose their ass in a wrongful term claim? Not without a solid documentation trail.

When no veritable and valid reason is given, that reason becomes up to interpretation.
If an employees actions out of work don't comport with a company's values then yes. For instance, you could be fired for a DUI. Or getting arrested trying to stage an insurrection. Or punching a cop in the face. Or posting on social media about how much you love hunting. Again, if those actions outside of work don't comport with the company's values. If the employee doesn't like it, don't work at the company.

Why am I the one advocating for the free market here guys?

To be clear, private companies shouldn't be able to fire someone for being gay. Or black. That should be illegal.
Only one of those examples doesn't involve breaking law and being arrested. Having an arrest record has more to do with maintaining a safe working environment for other employees than discrimination. You don't want someone who breaks the law to be behind a desk or operating machinery. It's risk mitigation and not discrimination. They have demonstrated they cannot follow the rules and put themselves or others at risk.

Firing the dude for posting about hunting would be discrimination. He has broken no laws.
Firing a LGBTQ for posting something about their orientation would be discrimination. They have broken no laws.
So you are just for vastly expanding existing anti-discrimination laws for private companies? Ok. Noted.
Again.... Already exists in most states.

In South Carolina, companies with 15 or more employees are subject to the state's antidiscrimination law.
Here’s my thoughts/advice:

No one gives a fvck about your opinion so don’t assume they do and post about it.

Also, don’t be an idiot. Morgan Wallen sure wishes he wouldn’t have yelled the N word last week.

Who cares whether there is a double standard or not? Quit sharing your feelings or posting stupid comments. You control everything in your life. You reap what you sow.
I don't know, but what's your point?

Lol. I asked what types of posts were people making that would have them concerned about losing their job or being cancelled. You said saying things like “Nick Cannon is a racist”.

Understand now?
I rely heavily on Twitter for information on so many things.....sports, stocks, business, news, etc... Despite all the negativity, my life would be worse if I didn't have access to the information. I've got most everything moved into "Lists" so I can easily filter to see one particular topic if I choose to.

That being said, I'm well aware that comments can come back to bite you in the ass and I have been in the process of deleting all comments from the last several years that are non-sports related.

Have a Facebook but can't remember the last time I used it. Have an Instagram that I follow exclusively sports related accounts but never post, comment or read the comments. No Snapchat but do have a TikTok....haven't ever posted anything but it's a good pooping app.
Lol. I asked what types of posts were people making that would have them concerned about losing their job or being cancelled. You said saying things like “Nick Cannon is a racist”.

Understand now?
I're confused.

My asking "what's your point" wasn't directed towards that question, it was in regards to your second question, "who has been fired or cancelled for saying Nick Cannon is racist".

And I still don't know what your point is, but now that you're up to speed, maybe you could explain?
I're confused.

My asking "what's your point" wasn't directed towards that question, it was in regards to your second question, "who has been fired or cancelled for saying Nick Cannon is racist".

And I still don't know what your point is, but now that you're up to speed, maybe you could explain?

Actually, you’re the one who is confused. Scroll up and start from the beginning. It should become clear pretty soon.
There was a radio host in dc, chad dukes, that was seemingly equally beloved by people of all races and backgrounds. He recently was immediately fired for something that he had said or posted years ago. We never learned what it was. Maybe he deserved it, maybe he didn’t. We’ll never know.

I recently read “the orphan master’s son”, a Pulitzer Prize winning novel based on life in North Korea. The novel illustrates a cancel culture where people disappear without any necessary reason or trace. It’s a sobering commentary on where we could end up as the lines between government and media blur.
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If an employees actions out of work don't comport with a company's values then yes. For instance, you could be fired for a DUI. Or getting arrested trying to stage an insurrection. Or punching a cop in the face. Or posting on social media about how much you love hunting. Again, if those actions outside of work don't comport with the company's values. If the employee doesn't like it, don't work at the company.

Why am I the one advocating for the free market here guys?

To be clear, private companies shouldn't be able to fire someone for being gay. Or black. That should be illegal.
I'll split hairs with you. The examples you give for being fired for being arrested ARE NOT valid. You are innocent until proven guility right? Now if you are convicted of those offenses, then a company may have reason for termination.

So a company can fire a guy if he likes hunting in your opinion. So it's okay to fire a drag queen in your opinion as well.
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Can let you go? Yea. Can let you go and not lose their ass in a wrongful term claim? Not without a solid documentation trail.

When no veritable and valid reason is given, that reason becomes up to interpretation.
They need NO reason. No doucmentation is needed. That's the law in SC. They do not have to provide you a reason why you were let go. "We no longer need your services." A smart employer will not provide the individual a reason.
I voted my concerns over social media. In truth, I deleted my twitter account, post on FB vary sparingly (am contemplating deleting my account there too), I have an instagram account only to monitor pages that I have an interest in (tatoos, motorcycles and sports) and I don't have any other social media accounts. I have a desire to be as private as possible. I just don't see the need to have my life splayed out in the open for everyone to see and critique. It baffles me at how some of my friends are willing to just throw their life out there and then scoff when they are criticized by others for some of of the stuff they do. I have enough strife in my life why create more.
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I'll split hairs with you. The examples you give for being fired for being arrested ARE NOT valid. You are innocent until proven guility right? Now if you are convicted of those offenses, then a company may have reason for termination.

So a company can fire a guy if he likes hunting in your opinion. So it's okay to fire a drag queen in your opinion as well.

The standards of our criminal justice system have nothing to do with whether a private company can fire an employee for actions outside of work, absent contract language.

If your shoes are a color I don't like, in most states, I can fire you. I might have to prove why I fired you in court. But your assertion that a company couldn't fire someone for being arrested prior to their conviction is just wrong legally.

If a company wants to fire someone for being a drag queen, in most states, they have the right to do that. They might get sued, and they might have to prove that the person wasn't fired for being a member of a protected class (and gender is a protected class so this would be tricky), but, again, in most states, that's perfectly legal.

That company would likely face significant backlash, like a company who fired someone for loving to hunt. But that has nothing to do with the legality of the termination.
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They need NO reason. No doucmentation is needed. That's the law in SC. They do not have to provide you a reason why you were let go. "We no longer need your services." A smart employer will not provide the individual a reason.

you are contradicting yourself with this post and what you are writing to me. If an employer needs no reason, why do you think it's not ok to fire someone for being arrested?
I personally think that those of you who cannot ignore people on FB that you disagree with are very weak minded. I enjoy the pics of people enjoying life. But my life is such that I don't envy or grow jealous of others. I want us all to live our best life. If that means my buddy goes on 15 vacays a year and his wife is hotter than mine... good for him! I still love the shit out of my life and my woman and wouldn't trade.

If somebody posts inflammatory shit or racially charged stuff, I unfollow them. It's pretty simple to control what you see and don't.

I just don't get it.
They need NO reason. No doucmentation is needed. That's the law in SC. They do not have to provide you a reason why you were let go. "We no longer need your services." A smart employer will not provide the individual a reason.

man, I’m not trying to get in a skit scat with you here, but I can tell you that’s not how it plays out in practicality in today’s world.

You're correct in that they “need no reason” but any employment attorney will tell you that you better damn well have one well laid out.

It may not always be well laid out to the individual being terminated at the time, but you better have it well documented in case said ex employee comes after you.
The current message being sent is that it's a bad idea to stand for freedom, both of speech and of thought. Companies like Disney and the people who support this cancel culture are opposed to any comparisons to totalitarian policies because they actively support places like China where people are being rounded into camps and forcibly sterilized so they can't reproduce simply because of their faith and culture. Disney is on the side of evil, not the side of good and certainly not on the side of freedom. We should all be ashamed for any support of Disney and any corporations that bend the knee to the leftist machine.