Prediction: Biden will step down before midterms

Too much smoke. He's lost the NYT??
you have been promising this since immediately after the election. how many more times will you have to predict it before you're right? seriously, stop stalling. we have the complete demise of the democratic party on the line here.

or did you get that fact from GWP?
Never happen. He is as delusional as the followers that make up his party. Nothing is his fault. He probably still thinks the Dems will let him run in 2024. He's confident that any problems there are, which were obviously caused by Trump, can be solved with a double scoop of Rocky Road followed by a drifting off at nappy-nap time while thinking of the fresh smell of hair.
I assume you're talking about the poll? Don't get too cocky - there was also this 😅

It's funny, right? They talk about Biden polls all day long, but then you show them that one and they go back to saying that you cannot trust the polls.

One thing to note... both Reagan and Clinton had abysmal polling numbers in their first two years and they both ended up being some of the highest rated presidents ever.

Personally, I would like Biden to retire at the end of this term. He served his purpose to save us from fascism.

I am hearing some rumors that Jeff Bezos is considering a run in 2024. He has been meeting with some Democrats in Washington. Steve Ballmer did the same thing a few years ago and nothing came of it.
Personally, I would like Biden to retire at the end of this term. He served his purpose to save us from fascism.
Agreed on both counts. He was a stopgap to stop the bleeding. The Jan 6 supporters are still trying to move us to fascism but at least they don’t have the commander in chief leading the way anymore.

That both Trump and Biden are considering running again shows how sad the state of our democracy is. Neither should be allowed to (for different reasons). 330 million people and these are the two best our country can produce???
No way he resigns. And I heard some chatter on 25th being invoked, also won't happen. Hes there till at least 2024. Elections have consequences
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I am hearing some rumors that Jeff Bezos is considering a run in 2024. He has been meeting with some Democrats in Washington. Steve Ballmer did the same thing a few years ago and nothing came of it.

I’m all for more outsiders getting involved. These career politicians are peaces of chit and are completely unproductive. Trump wasn’t the right guy for all sorts of reasons, but the general concept of an outsider businessman unspoiled by DC is a good direction.
Democrats despise successful people who have accumulated wealth. How could Bezos ever be a match?

A lot of people who have acquired a lot of wealth are dems. Trump was until he decided he wanted to run for president and realized it would be much easier to con the right.
Too much smoke. He's lost the NYT??

He's not going to step down. It would not surprise me to see his health take a turn making him unable to finish his term but short of that, he's not going to leave office.

As for him saving us from fascism, good grief. Again, so much hyperbole about a president who was an ass almost daily but did more to back off invasion of our freedoms than any president since Reagan. I hate Trump but that doesn't make that statement any less true. He was the least authoritarian president we've seen in 30 years. So much about him is wrong but then so much about the criticism of what he did is even more wrong. You don't fight a lying turd with more lying and more turds. Never understand that thought process and it's still holding today. Just insane!
He's not going to step down. It would not surprise me to see his health take a turn making him unable to finish his term but short of that, he's not going to leave office.

As for him saving us from fascism, good grief. Again, so much hyperbole about a president who was an ass almost daily but did more to back off invasion of our freedoms than any president since Reagan. I hate Trump but that doesn't make that statement any less true. He was the least authoritarian president we've seen in 30 years. So much about him is wrong but then so much about the criticism of what he did is even more wrong. You don't fight a lying turd with more lying and more turds. Never understand that thought process and it's still holding today. Just insane!

Hmmmm.. I can't decide if I should take your word for it or the 30+ people who worked directly for Trump who have since come out to describe his fascist, dictator-like desires. My favorite part is that they all say if he had won a second term, he would have been much, much worse because the prospect of losing an election would not have constrained him anymore.
A lot of people who have acquired a lot of wealth are dems. Trump was until he decided he wanted to run for president and realized it would be much easier to con the right.
That is not my question nor my point. It is true that many people who have acquired wealth are Democrats (just the same that many with wealth are Republican). IMO, the wealthy Democrats tend to be either the virtue signalers or those who want to change the world and think they can, but are out of touch with reality based on the lifestyle they live due to their wealth. There's nothing wrong with that; just what I've seen from those I know personally along with other more notable people.

My point was not about wealthy people's desire to be was that Democrats despise successful people who have accumulated wealth. So how could they ever support one of the wealthiest people in the world being their representative?
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That is not my question nor my point. It is true that many people who have acquired wealth are Democrats (just the same that many with wealth are Republican). IMO, the wealthy Democrats tend to be either the virtue signalers or those who want to change the world and think they can, but are out of touch with reality based on the lifestyle they live due to their wealth. There's nothing wrong with that; just what I've seen from those I know personally along with other more notable people.

My point was not about wealthy people's desire to be was that Democrats despise successful people who have accumulated wealth. So how could they ever support one of the wealthiest people in the world being their representative?

Democrats despise successful people who have accumulated wealth.

Republicans are racists. I am saying that because the racist people I know tend to be republican.

My statement is as correct as yours.
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I’m all for more outsiders getting involved. These career politicians are peaces of chit and are completely unproductive. Trump wasn’t the right guy for all sorts of reasons, but the general concept of an outsider businessman unspoiled by DC is a good direction.
The idea that an outsider businessman is a good direction for leadership is not a good one. While there are a couple that may be good at it, the majority would not. With the caveat that they have no political experience before taking the job. And corporate politics don't count. Government is not run like a business, and this repeated assertion that it is, is ridiculously dumb.
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The idea that an outsider businessman is a good direction for leadership is not a good one. While there are a couple that may be good at it, the majority would not. With the caveat that they have no political experience before taking the job. And corporate politics don't count. Government is not run like a business, and this repeated assertion that it is, is ridiculously dumb.

The majority of politicians aren’t good at the job either, so I don’t see much of a difference.

Government in its current form is run badly, so perhaps a departure from the way it is run today would be a good thing.
The majority of politicians aren’t good at the job either, so I don’t see much of a difference.

Government in its current form is run badly, so perhaps a departure from the way it is run today would be a good thing.
Is it though? That's a broad statement of opinion, but not necessarily of fact.
It's funny, right? They talk about Biden polls all day long, but then you show them that one and they go back to saying that you cannot trust the polls.

One thing to note... both Reagan and Clinton had abysmal polling numbers in their first two years and they both ended up being some of the highest rated presidents ever.

Personally, I would like Biden to retire at the end of this term. He served his purpose to save us from fascism.

I am hearing some rumors that Jeff Bezos is considering a run in 2024. He has been meeting with some Democrats in Washington. Steve Ballmer did the same thing a few years ago and nothing came of it.
You certainly trusted the polls.

Democrats despise successful people who have accumulated wealth.

Republicans are racists. I am saying that because the racist people I know tend to be republican.

My statement is as correct as yours.
Ha ok pal way to continue to deflect because you don’t have an answer. I’ll bet good money an actual CNN headline will be “how can D’s support a billionaire”

I could care less about D vs R unlike yourself. Go Google Warren, Schumer, Sanders or any others if you want to confirm my statement. D’s hate billionaires and that’s as straight forward as Dabo being our coach.
Ha ok pal way to continue to deflect because you don’t have an answer. I’ll bet good money an actual CNN headline will be “how can D’s support a billionaire”

I could care less about D vs R unlike yourself. Go Google Warren, Schumer, Sanders or any others if you want to confirm my statement. D’s hate billionaires and that’s as straight forward as Dabo being our coach.

Deflect from what?

I am willing to bet that I know a hell of a lot more wealthy democrats than you do. They don’t hate billionaires. Trust, we would all love to move from millionaires to billionaires.

Bloomberg doesn’t hate billionaires. You trying to peg all democrats as democratic socialists is the same as me pegging all republicans as racist while supremacists.
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Hmmmm.. I can't decide if I should take your word for it or the 30+ people who worked directly for Trump who have since come out to describe his fascist, dictator-like desires. My favorite part is that they all say if he had won a second term, he would have been much, much worse because the prospect of losing an election would not have constrained him anymore.

Those things may be true had he won a second term. We didn't find out and hopefully we won't. A couple things though.

Fascism is defined as a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Trump certainly didn't suppress opposition. He had more of it, in a more vocal way, than ever before. In fact, the number of inaccuracies printed about him were well in excess of 100. He definitely had nationalist tendencies. That much is certain, but he was an economic and social deregulator in every sense of the word. He did oppose abortion and I suppose pro-abortion people would find his ways unacceptable and certainly that is the case now given the overturning of Roe.

There have been a lot of presidents with the desires you described. Lincoln had those desires to try and control the Civil War. That's not to say he was a bad man at all or had bad intentions. There are numerous arguments by scholars that would say while he believed them to be necessary, many of his policy positions were illegal usurpations of freedom. The same could be said of Roosevelt (FDR) who definitely had those tendencies across the board in many areas, even before WWII. Ultimately though, our system stopped them from following through on all those desires. The same is true of Trump, who ran his own company for most of this life and did whatever he wanted with that company for most of his life. Perhaps his "fascism" was really derived from the fact he has been the outright boss and gotten what he wanted for decades?

And this is all based on the supposition that a president could get away with these things. I personally don't think it could happen without the media being along for the ride and our institutions also being aligned with the views of such a person. Hmmm...come to think of it, we have that now! We've seen it the last few years in many states and communities controlled by Democrats. One of the things that seems to be inerrant is the supposition that whatever the left accuses a person of, they are totally invested in doing it themselves and just trying to deflect from that reality.

I find it truly ironic that coming up on 2 years ago we had the last election and you still can't let go. You are one of millions in that category including the bulk of the Democrats in Washington. They have the power now. They control the two political branches of government. They control the lawmaking process and the executive branch of our government. They control the media, education, universities, entertainment, a great many corporate boardrooms and we could go on. Yet and still, we have to keep re-litigating the 2020 election. It is definitely the case that the Trumpies can't let go of the election but they don't really have any power, do they?

Certainly it is 100% true that Trump is obsessed with his loss in 2020. Certainly it is true he did in fact lose. But equally certain is the reality that there is a perverse obsession with Trump on the left for some reason. I suspect it has a lot to do with the abject failure that is nearly all the attempts at governance from the left. When you can't do anything right, point to someone else. I don't think the majority of the voters are fooled. And despite the GOP's every attempt to blow this upcoming election, they are still likely to emerge with a sweeping victory. And of course, that will lead us to the next batch of excuse making and misdirection. That's kinda sad.
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Those things may be true had he won a second term. We didn't find out and hopefully we want. A couple things though.

Fascism is defined as a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Trump certainly didn't suppress opposition. He had more of it in a more vocal way than ever before. In fact, the number of inaccuracies printed about him were well in excess of 100. He definitely had nationalist tendencies. That much is certain but he was an economic and social deregulator in every sense of the word. He did oppose abortion and I supposed pro-abortion people would find his ways unacceptable and certainly that is the case now given the overturning of Roe.

There are a lot of presidents with the desires you described. Lincoln had those desires to try and control the Civil War. That's not to say he was a bad man at all or had bad intentions. There are numerous arguments by scholars that would say while he believed them to be necessary, many of his policy positions were illegal usurpations of freedom. The same could be said of Roosevelt (FDR) who definitely had those tendencies across the board in many areas even before WWII. Ultimately though, our system stopped them from following through on all those desires. The same is true of Trump who ran his own company for most of this life and did whatever he wanted with that company for most of his life. Perhaps his "fascism" was really derived from the fact he has been the outright boss and gotten what he wanted for decades?

And this is all based on the supposition that a president could get away with these things. I personally don't think it could happen without the media being along for the ride and our institutions also being aligned with the views of such a person. Hmmm...come to think of it, we have that now! We've seen it the last few years in many states and communities controlled by Democrats. One of the things that seems to be inerrant in his truth is that whatever the left accuses a person of, they are totally invested in doing it themselves and just trying to deflect from that reality.

I find it truly ironic that coming up on 2 years ago we had the last election and you still can't let go. You are one of millions in that category including the bulk of the Democrats in Washington. They have the power now. They control the two political branches of government. They control the lawmaking process and the executive branch of our government. They control the media, education, universities, entertainment, a great many corporate boardrooms and we could go on. Yet and still, we have to keep re-litigating the 2020 election.

Certainly it is 100% true that Trump is obsessed with his loss in 2020. Certainly it is true he did in fact lose. But equally certain is the reality that there is a perverse obsession with Trump on the left for some reason. I suspect it has a lot to do with the abject and complete failure that is nearly all the attempts at governance from the left. When you can't do anything right, point to someone else. I don't think the majority of the voters are fooled. And despite the GOP's every attempt to blow this upcoming election, they are still likely to emerge with a sweeping victory. And of course, that will lead us to the next batch of excuse making and misdirection. That's kinda sad.

Trump certainly didn't suppress opposition.

What? When he got mad about being called "bunker boy" he demanded that the 101st Airborne be deployed against American citizens. It was the generals and his own Secretary of Defense that stepped in to make sure that did not happen. For almost 6 years now, he has been suppressing opposition on the left and even more so in his own party. Anyone who dared disagree with him publicly got the full MAGA/deep state treatment.

I find it truly ironic that coming up on 2 years ago we had the last election and you still can't let go.

Yes, it is the left that can't let the election go? You serious? Scroll through this board and tell me the proportion of election posts started by "libs". We are all good with the election. It's what happened after the election that scares the shit out if us. Honestly, if you just try to put your partisanship aside for a minute, it should scare you too.
Trump certainly didn't suppress opposition.

What? When he got mad about being called "bunker boy" he demanded that the 101st Airborne be deployed against American citizens. It was the generals and his own Secretary of Defense that stepped in to make sure that did not happen. For almost 6 years now, he has been suppressing opposition on the left and even more so in his own party. Anyone who dared disagree with him publicly got the full MAGA/deep state treatment.

I find it truly ironic that coming up on 2 years ago we had the last election and you still can't let go.

Yes, it is the left that can't let the election go? You serious? Scroll through this board and tell me the proportion of election posts started by "libs". We are all good with the election. It's what happened after the election that scares the shit out if us. Honestly, if you just try to put your partisanship aside for a minute, it should scare you too.

I am not partisan. Just a realist. So you're saying that Trump wanted to deploy the 101st to deal with the violent and destructive riots? I believe Senator Cotton was the first on that, wasn't he? Wrong response for sure. That wasn't to suppress opposition but rather to stop violent riots and destruction that was out of control. It's important to remember that governors refused to use the National Guard to curb these riots and people were dying. So the only thing Trump could look to resort to was the active military which was still wrong by any measure. I don't remember seeing the troops on the streets. Did I miss that? :)

By the same token with response to riots, didn't we have the National Guard essentially lock down parts of Washington DC for much of 2021? Of course, the National Guard was there for that long while the murder rate in DC soared in excess of 20% over 2020 which was also a bad year.

I will agree with you that what's happened after the election has been terrifying. We have incompetent leadership everywhere and the country has spun out of control in almost every area. Nothing works and our economy is a disaster. It has been terrifying.

But I know you're talking about his behavior and the 1/6 riot. Ever considered how much agreement people like you would have if you didn't have to turn it political and call it an insurrection which it wasn't? Even in this thread you manipulate things like talking about the 101st Airborne without talking about why that was suggested. With abortion there are arguments on this board and by many leading Democrats about how tragic it is that an ectopic pregnancy can't be dealt with because of the decision. It's not even 1% true. That's a medical condition not an abortive procedure. I'm guessing folks on the left know that but they say it anyway. So often the truth just won't do so we have to make things up.

There aren't a lot of lefties here on our board. But nearly all of them can't let go of Trump. You are one of those folks as well. The choice is yours but it certainly delegitimizes a lot of your views. I know for a fact you're a very smart guy who just sees the world differently. That's what's great about the United States. But at least let's agree on facts and then we can fight all you like in the space between.
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He's not quite at 50% approval in a 60-65% Democrat state. Just saying...
he's expected to win by about 11% in the next election. the last 20 years of presidential elections the Illinois dem winner averaged around 57-60% of the votes.
in gubernatorial elections it's been MUCH tighter, except in 2018 where Pritzker pantsed Rauner.
I am not partisan. Just a realist. So you're saying that Trump wanted to deploy the 101st to deal with the violent and destructive riots? I believe Senator Cotton was the first on that, wasn't he? Wrong response for sure. That wasn't to suppress opposition but rather to stop violent riots and destruction that was out of control. It's important to remember that governors refused to use the National Guard to curb these riots and people were dying. So the only thing Trump could look to resort to was the active military which was still wrong by any measure. I don't remember seeing the troops on the streets. Did I miss that? :)

By the same token with response to riots, didn't we have the National Guard essentially lock down parts of Washington DC for much of 2021? Of course, the National Guard was there for that long while the murder rate in DC soared in excess of 20% over 2020 which was also a bad year.

I will agree with you that what's happened after the election has been terrifying. We have incompetent leadership everywhere and the country has spun out of control in almost every area. Nothing works and our economy is a disaster. It has been terrifying.

But I know you're talking about his behavior and the 1/6 riot. Ever considered how much agreement people like you would have if you didn't have to turn it political and call it an insurrection which it wasn't? Even in this thread you manipulate things like talking about the 101st Airborne without talking about why that was suggested. With abortion there are arguments on this board and by many leading Democrats about how tragic it is that an ectopic pregnancy can't be dealt with because of the decision. It's not even 1% true. That's a medical condition not an abortive procedure. I'm guessing folks on the left know that but they say it anyway. So often the truth just won't do so we have to make things up.

There aren't a lot of lefties here on our board. But nearly all of them can't let go of Trump. You are one of those folks as well. The choice is yours but it certainly delegitimizes a lot of your views. I know for a fact you're a very smart guy who just sees the world differently. That's what's great about the United States. But at least let's agree on facts and then we can fight all you like in the space between.

Now we are talking about abortion? WTF man? Stay in a ****ing lane.

My point is still valid. 30+ former trump appointees, staff members and direct reports have come forward and said explicitly that Trump had so many crazy, fascist, dictator-like things he wanted to do that they had to stop him from doing. Over the course of his four years, he got rid of those people (deep staters!) and replaced them with yes men and others who got the jobs by telling him they would be loyal and do what he wanted. All of those people have said that if Trump got a second term, they were terrified about what he might do.

A group of those people - people who worked for this man - now meet periodically to discuss how they can prevent trump from ever being President again. So again... seeing as how they were there, I will take their word over yours.

Biden served his purpose and saved us from a fascist future under trump.
Now we are talking about abortion? WTF man? Stay in a ****ing lane.

My point is still valid. 30+ former trump appointees, staff members and direct reports have come forward and said explicitly that Trump had so many crazy, fascist, dictator-like things he wanted to do that they had to stop him from doing. Over the course of his four years, he got rid of those people (deep staters!) and replaced them with yes men and others who got the jobs by telling him they would be loyal and do what he wanted. All of those people have said that if Trump got a second term, they were terrified about what he might do.

A group of those people - people who worked for this man - now meet periodically to discuss how they can prevent trump from ever being President again. So again... seeing as how they were there, I will take their word over yours.

Biden served his purpose and saved us from a fascist future under trump.

This is what I mean. Trump is a freaking nightmare. He's awful to work for. He burns through people like no one I have ever seen. I am sure you could fill an arena with people who want to see him fail at everything he does. That has nothing to do with how "fascist" he is since he isn't. You keep taking one truth and then applying fourteen other narratives to that and then you call it reality. Can't do that man...

I think a 2nd Trump presidency would be awful for the country. But as awful as it would be, it would still be 100 times better than what we're going through now. It's amazing how you miss that and just keep on throwing out that fascist label which you don't seem to understand simply doesn't apply.
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Bidenflation. The most incompetent president of the US ever.

He 100% has the first stages of dementia. Barely knows where is is at any given time, reads the teleprompter worse than Ron Burgandy. An utter embarrassment. His policies are crushing every class of citizen, but mostly the poor, those he purports to help.
Bidenflation. The most incompetent president of the US ever.

He 100% has the first stages of dementia. Barely knows where is is at any given time, reads the teleprompter worse than Ron Burgandy. An utter embarrassment. His policies are crushing every class of citizen, but mostly the poor, those he purports to help.

Which policies are you referring to?
Bidenflation. The most incompetent president of the US ever.

He 100% has the first stages of dementia. Barely knows where is is at any given time, reads the teleprompter worse than Ron Burgandy. An utter embarrassment. His policies are crushing every class of citizen, but mostly the poor, those he purports to help.
You are not wrong. How sad that he was a much better option than a tyrannical egotistical power hungry alternative fact-loving hypocrite fueling polarization and hatred of fellow Americans, willfully trying to manipulate branches of government (Justice department, etc), lacking total integrity with thousands of documented and proven lies, and for the first time in history refusing the peaceful transition of power like the little b!itch of a human being that he is. But hey, if you can’t see the truth because he made you feel like you were on his team and he was fighting for you, you are bound to gloss over reality to not feel like a total dipshit for supporting that cartoon of human being. Wish we could strip him of citizenship for treason. The founding fathers would throw up if they saw what America stood for according to Trump.
You are not wrong. How sad that he was a much better option than a tyrannical egotistical power hungry alternative fact-loving hypocrite fueling polarization and hatred of fellow Americans, willfully trying to manipulate branches of government (Justice department, etc), lacking total integrity with thousands of documented and proven lies, and for the first time in history refusing the peaceful transition of power like the little b!itch of a human being that he is. But hey, if you can’t see the truth because he made you feel like you were on his team and he was fighting for you, you are bound to gloss over reality to not feel like a total dipshit for supporting that cartoon of human being. Wish we could strip him of citizenship for treason. The founding fathers would throw up if they saw what America stood for according to Trump.
Can't support any of Bidens policies without using the word Trump. SAD!
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