Well the Global Economic Forum can figure that out after the great reset. Lol. Paying people to do nothing, it takes really educated idiots to not see the utter stupidity of such an idea. We already have that, it’s called the welfare state and it produces generational poverty and many of the violent criminals in society. A person who works a job and makes $25,000 a year has a better self image and better mental health/happiness than a person making $25,000 on welfare. They also have a job resume and can get better jobs down the line. There is purpose to their life. Sociologists already know this.UBI would require a massive tax hike or massive confiscation of wealth to make it work. The experiments being done in Uber liberal cities and socialist Scandinavian countries have already shown this to be an abject failure, but we are living in idiocracy times. If this were ever enacted on a federal level in the US, I don’t think this country would survive another 10 years.
Well the Global Economic Forum can figure that out after the great reset. Lol. Paying people to do nothing, it takes really educated idiots to not see the utter stupidity of such an idea. We already have that, it’s called the welfare state and it produces generational poverty and many of the violent criminals in society. A person who works a job and makes $25,000 a year has a better self image and better mental health/happiness than a person making $25,000 on welfare. They also have a job resume and can get better jobs down the line. There is purpose to their life. Sociologists already know this.
The only way UBI could be enacted universally is government controlled economy I.e. communism and this fails miserably every time it’s tried. It’s amazing people can’t do the simplest of analysis. In this age there must be a median of exchange, currencies. The currency must have fixed value or relatively fixed. The currencies must be created and dispersed. There must be a mutually valuable exchange in working economies.
Fixing prices does not work ever. It fails every time. with Fixed values there is no competition and no incentive to make a good product or provide a good service. There is no getting ahead, no moving up. Everyone is at the same low level with no hope of rising above it. Except for the proletariat of course. Things devolve quickly, especially in this age of spoiled, privileged, entitled, soft humans many of whom have never worked a hard day in their lives This is what happened in the USSR and elsewhere. These “educated” people who consider this foolishness should read The Gulag Archipelago. China has only survived as long as it has by introducing Western style free market principles. It is still failing miserably though. The rest of the world will see shortly in the next few months as is it unravels.
Yep POST SCARCITY SOCIETY IS COMING. Its a real worry I have for my children.I think it’s way too early for UBI. But I gotta be honest, been working in technology for 25 years and AI is going to destroy the job market.
People used to not care because farmers became factory workers and that was an upgrade. Same thing with the shift from blue collar to knowledge worker. But now everybody is going to be affected and there isn’t a next thing to go to at scale. 4 millions of drivers will be affected by autonomous drivers. Radiologists are going to get replaced by systems that outperform them. Accountants are getting replaced, etc… First, these systems will be tools with human in the loop. But eventually, they will replace a ton of people and jobs. This may take 25 to 50 years, but it’s going to be radically different then now…
What economic system do we want in place if value can be created with very few humans, which income source do people rely on to become consumers? Dunno yet and it’s going to get interesting.