Curious but how many did not come? Had not seen it anywhere.
It's amazing that someone can be worth billions yet still be white trash.
Exactly. Can’t win either way. The team couldn’t give 2 shits what food was served. They will remember getting their picture taken in the Oval Office with the president the rest of their lives.WGAF? Imagine the shitstorm if he’d have served steak and lobster during a government shutdown.
Justyn Ross, Amari, Tee, Wilkins, Ferrel, Dex, Bryant, Trayvon to name a few
They showed trump
How many players attended?
You're big mad. Calm down, snowflake
Trump up there with dabo and the team celebrating. Tough day for the resistance movement on TI
Nearly 30% of the team chose not to attend. I'm howling hahahaha
@MF123 how butthurt are you?
Trump getting destroyed on his favorite medium (twitter) and watching his puppet snowflakes is my new favorite thing.
I'm cackling hahahaha
We know. We also know why.
Former Clemson’s WR Kevin Youngblood is on staff with Secret Service at White House.
Jackson Carman with the photobomb
Did you get invited to the White House when you played for clemson?
Oh yeah that's right , CUPLAYER, despite his handle didn't play for clemson.
Snowflakes ITT still dont get it.
Did you get invited to the White House when you played for clemson?
Oh yeah that's right , CUPLAYER, despite his handle didn't play for clemson.
Where'd you see that?Nearly 30% of the team declined the invitation
I voted for the dude, but this is a bad look.
Where'd you see that?
That's awesome. They very quietly let their stance be known while not taking away the moment from the rest of the team
Nice try at deflecting.
I didn't play for CU.
You keep sounding more and more ignorant.
Keep fighting the fight bruh. I'm sure blaming the world for your shortcomings will pay off one day.....
Yea, but Cupid took that D like a champ tho...Did you get invited to the White House when you played for clemson?
Oh yeah that's right , CUPLAYER, despite his handle didn't play for clemson.
Dabo was just asked if he is a Russian agent @MF123
What's a shortcoming and sign of insecurity is picking a handle on a message board to try and convince people you played for clemson.
Keep fighting the good fight, bruh. Maybe that handle will pay off for you in real life
Wow cuplayer really got under your skin
Look at this little snowflake. Triggered much?
This thread’s illustrates...
And for something more productive than their bitching, see Jane Robelot’s Facebook photos from the White House