
This feels like you're trying to lay what you consider to be a really clever trap.

The answer is that yes, it's racist. No one race has a monopoly on being racist and no race is immune from being the victims of racism. In this country, though, it seems that minority races tend to be disproportionately affected by racism than the majority race.

he is soooooooooooo clever.
You're deflecting the original point of my post - which was to point out the lunacy in the suggestion that somehow racism doesn't exist or that whites don't have inherent advantages or that racism doesn't occur among well educated minorities.

I'm only 27 and know I have a lot to learn about the world, I do know that racism exists, and it's more prevalent than many ITT suggest. I also know that I do not have all the answers pertaining how to address race problem in this country. That's a very complex problem and answer that many scholars and policy experts and national leaders are trying to address everyday on a national scale or in their local communities.
I have some thoughts, and I have tried to be part of the solution since I was a high school student and continue to try to address racial disparities daily directly or indirectly.
My suggestions - whether they work or not - won't motivate you to do anything to address the issue. So let's not pretend that anything I say on this board will change the issue or that you are genuinely trying to learn about racism in this country.
I have already acknowledged (I thought) that racism exists. It exists in every race. What I want to hear from you is how to address it. But, you've already made your mind up about me...which is very narrow-minded of you. Good luck in your pursuits.
I have already acknowledged (I thought) that racism exists. It exists in every race. What I want to hear from you is how to address it. But, you've already made your mind up about me...which is very narrow-minded of you. Good luck in your pursuits.

I haven't made up my mind about you as a person.
There is nothing to suggest, based on your posts, that you are interested in part of the solution.
I grew up dirt poor with a single mother that worked in a cotton mill so I know a little about this. the first two homes I lived in didn't have running water. My brother was killed by a cop. I grew up fat. my Dad was stabbed to death when I was an infant. Things happen to people of every race but I haven't been turned down for a job or pulled over because of race but my mother picked cotton when she was a teenager and it was hard on her. Everyone has some disadvantages in life but people need to look in the mirror and fix there self. Today I believe that there is more discrimination towards ugly and fat people. If you are pretty you can usually get by. Im white, fat, and not attractive but I still made a pretty good life for myself.
I haven't made up my mind about you as a person.
There is nothing to suggest, based on your posts, that you are interested in part of the solution.
You're young. It's hard to gauge a person by a few posts on a message board. I would love a solution, as I stated above. I just don't have an answer, and I'm afraid things will get worse before they get better.
This feels like you're trying to lay what you consider to be a really clever trap.

The answer is that yes, it's racist. No one race has a monopoly on being racist and no race is immune from being the victims of racism. In this country, though, it seems that minority races tend to be disproportionately affected by racism than the majority race.

Nah, not trying to be clever, just wanted to see if the smartest man on the interwebs would acknowledge that this is racism too, even though it doesn't fit his agenda.

I was lucky. I saw white kids hauled off to the hospital for nothing else but being white, but I definitely don't blame the black race. I blame a few ignorant individuals and their parents who taught such hatred.
I grew up dirt poor with a single mother that worked in a cotton mill so I know a little about this. the first two homes I lived in didn't have running water. My brother was killed by a cop. I grew up fat. my Dad was stabbed to death when I was an infant. Things happen to people of every race but I haven't been turned down for a job or pulled over because of race but my mother picked cotton when she was a teenager and it was hard on her. Everyone has some disadvantages in life but people need to look in the mirror and fix there self. Today I believe that there is more discrimination towards ugly and fat people. If you are pretty you can usually get by. Im white, fat, and not attractive but I still made a pretty good life for myself.

You sound like a good person to me. But I agree with you that attractive/ slim people have it easier. Good luck to you !
I grew up dirt poor with a single mother that worked in a cotton mill so I know a little about this. the first two homes I lived in didn't have running water. My brother was killed by a cop. I grew up fat. my Dad was stabbed to death when I was an infant. Things happen to people of every race but I haven't been turned down for a job or pulled over because of race but my mother picked cotton when she was a teenager and it was hard on her. Everyone has some disadvantages in life but people need to look in the mirror and fix there self. Today I believe that there is more discrimination towards ugly and fat people. If you are pretty you can usually get by. Im white, fat, and not attractive but I still made a pretty good life for myself.

It sounds like you went through a lot and you persevered, which is great.
You made salient points. Studies do show that thin good looking people are more likely to be chosen for jobs and promotions, etc.

That still doesn't change the fact that racism exists in this country.
It doesn't change the fact that biases exist such that minorities many not get then same opportunity for a job, the same type of medical care, the same type of education, regardless of how hard they work. Thereinlies the problem.
I commend you for being in school and pursuing higher education. In all seriousness, it must be super challenging and stressful to do what you're doing.

That said, though I sympathize with your situation, I'm not sure what that has to do with racism in this country. Are you implying that monitority kids yell racism when they don't get the grades they want?
I went to medical school with 6 black kids in my class of 100. They are all my close friends. Not one time did they play the race card when they didn't get the grade they wanted.

I volunteered teaching mathematics in Durham and New Haven. Not once did a black student I tutored play the race card for a poor grade.

I do wish you well in your studies. Keep your head up and good luck on your next exam
Thank you I need all the luck I can get.
I was a trainer in South Florida for 12 years and a total of 20 in the business dealing with players and clients. My point is Race isnt and doesnt stop a person from their goals they do it to themselves. No one stopped me from finishing 25 years ago and I have taken full responsibility. This is not an era we have to fight for respect its an era we have to come together as one or it will get worse.
MF123 I really admire you guys in the medical field....Only the strong survive in that field
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Nah, not trying to be clever, just wanted to see if the smartest man on the interwebs would acknowledge that this is racism too, even though it doesn't fit his agenda.

I was lucky. I saw white kids hauled off to the hospital for nothing else but being white, but I definitely don't blame the black race. I blame a few ignorant individuals and their parents who taught such hatred.

Let's see how this goes. First let me back it up with a fact, 72% of black children are raised in a single parent home. Divorce is more common than ever, but children being raised without a father in their life is highest among African Americans.

I work at a title one middle school. We are heavy in broken, poverty stricken homes. White is the minority in my school. Every child, regardless of race, has the same opportunity in my classroom. All races get to hear the same information, take the same notes, and work on the same assignments. Being a certain race does not handicap anyone in my class.

When they get home it's a different story. The majority of my students unfortunately do not have a set of parents who push them to achieve greatness. They have no motivating force in their life. Very few middle schoolers are self driven and they must be held accountable to do their homework, study for their tests and have good grades.

Now this affects all races in my school, but in my years of teaching it has most greatly affected my African American students. I hear stories about mom having to work till midnight or later and the 7th grade student has to cook dinner and get younger siblings in bed. I've had moms in tears who said they aren't at home bc of work and can't be at home to force the middle schooler to get his work done. It's troubling and heart breaking bc it is a vicious cycle. The boy has no father to push him and mom struggles to do it all so they fail and many continue the cycle when they become a parent. it pisses me off that many of students never stand a chance bc of things they can't control. So I feel like the African Americans who truly want a change for the better should be more angry at those who continue this cycle (instead of angry at other races opportunities) and pour their time and energy into shaping today's kids.

I run two mentor groups at my school. I tell them how no one from my family ever graduated from college before me. I show them how my family tree is forever changed bc I dared to be different from those before me. Now my kids will be expected to go to college just like theirs will and so on. If real change and equality is ever going to take place we all must teach our current kids that accomplishing things will take hard work. I tell them to remember how hard it is in life bc of the situation they are in and use that to make sure their children never have to go thru it. You may have disadvantages bc of things you can't control, but that should only make you work harder. Then when they reach new heights that no one in their family had ever reached before, they can be a shining example to their kids and model what they are expected to do.
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Here we have a white person who is an expert on oppression telling how minorities should or shouldn't act.
And here we have someone using a logical fallacy to attempt to point out another fallacy. Classic.
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Thank you I need all the luck I can get.
I was a trainer in South Florida for 12 years and a total of 20 in the business dealing with players and clients. My point is Race isnt and doesnt stop a person from their goals they do it to themselves. No one stopped me from finishing 25 years ago and I have taken full responsibility. This is not an era we have to fight for respect its an era we have to come together as one or it will get worse.

I think race can be a hindrance to attaining certain goals regardless of how hard you work. And studies have proven that to be the case.
I don't like offering personal or anecdotal stories to try to make an overaching point, but I feel compelled to do so in light of your comments.
I was interviewing for residency in the fall of 2014. At a pre dinner interview for a spot at a major academic hospital there was some alcohol flowing and a few of the residents from that hospital joined us for drinks. There were 3 black kids interviewing at that time. All 3 were at the dinner. One was a classmate and buddy from Med school. We went up together.
We were walking to the bathroom and 2 residents were talking about the group. They didn't see us coming around the corner but we could hear them. One said to the other "those 3 black kids are super cool. Not sure if we'll get them since it seems like we shattered our black quota in our class *both laugh*". I was appalled. I was also embarrassed for my friend. That was racist as shit. Is he going to have the same opportunity as his white co applicant? He worked hard to be there but will have be denied a chance?
That's an issue. I'm not naive to think that this was the first time that's happened at that program or elsewhere for that matter.
Needless to say, we didn't rank the program.

Anyway, keep up the work, boss
And here we have someone using a logical fallacy to attempt to point out another fallacy. Classic.

Oh look. Here's another white person telling me about fallacies related to racism.
Let's see how this goes. First let me back it up with a fact, 72% of black children are raised in a single parent home. Divorce is more common than ever, but children being raised without a father in their life is highest among African Americans.

I work at a title one middle school. We are heavy in broken, poverty stricken homes. White is the minority in my school. Every child, regardless of race, has the same opportunity in my classroom. All races get to hear the same information, take the same notes, and work on the same assignments. Being a certain race does not handicap anyone in my class.

When they get home it's a different story. The majority of my students unfortunately do not have a set of parents who push them to achieve greatness. They have no motivating force in their life. Very few middle schoolers are self driven and they must be held accountable to do their homework, study for their tests and have good grades.

Now this affects all races in my school, but in my years of teaching it has most greatly affected my African American students. I hear stories about mom having to work till midnight or later and the 7th grade student has to cook dinner and get younger siblings in bed. I've had moms who said they aren't at home bc of work and can't be at home to force the middle schooler to get his work done. It's troubling and heart breaking bc it is a vicious cycle. The boy has no father to push him and mom struggles to do it all so they fail and many continue the cycle when they become a parent. it pisses me off that many of students never stand a chance bc of things they can't control. So I feel like the African Americans who truly want a change for the better should be more angry at those who continue this cycle (instead of angry at other races opportunities) and pour their time and energy into shaping today's kids.

I run two mentor groups at my school. I tell them how no one from my family ever graduated from college before me. I show them how my family tree is forever changed bc I dared to be different from those before me. Now my kids will be expected to go to college just like theirs will and so on. If real change and equality is ever going to take place we all must teach our current kids thatvaccomplishing things will take hard work. I tell them to remember how hard it is in life bc of the situation they are in and use that to make sure their children never have to go thru it. You may have disadvantages bc of things you can't control, but that should only make you work harder. Then when they reach new heights that no one in their family had ever reached before, they can be a shining example to their kids and model what they are expected to do.
This the best post I have read on here. I agree 100%
Not as smart as you, but smart enough to know you would never respond to my question. But please continue to enlighten us. I just can't get enough of your pearls.

im not responding to your question because its childish and ignorant. of course those are examples of racism.
Nah, not trying to be clever, just wanted to see if the smartest man on the interwebs would acknowledge that this is racism too, even though it doesn't fit his agenda.

I was lucky. I saw white kids hauled off to the hospital for nothing else but being white, but I definitely don't blame the black race. I blame a few ignorant individuals and their parents who taught such hatred.

So here is the thing. I don't think most credible people blame the white race for the problems of black people (some certainly do, but that goes both ways). Whites have been in the better situation for a very, very long time. It's fair to acknowledge that white people have some built in advantages while also recognizing that not every white person is a racist who is trying to keep people down.

I feel like what happens a lot in this conversation is that some white people get defensive and say they personally don't do anything or that things are better than they were so shut up. It's counterproductive.

There are some interesting things that can be done to improve the situation:
-Body cams on all police officers seems like an absolute no brainer. Don't let best be the enemy of better.
-Stop prosecuting so many people for drug related offenses.
-Start being more critical of eyewitness testimony. It's a fact that people aren't as reliable at recognizing people of other races.
-Look at having blind testimony at trials. Jurors are affected by being able to see and hear the person who is giving testimony
-Smaller stuff like taking names off of resume's and applications

These are little things that probably make little differences. Some of the point is to acknowledge that everyone has their biases and do what we can to prevent those biases from affecting us.
Yeah, unfortunately you're wasting your time. I got into an argument a few months back on a thread where a vast majority of posters were arguing that white privilege wasn't a thing. Like, nobody is even telling you you have to do anything about it. Just simply acknowledge that white privilege absolutely exists. But these posters wouldn't budge. Even my most conservative real-life friends understand the basic concept of privilege.
Kudos to you man. Lots of people on here need their privilege checked. Brings warmth to my heart to know we have warriors like yourself bringing social justice to TI. Wake up and acknowledge your privilege people!!
This feels like you're trying to lay what you consider to be a really clever trap.

The answer is that yes, it's racist. No one race has a monopoly on being racist and no race is immune from being the victims of racism. In this country, though, it seems that minority races tend to be disproportionately affected by racism than the majority race.
Maybe you haven't ever left this country, or maybe you have but you just weren't very observant. What you described has nothing to do with "in this country"...that's just the way things are. It's human nature.

Liberals don't want to hear that. They think that they are "good people", and that everyone else has goodness inside them, it just needs to be brought out. But that couldn't be further from the truth. People are evil, every last one of us. Mother Theresa, Ghandi, etc, they were all evil, and they would even tell you that. They were less evil than the rest of us, but don't be foolish, they knew better than to fall into the trap of pride and think they were "good people".
Oh look. Here's another white person telling me about fallacies related to racism.
You don't know my race. You don't know the races of my family members. And that's the point. How about focus on the idea and not your perception of the person stating it?

If Hitler liked ice cream that doesn't make ice cream bad. Ideas stand alone.
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im not responding to your question because its childish and ignorant. of course those are examples of racism.

You are extremely vocal on many issues but pick and choose what you respond to when you're challenged. Basically, you fail to corroborate your statements more times than not-
You don't know my race. You don't know the races of my family members. And that's the point. How about focus on the idea and not your perception of the person stating it?

If Hitler liked ice cream that doesn't make ice cream bad. Ideas stand alone.

Lots of fail in this post.
Maybe you haven't ever left this country, or maybe you have but you just weren't very observant. What you described has nothing to do with "in this country"...that's just the way things are. It's human nature.

Liberals don't want to hear that. They think that they are "good people", and that everyone else has goodness inside them, it just needs to be brought out. But that couldn't be further from the truth. People are evil, every last one of us. Mother Theresa, Ghandi, etc, they were all evil, and they would even tell you that. They were less evil than the rest of us, but don't be foolish, they knew better than to fall into the trap of pride and think they were "good people".

.....ummmm good post? I'm fairly well traveled but wasn't saying that things are better or worse in this country than others; just that we've got our problems. The fact that other countries have problems doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve. See my most recent post, I think I made some points that you'll at least give consideration to.

If anything, my comment on "this country" could be used to draw a comparison to Apartheid in South Africa, where the minority race was doing the oppressing.
I think race can be a hindrance to attaining certain goals regardless of how hard you work. And studies have proven that to be the case.
I don't like offering personal or anecdotal stories to try to make an overaching point, but I feel compelled to do so in light of your comments.
I was interviewing for residency in the fall of 2014. At a pre dinner interview for a spot at a major academic hospital there was some alcohol flowing and a few of the residents from that hospital joined us for drinks. There were 3 black kids interviewing at that time. All 3 were at the dinner. One was a classmate and buddy from Med school. We went up together.
We were walking to the bathroom and 2 residents were talking about the group. They didn't see us coming around the corner but we could hear them. One said to the other "those 3 black kids are super cool. Not sure if we'll get them since it seems like we shattered our black quota in our class *both laugh*". I was appalled. I was also embarrassed for my friend. That was racist as shit. Is he going to have the same opportunity as his white co applicant? He worked hard to be there but will have be denied a chance?
That's an issue. I'm not naive to think that this was the first time that's happened at that program or elsewhere for that matter.
Needless to say, we didn't rank the program.

Anyway, keep up the work, boss
That is a situation we have and we all will experience in our lifetime. I was passed over on a job I was much more qualified because the guy wated a jewish employee. I almost went into tears but 2 days later I walked into a better opportunity. If I had quit over that incident I would have never got that opportunity. There will be one who will appreciate who you are but not all and thats just life.
That is a situation we have and we all will experience in our lifetime. I was passed over on a job I was much more qualified because the guy wated a jewish employee. I almost went into tears but 2 days later I walked into a better opportunity. If I had quit over that incident I would have never got that opportunity. There will be one who will appreciate who you are but not all and thats just life.

But did they single you out because of your race?
Yeah, unfortunately you're wasting your time. I got into an argument a few months back on a thread where a vast majority of posters were arguing that white privilege wasn't a thing. Like, nobody is even telling you you have to do anything about it. Just simply acknowledge that white privilege absolutely exists. But these posters wouldn't budge. Even my most conservative real-life friends understand the basic concept of privilege.
Serious question. I really want your definition: what is white privilege?
Kudos to you man. Lots of people on here need their privilege checked. Brings warmth to my heart to know we have warriors like yourself bringing social justice to TI. Wake up and acknowledge your privilege people!!

It wasn't brought up by myself. Others were scoffing at the idea of privilege when it was mentioned in an article or by another poster. I can't remember which. But keep on keeping on, dawg. You might get the hang of this humor thing one day.
No, because of his religion. What is your point?

My point is that his story does not mitigate the fact that racism exist.
I don't see why acknowledging that racism exists make you feel so uncomfortable.
Serious question. I really want your definition: what is white privilege?

Not the person you requested by I'll weigh in. I view white privilege as the inherent advantages that a white person enjoys by being white. This would be things like being more likely to come from a higher income family or more likely to have parents with a college education or less likely to be convicted of a crime after being arrested.
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Serious question. I really want your definition: what is white privilege?

christ i'm really not doing this again. can you try wikipedia? there's probably a very detailed entry on the concept of white privilege. it's not difficult to grasp.
My point is that his story does not mitigate the fact that racism exist.
I don't see why acknowledging that racism exists make you feel so uncomfortable.
For the love of God, I have stated it multiple times. You are thick!
-Stop prosecuting so many people for drug related offenses.
You do realize if youre caught with drugs or any other illegal substance you will be prosecuted. Why do it or its just an oppressing situation.
You do realize if youre caught with drugs or any other illegal substance you will be prosecuted. Why do it or its just an oppressing situation.

Except for black teenagers are more likely to get convicted for the exact same crime as white teenagers
christ i'm really not doing this again. can you try wikipedia? there's probably a very detailed entry on the concept of white privilege. it's not difficult to grasp.
I said yours. I don't read every post and if you have given your definition before I did not see.
Not the person you requested by I'll weigh in. I view white privilege as the inherent advantages that a white person enjoys by being white. This would be things like being more likely to come from a higher income family or more likely to have parents with a college education or less likely to be convicted of a crime after being arrested.
Sounds like Asian privilege IYAM