Let's see how this goes. First let me back it up with a fact, 72% of black children are raised in a single parent home. Divorce is more common than ever, but children being raised without a father in their life is highest among African Americans.
I work at a title one middle school. We are heavy in broken, poverty stricken homes. White is the minority in my school. Every child, regardless of race, has the same opportunity in my classroom. All races get to hear the same information, take the same notes, and work on the same assignments. Being a certain race does not handicap anyone in my class.
When they get home it's a different story. The majority of my students unfortunately do not have a set of parents who push them to achieve greatness. They have no motivating force in their life. Very few middle schoolers are self driven and they must be held accountable to do their homework, study for their tests and have good grades.
Now this affects all races in my school, but in my years of teaching it has most greatly affected my African American students. I hear stories about mom having to work till midnight or later and the 7th grade student has to cook dinner and get younger siblings in bed. I've had moms who said they aren't at home bc of work and can't be at home to force the middle schooler to get his work done. It's troubling and heart breaking bc it is a vicious cycle. The boy has no father to push him and mom struggles to do it all so they fail and many continue the cycle when they become a parent. it pisses me off that many of students never stand a chance bc of things they can't control. So I feel like the African Americans who truly want a change for the better should be more angry at those who continue this cycle (instead of angry at other races opportunities) and pour their time and energy into shaping today's kids.
I run two mentor groups at my school. I tell them how no one from my family ever graduated from college before me. I show them how my family tree is forever changed bc I dared to be different from those before me. Now my kids will be expected to go to college just like theirs will and so on. If real change and equality is ever going to take place we all must teach our current kids thatvaccomplishing things will take hard work. I tell them to remember how hard it is in life bc of the situation they are in and use that to make sure their children never have to go thru it. You may have disadvantages bc of things you can't control, but that should only make you work harder. Then when they reach new heights that no one in their family had ever reached before, they can be a shining example to their kids and model what they are expected to do.