Trump is a master manipulator, you should actually read his book. He admits to lying quite often sometimes to simply agitate others to get what he wants. But the difference is, as he explains that he never admits wrong or defeat even when being widely criticised Or proven to be plain wrong. The strategy is to be even louder and more forceful, i.e. drown out the truth. He personally coined a phrase “truthful hyperbole” which is an oxymoron by definition. I wish people did not choose to live and believe this is the way things should be in the land of the free(whatever the hell that means now). Differing of opinions is a good thing remind you.
Interesting to see what some people from different countries think about us right now.
Non US Reddit users respond to how they currently feel about the US
Just to answer you directly, if you’re asking those questions, then I’m really wasting my time and yours with this tit for tat exercise. Every single day there is a new scandal, a new arrest, a new book, a new candid statement released, a new tweet(who the hell in real life has that much time to tweet about let alone take time to actually be informed by watching that much tv). It’s all explained away as a joke, a mischaracterization, lefties hating. Not just once do you followers think(I believe it’s more care) he could wrong or actually just a truly awful human. Certainly not the President of the United States.
My General equation of those who think trump is a good leader for this country is similar to my opinion of a follower of any fascist leader weve had in history.
Interesting to see what some people from different countries think about us right now.
Non US Reddit users respond to how they currently feel about the US
Just to answer you directly, if you’re asking those questions, then I’m really wasting my time and yours with this tit for tat exercise. Every single day there is a new scandal, a new arrest, a new book, a new candid statement released, a new tweet(who the hell in real life has that much time to tweet about let alone take time to actually be informed by watching that much tv). It’s all explained away as a joke, a mischaracterization, lefties hating. Not just once do you followers think(I believe it’s more care) he could wrong or actually just a truly awful human. Certainly not the President of the United States.
My General equation of those who think trump is a good leader for this country is similar to my opinion of a follower of any fascist leader weve had in history.