
Probably wouldn’t pretend like his feelings were hurt because they watched “worlds dumbest…” and called someone a retard.
People believing that idiotic shit about litter boxes in schools attempting to slur someone else with the R-word.

People believing that idiotic shit about litter boxes in schools attempting to slur someone else with the R-word.

So we are supposed to believe that men can turn into women but there was no cat litter box in school.

Im just trying to figure out which absurdities to believe and which ones are knowingly false.

The list goes on a mile long.
@Cris_Ard can you pleas stop or move this thread it has become toxic for The West Zone.

The old speech and thought police.

There is an ignore button if you don’t like what people post. And a whole other board where they censor stuff for people with speech sensitivities.
Folks…. we have an ABUNDANCE of choice in this country: cereal, paint color, NFL team and even in religion.

In politics you are SHAMED into believing that choice is 1 of 2 options. How’s that working out for you? For us?

Competition in business or politics(50 States) is the MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS. Yet, some will tighten their sphincters and pledge loyalty to a political party and be DISMISSIVE of poor ideas, policy, people of that idea/policy/person is of the party you identify with.

Seriously…. WTF is wrong you when these 2 “choices” adopt some of the most pathetic ideas/policy/people that DESTROY not only the party but the country because you are TOO WEAK to speak up against these poor concepts. SOME people are starting to do it.

These fundamentals are why neither party is ever able to retain control. They don’t stand for the people yet you fools step right up thinking Coke or Pepsi is gonna make you feel better.

I have no empathy nor respect for those who do not PUT DOWN their party when it’s the right thing to do. The fact we still discuss trans women competing against women is quite frankly the dumbest and lowest thing that still goes on today. It’s hateful, to literally everyone, even the trans women.

Grow up…..
- saying retarded has its place.
- Telling biological men they aren’t gonna compete against females is morally correct.
- DUE PROCESS to people is the law of the land.

Do the right thing independent of your allegiance. These 2 parties compromise your ability to do it and make you a lesser man or woman. They are fvckin retarded!! 😉
This thread fits its title so well. It has retarded human progress by at least a couple of years.

Also, people should stop giving power to words from the mouths of those who so perfectly exemplify that which they claim to behold. It's a word and from the ignorant it should hold no power.
So naive in your little bubble.
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I always love it when people who for the most part have never done a single thing to help anyone else in their lives in any meaningful way tell organizations like Special Olympics who serve people 24/7 that they should just "get over it" and not be offended by words. It's really too damn bad that messageboards like TI didn't exist back during the 60s when the Civil Rights Era got rolling. I can imagine the advice these Christian soldiers would have given black people on here.
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I respect all of the banter that we have on this board and I’m typically a lurker but for some of us the use of the word “retard” is offensive. We have kids that aren’t that fortunate and those of that deal with that every day would appreciate the use of a more humane description of your perception of normal life.
If you're a lurker then there is no "banter"--there is no WE, unless you're from France or have a mouse in your pocket. You don't respect anything. You're reading other people's 'ish (i would have typed out the S word, but that might offend you also) and trying to find something to be pissed about.

Are your kids on this board engaged in banter also--meaning they are "lurking" also? Are they talking about you or your kids? If someone says that to your kid(s)s, I will personally invite them to the nearest Wachovia myself. If it's about the WORD, then you're just a typical liberal Karen. You folks like to rewrite history.

I have a daughter who is borderline on the spectrum, but she has never been raised where a word would ever hurt her. Just did a search from my search engine, and the "R" word is still in there. That word was used for over 40 years of my life as a general term.

Every time I've ever seen that "R" word used on this board from either Rep/Dem (I can't stand Dems but I got to give credit where it's due) it wasn't ever related to any child. It was related to someone else saying something that as an adult should know better.

BLUF: Lighten up Francis.

What is the word you would like all of us on this board to use?
your response is one of the absolute dumbest things I've ever read on here which is saying a shit ton. why don't you go visit the ClemsonLIFE program and tell the students there that you're going to call them retards because you think the world needs more bullying #WWJD
I posted this in response to OP and I'll say it to you also.

I've never seen ANYONE (either side)on here say that word in any kind of way to any post about a child. They say it about other adults to try and belittle them. I don't think anyone on this board would say that in regards to a child. What I do think is "P" like you (the P word) just look for the opportunity to get pissed about something, and try and change our language. You don't have a problem with 40 million people who are here that don't speak our language (you support them), but we should change ours. GFY
I happen to take a strong stance on people who make incendiary remarks for the sole purpose of upsetting people and who choose to not show compassion towards others specifically because of their difference in opinions.

Tell me, when the time comes that you are in need of a compassionate response, based on your behavior ITT, who's gonna be the person to give it to you?

Food for thought

Great post. Much better than your ridiculous basketball takes.
I always love it when people who for the most part have never done a single thing to help anyone else in their lives in any meaningful way tell organizations like Special Olympics who serve people 24/7 that they should just "get over it" and not be offended by words. It's really too damn bad that messageboards like TI didn't exist back during the 60s when the Civil Rights Era got rolling. I can imagine the advice these Christian soldiers would have given black people on here.
Ahhhh shut up!
I was a teacher for 41 years. The word retard has been unacceptable for as long as I can remember. There really isn’t any acceptable reason for using it.
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