Run of the mill White

You forgot to include the blacks inflicting horrors on blacks gor likely thousands pf years in Africa before the white giy showed up to give the victorious black slavers a matket to sell to for a tidy profit

How does the oppressed black folk feel about thousands if not tens of thousands of years of being oppressed by blacks

Gee fella its still happening today as black on black crime is off the charts
I like how you just suppose a hypothetical in the first paragraph and then proceed the rest of the way as if your hypothetical is just accepted fact. You don't know anything about anything, let alone what was happening on another continent 500 years ago.
But one example. From a 2020 CNN article. I'll look for statistics from reputable sources later this week. It doesn't matter; you won't change my mind and I certainly won't change yours.

Biden has said in the past that he would pick someone “of color and/or a different gender” as his running mate, but has until Sunday refrained from committing to picking a woman as his vice president.

Nothing about quals/experience...just female & preferably "of color".
Awesome. Picking people for important jobs based on gender and skin color as the primary screening tools or the more subtle racism in Corporate America of using a hiring matrix that is skewed more heavily toward gender & race--which is what I've personally seen happen.

Sounds like a great way to find the best qualified people for the job.
Didn’t read the rest of what you said after this. And I’m fine leaving it that way.
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Either you are mentally retarded or are trolling. If you don't think diversity is the reason we have a clueless moron with no understanding of the English language as vp, I don't know what to tell you.
Was diversity the reason we had Trump in office then? People are talking about it. Smart people.



  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
  3. The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.

The spirit of what she was saying was she was proud of the inclusivity of other races/diversity on the team. Not that she was excluding a race based on race. You are misunderstanding her point, so that you can feel upset about people talking about diversity as a positive. You might want to reflect on WHY you are reacting this way..
lol. I am not “reacting” any way. I am calling a spade a spade. You may want to ask yourself why you want to defend her.

You may want to also reflect on that definition you posted. Because it was rather the self own. Thanks for saving me the trouble of copy pasting it on here. You’ve made my point
lol. I am not “reacting” any way. I am calling a spade a spade. You may want to ask yourself why you want to defend her.

You may want to also reflect on that definition you posted. Because it was rather the self own. Thanks for saving me the trouble of copy pasting it on here. You’ve made my point
Are you going to be okay?
I have more issue with how she pronounced "imporTANT" than anything else she said.
But hey, maybe it's just me.
Sure, there all kinds of racism, but I was not offended by what she said. About all that she was saying was that her team was diverse. It did not seem that the intent was negative towards anyone. Probably best that she leave the topic alone, but she seemed like a pleasant person who harbored no ill intent.
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