@hopefultiger13 I do agree with you here in the fact that most people will rationalize facts to agree with their idea of right and wrong and their perception of reality. People will always be more willing to forgive a politician that they agree with most or all of the time as opposed to someone they disagree with or despise. I honestly think I am firmly living in reality.
- I am a registered republican.
- I philosophically am a libertarian. My biggest problem with Trump is the missiles fired in the mideast, but have come to the conclusion that he is being forced to do more stuff internationally than he wanted. This is the one of the very few areas where he hasnt kept his campaign promises.
- I as a registered republican despise the Clintons and the Bushes due to what they did while in office.
- I despise Obama too of course due to what he did while in office.
- I supported Ron Paul heavily to the point that I voted for him in 2008 and 2012 as a write in candidate. I love Ron Paul, but he couldnt catch on in popularity and he was attacked by the left and the right due to his views.
As a citizen, I have to choose my presidential candidate by who will do stuff that I think will put America in the best position. I never cared much at all for Donald Trump before this. We watched his show when it was on and it was mildly entertaining at times. I was totally disillusioned and cynical of all politicians going into Obama's second term. I felt like the republicans and the democrats were selling our country down the river. I listened to Donald Trump as he started his campaign and most of what he said made sense to me. I thought we can keep doing the stupid crap thats been done forever and let these professional polticians do what they do or lets try something different. The more I listened to Trump, it galvanized my opinion that hey lets give this man a chance. Let an outsider into Washington and see what happens.
Trump has kept his campaign promises in work and effort while not completing all of them. I dont hold the lack of a wall against Trump as he cannot do that by himself. He has passed the biggest tax cut in history. He has eased regulatory burden on business. He has given us the lowest unemployment in history for minorities. He has done a hell of a job keeping his promises.
He is a flawed individual personally, but he is not my preacher. He is doing exceptional as POTUS though. The best that I can ever think of in over a 100 years. I do not have any built in reason to love Donald Trump no matter what. I would dump him in a minute if he started doing stuff that was contrary to his campaign promises. I separate him as a private citizen and as POTUS. The dude owned the MS Universe Pageant....nuff said. He loves women and everyone knew and no one cares. They shouldnt have paid any hush money honestly....it wouldnt have changed any votes. Big Bad Don is a mans man in a lot of respects.
The swamp is obviously after Trump. This is an all out attack never seen before in American history. Many republicans are involved in this also. Its as clear to me as the nose on your face. Its right there. The swamp does not want an outsider with no political experience to ride into Washington and quickly fix all the crap that they have created and let fester for decades......this will end a lot of the political class. They are out to take Trump down at any cost.