So they want to make her President when a year ago they wanted to axe her

These are not highly rated pollsters so take it for what it's worth.

Futures markets havent moved much. Hovering around 60-40 Trump.
What'd he do this time? 😅
There's just a new revelation seemingly every few hours that promises to be politically toxic for Trump. His views on childless parents having less of a vote than people with children is going to be an anchor around Trump's neck.
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There's just a new revelation seemingly every few hours that promises to be politically toxic for Trump. His views on childless parents having less of a vote than people with children is going to be an anchor around Trump's neck.
Yeah he stepped in it alright haha

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It was always a toss-up race. That being said, she's announced and no one really knows anything about her unless you actually follow politics and in that case, you know exactly where this ends up. She is a worse candidate than Joe Biden by far. This campaign is just starting and we'll see how disciplined Trump is as we go forward. He's got to take a very narrow way toward attacking her and it has to be policy driven and not personal. She's already attacked him in very personal ways and that will continue. It's just going to be that way because rules only go in one direction.

Also, FiveThirtyEight has been odd this year. Not sure how long ago he left but they clearly miss Nate Silver who is quite good. Might want to check out the Silver Bulletin some. We'll see over the next two weeks where we really are. It's possible the full bounce for Harris isn't reflected yet. I fully expect her to pull ahead some before this period reaches full maturity. It wouldn't shock me to see her pull out to a 3-4 point lead nationally.
He's got to take a very narrow way toward attacking her and it has to be policy driven and not personal. She's already attacked him in very personal ways and that will continue. It's just going to be that way because rules only go in one direction.
Are you implying he hasn't attacked her in very crude, personal ways? If so, you are a liar.
Also, FiveThirtyEight has been odd this year. Not sure how long ago he left but they clearly miss Nate Silver who is quite good.
The polls themselves are all that matters, NOT the person who runs the site.