So they want to make her President when a year ago they wanted to axe her

The NY Times ran an article yesterday stating that her positions on many issues have changed after four years of working with Biden, so she's not as far-left as she's being painted.

"In addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she now backed the Biden administration’s budget requests for increased funding for border enforcement; no longer supported a single-payer health insurance program; and echoed Mr. Biden’s call for banning assault weapons but not a requirement to sell them to the federal government."

Matt Bennett, a co-founder of Third Way, a moderate Democratic think tank, said he was not worried that Ms. Harris had once espoused left-wing ideas. She has evolved, he said, into a Biden-style Democrat with more centrist views.

“There’s a tremendous difference in changing one’s policy ideas and changing one’s principles,” Mr. Bennett said. “She has not changed her principles. She still thinks climate change is an existential threat — she just doesn’t think the Green New Deal is the way to address it.”

Since she joined Mr. Biden’s ticket in 2020, Ms. Harris has seldom put forward policies that differ much from his. She is no longer pushing for a single-payer health care system, and on Friday her campaign said she would maintain Mr. Biden’s pledge not to raise income taxes on people making less than $400,000 per year."

Is everything an existential threat to democrats?
Nah. The women vote is wrapped up.

- Trump pivoted on abortion.
- Mom's are tired of getting pillaged by inflation at the grocery store. Democratic polices are crushing their pocketbook. They aren't leaving for Kacklin Kamala. She has no idea what she is doing and inflation will be just the same because she reads from the same teleprompter as Joe.
Trump didnt pivot on abortion. He two steps and side steps, depending on the audience.

A President will get the blame for inflation, but current inflation has nothing to do with Joe Biden and everything do with a post-lockdown, post-pandemic economy. Inflation is starting to cool, and the inside opinion is that the Fed is going to take a chance at lowering interest rates around September.
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Trump didnt pivot on abortion. He two steps and side steps, depending on the audience.

A President will get the blame for inflation, but current inflation has nothing to do with Joe Biden and everything do with a post-lockdown, post-pandemic economy. Inflation is starting to cool, and the inside opinion is that the Fed is going to take a chance at lowering interest rates around September.
That's not really an inside opinion. Several key contributors on CNBC have been stating since the end of last year that the Fed would lower rates in September right before the election.
Is everything an existential threat to democrats?
Oh we worry about a lot more than climate change. Mad Marge brought it to our attention that the bigger threat is the fake meat that Bill Gates makes in a "peachtree" dish that he's going to make us eat after he takes away our hamberders. Now that is an existential threat!

I also thank Marge for bringing it to our attention that Nancy Pelosi has squads of "gazpacho" police that are spying on us and that needs immediate attention!

We should all be worried about those things
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