The Debate

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I keep asking you abcxyz++ou812 folks to put out the "incoherent lies". So far, you and your girlfriends have never even given me 1 lie that has been told.

You spew this drivel but you provide nothing to back it up.
I’lol help you

You seriously can not be this unintelligent. He doesn't care if you vote in four years bc he will not be running, lol.
Funny how you still trust Donald Trump, but if that is what he means, then think about what that says about his patriotism. He doesn't give a crap about what happens to this country or his party if it doesn't revolve around him.
How about you take a look at the board first thing every morning and tell me what you see. 30+ threads with 75+ posts with nasty made-up conspiracies about the Democrats and you don't say a word.

How about you pay attention and notice that even when I make an innocuous post, a pack of rabid hounds descends and one rabies-riddled redneck to slander and trash anything I've said and you don't say a word.

I'm way outnumbered on this board but I will not be intimidated and I will punch back even harder than I'm punched, so if that sounds like hate, so be it. If you're not going to say anything to anyone else about the malignant level of hatred that gets spewed by the others, how about keeping that rock in your pocket the next time you feel the urge to join in the stoning. K?
First I don't start my day looking at this board, and why would I? BOTH sides spew the same stuff just like Biden and Trump did during the debate "my golf game is better, no my golf game is better". It's sad actually.....

One thing I've learned about Democrats over the years is whatever they "state as a fact" about the right is generally what they're actually doing themselves. It's quite comical.

Want an example? I hear the left say the right reverts to petty name responded to me with:
- rabid hounds
- one rabies-riddled redneck

Another easy example? I heard the left immediately, after the debate was over, say that "Trump lied"......guess what, he did. So did Biden but the left doesn't admit that.

Another example, I hear the left (you do it frequently) talk about the right being "hateful".....yet in your own post to me you admitted that your comments "sounds like hate, so be it".

So maybe I'll put my stones down when you look in the mirror. And to use another one of the left's favorite quotes, maybe you should: Do Better
First I don't start my day looking at this board, and why would I? BOTH sides spew the same stuff just like Biden and Trump did during the debate "my golf game is better, no my golf game is better". It's sad actually.....

One thing I've learned about Democrats over the years is whatever they "state as a fact" about the right is generally what they're actually doing themselves. It's quite comical.

Want an example? I hear the left say the right reverts to petty name responded to me with:
- rabid hounds
- one rabies-riddled redneck

Another easy example? I heard the left immediately, after the debate was over, say that "Trump lied"......guess what, he did. So did Biden but the left doesn't admit that.

Another example, I hear the left (you do it frequently) talk about the right being "hateful".....yet in your own post to me you admitted that your comments "sounds like hate, so be it".

So maybe I'll put my stones down when you look in the mirror. And to use another one of the left's favorite quotes, maybe you should: Do Better
"Want an example? I hear the left say the right reverts to petty name responded to me with:"
I think you're making this up because I don't remember this being a running theme but I'm sure it sounds good to say it, but again, yes I will punch back. Stroll through this thread and look at some of the comments by others. I'm not going to play patty-cakes with those dolts, sorry.

"Another easy example? I heard the left immediately, after the debate was over, say that "Trump lied"......guess what, he did. So did Biden but the left doesn't admit that." I literally posted a link from CNN's Daniel Dale where he listed the lies told by Trump AND Biden. What you're ignoring is everyone on the Right asking "how did Trump lie?" and that's why we responded, not because we thought Biden didn't lie.

"And to use another one of the left's favorite quotes, maybe you should: Do Better" You would Do Better if you showed that you were willing to call out both sides and not just those that you disagree with politically. I seem to be a lightning rod for you in particular and that's fine because I can take it but that doesn't mean that I'm Doing Worse. You would be Doing Better if you would admit that by looking in the mirror.
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How about you take a look at the board first thing every morning and tell me what you see. 30+ threads with 75+ posts with nasty made-up conspiracies about the Democrats and you don't say a word.

How about you pay attention and notice that even when I make an innocuous post, a pack of rabid hounds descends and one rabies-riddled redneck to slander and trash anything I've said and you don't say a word.

I'm way outnumbered on this board but I will not be intimidated and I will punch back even harder than I'm punched, so if that sounds like hate, so be it. If you're not going to say anything to anyone else about the malignant level of hatred that gets spewed by the others, how about keeping that rock in your pocket the next time you feel the urge to join in the stoning. K?
Did you get a mandate from your uppers to use the term “hate” as much as possible?
"Want an example? I hear the left say the right reverts to petty name responded to me with:"
I think you're making this up because I don't remember this being a running theme but I'm sure it sounds good to say it, but again, yes I will punch back. Stroll through this thread and look at some of the comments by others. I'm not going to play patty-cakes with those dolts, sorry.

"Another easy example? I heard the left immediately, after the debate was over, say that "Trump lied"......guess what, he did. So did Biden but the left doesn't admit that." I literally posted a link from CNN's Daniel Dale where he listed the lies told by Trump AND Biden. What you're ignoring is everyone on the Right asking "how did Trump lie?" and that's why we responded, not because we thought Biden didn't lie.

"And to use another one of the left's favorite quotes, maybe you should: Do Better" You would Do Better if you showed that you were willing to call out both sides and not just those that you disagree with politically. I seem to be a lightning rod for you in particular and that's fine because I can take it but that doesn't mean that I'm Doing Worse. You would be Doing Better if you would admit that by looking in the mirror.
Ok, here's one that hopefully you and I can agree on/with. With the new colors of this website your responses look way too much like Uof colors. That literally gave me a headache (that has nothing to do with you).

Oh, and I did call out Trump for telling lies. Look at the 2nd line you copied and pasted. "Trump lied....guess what, he did" . So I do call out both sides......

And your last response could be every poster on here who leans right speaking back to you. You (other than one link) never admit to when the left is wrong. See it goes both ways....

Reagan - awesome orator who genuinely cared for Americans
Bush Sr - eh, never was a big fan
Clinton - another good speaker and I liked the way he worked with Congress
Bush Jr - he cared for his country and I believe he was the right President for 9-11.....helped he was a military pilot
Obama - another good speaker and at least carried himself well
Trump - didn't care for his braggish ways before he entered the political field and I still don't
Biden - would have done better if he were President 10 years younger. I'm not sure who's really been running the country

You'll notice I'm not one sided, I just call it the way I see it. Wish we had two different people to chose from in November as I don't think either one is fit to be our President. Our country can "do better" than what's on the ballot. I know we can't but I miss the debate days of the 70's, 80's and early 90's. It was more cordial back then and people actually could see the others viewpoints and admit their own party had problems. Now admitting your party screwed up apparently is a sign of weakness and that's sad.
Ok, here's one that hopefully you and I can agree on/with. With the new colors of this website your responses look way too much like Uof colors. That literally gave me a headache (that has nothing to do with you).

Oh, and I did call out Trump for telling lies. Look at the 2nd line you copied and pasted. "Trump lied....guess what, he did" . So I do call out both sides......

And your last response could be every poster on here who leans right speaking back to you. You (other than one link) never admit to when the left is wrong. See it goes both ways....

Reagan - awesome orator who genuinely cared for Americans
Bush Sr - eh, never was a big fan
Clinton - another good speaker and I liked the way he worked with Congress
Bush Jr - he cared for his country and I believe he was the right President for 9-11.....helped he was a military pilot
Obama - another good speaker and at least carried himself well
Trump - didn't care for his braggish ways before he entered the political field and I still don't
Biden - would have done better if he were President 10 years younger. I'm not sure who's really been running the country

You'll notice I'm not one sided, I just call it the way I see it. Wish we had two different people to chose from in November as I don't think either one is fit to be our President. Our country can "do better" than what's on the ballot. I know we can't but I miss the debate days of the 70's, 80's and early 90's. It was more cordial back then and people actually could see the others viewpoints and admit their own party had problems. Now admitting your party screwed up apparently is a sign of weakness and that's sad.
For some reason the Quote function isn't working for me since the update so that's why I responded that way, so I get it but just thought that would be the best way to separate your points from mine.

You're not paying attention if you say I don't ever admit when the Left is wrong because I could provide you many examples where I did just that but without the Quote function, it would be too messy to post them here. A few examples off the top of my head:
  • I don't agree with the majority of the positions held by the far-left and I'm not a fan of the Squad
  • I was very frank about my disgust for the leadership in deep blue cities San Francisco and Chicago. Their approach to crime is sickening to me.
  • I've said many times that Joe Biden wouldn't be my choice for President but we got who we got and all things considered, I think he's gotten a lot of good things done - however, I would prefer someone younger, stronger and a lot better at messaging.
  • I've said that the Afghanistan withdrawal was an epic disaster and if Biden was going to be impeached, that's what it should be for. I understand some of the reasons for the failure but he should still have to answer for it and I want to hear his explanation.
  • I've said several times that I didn't agree with the left going after Kavanaugh for something he did at a drunken high school party. By that standard we would all probably be guilty of something we have no memory of.
I've said many times on this board that I didn't start posting here until I witnessed the avalanche of lies and misinformation under the Trump administration and saw how dangerous it was for our country. I thought some of the things Bush Jr. did were terrible though I never posted about them, but after Trump said hold my beer, I made a vow to myself to confront misinformation and lies whenever I saw them and since I'm a Clemson fan and I've had a membership here since 2005, this is one place I can address those lies, even though the impact may be small.

I too don't like that we feel the need to pick a side but my values inform me that the current Right is a much bigger threat than anything coming from the left. The left does dumb shit for sure but the MAGA party is an existential threat to our country and I'm not going to take that laying down.
For some reason the Quote function isn't working for me since the update so that's why I responded that way, so I get it but just thought that would be the best way to separate your points from mine.

You're not paying attention if you say I don't ever admit when the Left is wrong because I could provide you many examples where I did just that but without the Quote function, it would be too messy to post them here. A few examples off the top of my head:
  • I don't agree with the majority of the positions held by the far-left and I'm not a fan of the Squad
  • I was very frank about my disgust for the leadership in deep blue cities San Francisco and Chicago. Their approach to crime is sickening to me.
  • I've said many times that Joe Biden wouldn't be my choice for President but we got who we got and all things considered, I think he's gotten a lot of good things done - however, I would prefer someone younger, stronger and a lot better at messaging.
  • I've said that the Afghanistan withdrawal was an epic disaster and if Biden was going to be impeached, that's what it should be for. I understand some of the reasons for the failure but he should still have to answer for it and I want to hear his explanation.
  • I've said several times that I didn't agree with the left going after Kavanaugh for something he did at a drunken high school party. By that standard we would all probably be guilty of something we have no memory of.
I've said many times on this board that I didn't start posting here until I witnessed the avalanche of lies and misinformation under the Trump administration and saw how dangerous it was for our country. I thought some of the things Bush Jr. did were terrible though I never posted about them, but after Trump said hold my beer, I made a vow to myself to confront misinformation and lies whenever I saw them and since I'm a Clemson fan and I've had a membership here since 2005, this is one place I can address those lies, even though the impact may be small.

I too don't like that we feel the need to pick a side but my values inform me that the current Right is a much bigger threat than anything coming from the left. The left does dumb shit for sure but the MAGA party is an existential threat to our country and I'm not going to take that laying down.
I appreciate you being specific about some of those things. This provided some clarity.

Now, to who the biggest threat is, I’d like to know how the MAGA party is more of a threat to our country than the far left? Bc what the far left has shown thus far has been significant.
For some reason the Quote function isn't working for me since the update so that's why I responded that way, so I get it but just thought that would be the best way to separate your points from mine.

You're not paying attention if you say I don't ever admit when the Left is wrong because I could provide you many examples where I did just that but without the Quote function, it would be too messy to post them here. A few examples off the top of my head:
  • I don't agree with the majority of the positions held by the far-left and I'm not a fan of the Squad
  • I was very frank about my disgust for the leadership in deep blue cities San Francisco and Chicago. Their approach to crime is sickening to me.
  • I've said many times that Joe Biden wouldn't be my choice for President but we got who we got and all things considered, I think he's gotten a lot of good things done - however, I would prefer someone younger, stronger and a lot better at messaging.
  • I've said that the Afghanistan withdrawal was an epic disaster and if Biden was going to be impeached, that's what it should be for. I understand some of the reasons for the failure but he should still have to answer for it and I want to hear his explanation.
  • I've said several times that I didn't agree with the left going after Kavanaugh for something he did at a drunken high school party. By that standard we would all probably be guilty of something we have no memory of.
I've said many times on this board that I didn't start posting here until I witnessed the avalanche of lies and misinformation under the Trump administration and saw how dangerous it was for our country. I thought some of the things Bush Jr. did were terrible though I never posted about them, but after Trump said hold my beer, I made a vow to myself to confront misinformation and lies whenever I saw them and since I'm a Clemson fan and I've had a membership here since 2005, this is one place I can address those lies, even though the impact may be small.

I too don't like that we feel the need to pick a side but my values inform me that the current Right is a much bigger threat than anything coming from the left. The left does dumb shit for sure but the MAGA party is an existential threat to our country and I'm not going to take that laying down.
Made a vow to confront disinformation…… becomes the biggest disseminator of misinformation. You can’t make this stuff up.
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For some reason the Quote function isn't working for me since the update so that's why I responded that way, so I get it but just thought that would be the best way to separate your points from mine.

You're not paying attention if you say I don't ever admit when the Left is wrong because I could provide you many examples where I did just that but without the Quote function, it would be too messy to post them here. A few examples off the top of my head:
  • I don't agree with the majority of the positions held by the far-left and I'm not a fan of the Squad
  • I was very frank about my disgust for the leadership in deep blue cities San Francisco and Chicago. Their approach to crime is sickening to me.
  • I've said many times that Joe Biden wouldn't be my choice for President but we got who we got and all things considered, I think he's gotten a lot of good things done - however, I would prefer someone younger, stronger and a lot better at messaging.
  • I've said that the Afghanistan withdrawal was an epic disaster and if Biden was going to be impeached, that's what it should be for. I understand some of the reasons for the failure but he should still have to answer for it and I want to hear his explanation.
  • I've said several times that I didn't agree with the left going after Kavanaugh for something he did at a drunken high school party. By that standard we would all probably be guilty of something we have no memory of.
I've said many times on this board that I didn't start posting here until I witnessed the avalanche of lies and misinformation under the Trump administration and saw how dangerous it was for our country. I thought some of the things Bush Jr. did were terrible though I never posted about them, but after Trump said hold my beer, I made a vow to myself to confront misinformation and lies whenever I saw them and since I'm a Clemson fan and I've had a membership here since 2005, this is one place I can address those lies, even though the impact may be small.

I too don't like that we feel the need to pick a side but my values inform me that the current Right is a much bigger threat than anything coming from the left. The left does dumb shit for sure but the MAGA party is an existential threat to our country and I'm not going to take that laying down.
This dpic is someone I could "have a beer with". I don't drink but you could have one and I'll grab a sweet tea. Appreciate your honesty here. Maybe it's just my opinion but the world would be a better place if everyone could at least put down the "sides" and talk rationally with each other.
This dpic is someone I could "have a beer with". I don't drink but you could have one and I'll grab a sweet tea. Appreciate your honesty here. Maybe it's just my opinion but the world would be a better place if everyone could at least put down the "sides" and talk rationally with each other.
Serious question - I agree we would all be better off if we could put down the sides. However, one side is literally backing a sick person. Literally. How are you supposed to rationalize with that?

Don’t you think the only path forward is for Dems to recognize that and remove him from office? Otherwise no one will trust them to be rational.
You can't see the forest for the trees here brother. Trump beat the competition decisively head to head and will continue to. The vague polls they were feeding that Haley and others would do better than Trump against the dems were not legit imo. It's all about the establishment working together dems and rinos to take down Trump at any cost. I give not a lick of credence to what I consider fake polls from back then. I and a few others called it way back when everyone said Trump had no chance and here we are. The Trump Train is steaming ahead and he will make you and a lot of other haters extremely happy when he starts fixing the current disaster.

You would of gotten business as usual and slow but sure ruination for the citizens if Haley was the nominee. Trump is the fix for the people and that's why they have fought like hell together to stop him. Use logic people. Use common sense to explain what has occurred the last 8 years.
You said there was no evidence she would do better and I showed you there was. Common sense and general understanding of the political climate would lead you to the same conclusion. Also, if she is also part of the deep state then there would be no voter fraud used against her like you claim was used against trump - which would add even more votes for her compared to trump and her lead against him would be more than the polls show, not less.
You also called it (wrong) during the last election when I tried to tell you trumps rude, abrasive behavior and speech and coming off like a elementary school bully was going to cost him votes with normally sure votes from suburban pub women and independent voters. You and @dpic73 are two sides of the same coin. Neither of you can get past your derangement long enough to actually look at the facts and think critically. You are driven by emotion and nonsense.
The only reason Trump has a chance is bc he is running against what might be the worst candidate in history. It is not a testament to trump that he might win, it is a direct repudiation of the guy running against him.
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You said there was no evidence she would do better and I showed you there was. Common sense and general understanding of the political climate would lead you to the same conclusion. Also, if she is also part of the deep state then there would be no voter fraud used against her like you claim was used against trump - which would add even more votes for her compared to trump and her lead against him would be more than the polls show, not less.
You also called it (wrong) during the last election when I tried to tell you trumps rude, abrasive behavior and speech and coming off like a elementary school bully was going to cost him votes with normally sure votes from suburban pub women and independent voters. You and @dpic73 are two sides of the same coin. Neither of you can get past your derangement long enough to actually look at the facts and think critically. You are driven by emotion and nonsense.
The only reason Trump has a chance is bc he is running against what might be the worst candidate in history. It is not a testament to trump that he might win, it is a direct repudiation of the guy running against him.
Firmly Disagree.

Not many would have the balls to do what Trump has done. He is the leader this country needs right now. People are voting FOR Trump to defeat the deep state. No one believes Biden is running the country, who is calling the shots? That’s who people are voting for Trump to defeat.
I appreciate you being specific about some of those things. This provided some clarity.

Now, to who the biggest threat is, I’d like to know how the MAGA party is more of a threat to our country than the far left? Bc what the far left has shown thus far has been significant.
The far-left is the fringe, nobody listens to them and they have very little impact on policy - Biden pretty much ignores them altogether. A fight about pronouns won't kill you - an insurrection and mismanaging a pandemic just might.

The MAGA party is the party and they've proven they will wholly accept Trump's lies and will blindly parrot anything he says without a second thought. They've already shown they're perfectly fine with his four years of election lies, the insurrection, taking away a woman's right to choose, banning books, impeaching Biden for things his son did just to get revenge for losing, and they proudly announce ahead of time that the plan for Trump's administration will be a reign of terror hell-bent on Retribution, rooting out the "vermin", destroying the government as we know it, jailing their political opponents, prosecuting the media they don't like

You virtually hear nothing about what they want to do to make things better for all citizens - just the various ways they plan to punish people they don't like. They are totally uninterested in uniting us - they just want to put their boot on our necks. Crazy to even suggest the few nuts on the far-left are worse than that.
Made a vow to confront disinformation…… becomes the biggest disseminator of misinformation. You can’t make this stuff up.
Why don't you prove it then without using more misinformation to make your point.
This dpic is someone I could "have a beer with". I don't drink but you could have one and I'll grab a sweet tea. Appreciate your honesty here. Maybe it's just my opinion but the world would be a better place if everyone could at least put down the "sides" and talk rationally with each other.
Ha, I'm a totally different person outside of this board and I spend way more time watching sports, nature shows and documentaries than I do politics. Really just a regular guy who can also be pretty fun, as a conservative co-worker and fellow TI member could attest to if I wanted to drag him into it, but I wouldn't do that to him. We don't agree on politics but that's fine because I think he's an awesome guy and I enjoy his company.

But when I come here, I see people saying things that are so insane it's hard to believe because I never meet people like the ones I see here in real life. I seriously feel like I'm taking crazy pills most days and it drives me nuts, hence the dramatic way I respond a lot of times ;-)
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Firmly Disagree.

Not many would have the balls to do what Trump has done. He is the leader this country needs right now. People are voting FOR Trump to defeat the deep state. No one believes Biden is running the country, who is calling the shots? That’s who people are voting for Trump to defeat.
I am not saying there is not a group of people that are not voting for trump and not just against biden. Trump is very popular with a large segment of the country. That is why you see such large numbers at his rallies. He is almost like a cult phenom. What I am saying is that group is not nearly large enough to win the election - even against the worst candidate in history.

Trump absolutely has to have support from people like me who would begrudgingly vote for him bc he is the least bad choice. For me, he is a veto to bad dem legislation, and a block to appointing any other left wing radicals to scotus. Those are his primary selling points in addition to generally supporting pub legislation and not supporting dem legislation. I want someone with an R beside their name instead of someone with a D beside their name and he checks that box.
If he wins, it will be bc there are others like me that are more conservative and vote for him as well as some who simply vote against biden bc of how terrible a candidate he is. These people will be doing it not bc we are doing it with great enthusiasm for trump, but bc we absolutely think it is better than the alternative.

Also, exactly what has trump done that takes balls that you are referring to that any other candidate does not do running for office? To your point, about who is calling the shots, if there is some great conspiracy against trump by both dems and pubs, he will not be able to do anything as potus. What can he actually do if everyone in congress is against him? He doesn't have the authority to unilaterally pass legislation and make edicts- which is why all the rhetoric from the other side about our democracy being at stake and trump becoming a dictator/authoritarian is so stupid. Our form of govt is specifically designed to keep this from happening.
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Not wasting my time. You know it’s true, we know it’s true, and we know that you know it’s true.
Exactly, you just proved my point. You magats lie with impunity and can never back up your claims because you never have the evidence. Doesn't matter if somebody else said it or if you're bastardizing the words I actually said - it's true just because you said so.
Exactly, you just proved my point. You magats lie with impunity and can never back up your claims because you never have the evidence. Doesn't matter if somebody else said it or if you're bastardizing the words I actually said - it's true just because you said so.
lol at MAGA folks owning the license and rights to lying.

There were over 7million more total votes in 2020 for Biden. Which puts an extra 7 million liars who voted for Biden.

Don’t act like you have never told a lie before. Bc if you say you haven’t, you’re lying.

You say Trump lied. Fine. Biden lied also - about even more crucial stuff like the loss of life.

For being some sort of truth teller, you sure pick and chose.
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lol at MAGA folks owning the license and rights to lying.

There were over 7million more total votes in 2020 for Biden. Which puts an extra 7 million liars who voted for Biden.

Don’t act like you have never told a lie before. Bc if you say you haven’t, you’re lying.

You say Trump lied. Fine. Biden lied also - about even more crucial stuff like the loss of life.

For being some sort of truth teller, you sure pick and chose.
🤔 hmm...

A poster I wasn't speaking to while I was being civil says about me " becomes the biggest disseminator of misinformation." He used a specific example to prove it and claimed I said it a few days ago. You know this particular poster would have already responded to that post 15 times if I really did say it, so we know he was lying about me. If you don't like the way I punch back, don't do that.

I have no idea what you mean about lying because I voted, which makes no sense....unless you're proving the point I made by implying it's not true that he got 7 million more votes. If that's what you're saying, it confirms I was right. You have zero evidence to support that lie after four years but you believe it anyway.

And sure Biden lies sometimes but after what we witnessd the other night, I wonder if he even knows he's lying. Nonetheless, if he said that the election was stolen but had no evidence to support it, I wouldn't believe him. If he told me to come to the Capitol to protest an election he lost, I wouldn't go because he didn't provide any evidence to support it and I also would never vote for him again. If he gave his uneducated opinion and said hydroxywhatthefvck cured Covid, I wouldn't believe him if all the experts said it wasn't true.

So yeah, they both lie but Trump told the biggest lie in American political history and he's still telling it today and that makes him an insane person. If he was the only one who believed it, no biggie but when 100 million people go along with it and couldn't care less about the facts, that makes him a dangerous threat to this country that we can't afford to ignore.
🤔 hmm...

A poster I wasn't speaking to while I was being civil says about me " becomes the biggest disseminator of misinformation." He used a specific example to prove it and claimed I said it a few days ago. You know this particular poster would have already responded to that post 15 times if I really did say it, so we know he was lying about me. If you don't like the way I punch back, don't do that.

I have no idea what you mean about lying because I voted, which makes no sense....unless you're proving the point I made by implying it's not true that he got 7 million more votes. If that's what you're saying, it confirms I was right. You have zero evidence to support that lie after four years but you believe it anyway.

And sure Biden lies sometimes but after what we witnessd the other night, I wonder if he even knows he's lying. Nonetheless, if he said that the election was stolen but had no evidence to support it, I wouldn't believe him. If he told me to come to the Capitol to protest an election he lost, I wouldn't go because he didn't provide any evidence to support it and I also would never vote for him again. If he gave his uneducated opinion and said hydroxywhatthefvck cured Covid, I wouldn't believe him if all the experts said it wasn't true.

So yeah, they both lie but Trump told the biggest lie in American political history and he's still telling it today and that makes him an insane person. If he was the only one who believed it, no biggie but when 100 million people go along with it and couldn't care less about the facts, that makes him a dangerous threat to this country that we can't afford to ignore.
Biggest lie in American history? Russian collusion says hello.
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Biggest lie in American history? Russian collusion says hello.
You need to talk to all the Republicans who investigated it, if you don't like the actions they took. And do you remember how after the Mueller report came out, everyone stopped talking about it, there was no insurrection, no attempt to hang the VP, 150 policemen weren't assaulted and nobody died. So we will part ways on that assertion - I mean LIE.
You need to talk to all the Republicans who investigated it, if you don't like the actions they took. And do you remember how after the Mueller report came out, everyone stopped talking about it, there was no insurrection, no attempt to hang the VP, 150 policemen weren't assaulted and nobody died. So we will part ways on that assertion - I mean LIE.
Keep listening to Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow 🤡
Keep listening to Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow 🤡
(NewsNation) — Another major newspaper is calling for a presidential candidate to leave the race, but it’s not President Joe Biden.

“The debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is (Donald) Trump,” the Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial board wrote Saturday.

The Inquirer says, yes, Biden’s debate performance was a disaster.

“But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office,” the editorial board wrote.

“Trump told more than 30 lies during the debate to go with the more than 30,000 mistruths told during his four years as president. He dodged the CNN moderators’ questions, took no responsibility for his actions, and blamed others, mainly Biden, for everything that is wrong in the world.”

(NewsNation) — Another major newspaper is calling for a presidential candidate to leave the race, but it’s not President Joe Biden.

“The debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is (Donald) Trump,” the Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial board wrote Saturday.

The Inquirer says, yes, Biden’s debate performance was a disaster.

“But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office,” the editorial board wrote.

“Trump told more than 30 lies during the debate to go with the more than 30,000 mistruths told during his four years as president. He dodged the CNN moderators’ questions, took no responsibility for his actions, and blamed others, mainly Biden, for everything that is wrong in the world.”

lol. We are all laughing at you
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Do you think I care what a tweaked out, syphilitic slab of fatback thinks of me?
No but I think you care what a 6’2, rich, twisted steel and sex appeal, stable genius, cares about you.
June 27th will go down as one of the most important dates in American History.

Thank you DJT
You said there was no evidence she would do better and I showed you there was. Common sense and general understanding of the political climate would lead you to the same conclusion. Also, if she is also part of the deep state then there would be no voter fraud used against her like you claim was used against trump - which would add even more votes for her compared to trump and her lead against him would be more than the polls show, not less.
You also called it (wrong) during the last election when I tried to tell you trumps rude, abrasive behavior and speech and coming off like a elementary school bully was going to cost him votes with normally sure votes from suburban pub women and independent voters. You and @dpic73 are two sides of the same coin. Neither of you can get past your derangement long enough to actually look at the facts and think critically. You are driven by emotion and nonsense.
The only reason Trump has a chance is bc he is running against what might be the worst candidate in history. It is not a testament to trump that he might win, it is a direct repudiation of the guy running against him.
Respectfully I strongly disagree with you. A conservative with TDS. Even under your scenario if Haley won its just another side of the same team. She would still forward the agenda of the deep state and do as she is told by the deep state which is not what I want to occur. I am a strong conservative and strongly and proudly support President Trump and do not care at all if you or anyone else doesnt like it. He will do the best job as potus if he gets another term. Go ahead and send your contribution to Nikkis 28 campaign. God bless.
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Respectfully I strongly disagree with you. A conservative with TDS. Even under your scenario if Haley won its just another side of the same team. She would still forward the agenda of the deep state and do as she is told by the deep state which is not what I want to occur. I am a strong conservative and strongly and proudly support President Trump and do not care at all if you or anyone else doesnt like it. He will do the best job as potus if he gets another term. Go ahead and send your contribution to Nikkis 28 campaign. God bless.
Two things. First, my initial reply to you was about whether or not NH would do better than trump against biden. Polling as well as common sense says he would. I was not arguing who would be the better potus.

Second. If all but a few members of congress and a senator or two are actually against trump, what exactly do you think he could accomplish as potus? Tell me how he could get anything he wanted to happen? Who would pass legislation he wanted?

Finally, you have every right to support trump. I never said you didn't. That is what makes this country great. I don't have to like what you do and you don't have to like what I do. I don't have tds. I don't see him as some threat to democracy or fear he will be a dictator, or whatever else some on here constantly say we should fear. I just don't care for him bc he is a crappy human. I actually agree with a lot of his political ideas - except for his penchant for throwing $$ away. Even at that, I think less $$ will be spent with him in office than with Joe.
Two things. First, my initial reply to you was about whether or not NH would do better than trump against biden. Polling as well as common sense says he would. I was not arguing who would be the better potus.

Second. If all but a few members of congress and a senator or two are actually against trump, what exactly do you think he could accomplish as potus? Tell me how he could get anything he wanted to happen? Who would pass legislation he wanted?

Finally, you have every right to support trump. I never said you didn't. That is what makes this country great. I don't have to like what you do and you don't have to like what I do. I don't have tds. I don't see him as some threat to democracy or fear he will be a dictator, or whatever else some on here constantly say we should fear. I just don't care for him bc he is a crappy human. I actually agree with a lot of his political ideas - except for his penchant for throwing $$ away. Even at that, I think less $$ will be spent with him in office than with Joe.
i have some similar views. All this dictator talk is complete and utter garbage. It’s people operating in make believe land.

im slightly right leaning. I’m no maga. I wish there was a different option other than Trump.

But him being a flawed human doesn’t mean he’s not going to run this country better than Biden last 4 years.