The Errors The Lies and The Coverup in the Georgia 2020 Election

Why am I confident in my assessment that the Georgia 2020 evidence indicates fraud, rather than errors?

It's very simple:

If a bank teller's drawer comes up $5,000 short, this could indicate an error or fraud.

But as soon as the teller or the manager falsifies the books to cover it up, it becomes fraud.

Take Fulton County 2020 for example:

1) Machine Count #1- had thousands of fake, manipulated votes. We don't know exactly how many, and we don't know exactly how it occurred. But GASOS Raffensperger admitted on February 22, 2022 that ballots were scanned twice in MC#1, which caused the hand count to be off by "several thousand." Meaning there were thousands of digital votes with no physical ballot. I want go into detail here about the several things that can cause this.

2) Hand Count- If the manipulation in MC#1 had been an error, election officials should have acknowledged that the hand count was off by around 5,000. They should have held the hand count totals as the true and accurate count. But someone decided to insert around 6,000 gross fake votes in the form of duplicate (fake) batches listed on the official hand count spreadsheet. This brought the hand count to within 634 votes (high) of the MC#1. The GASOS investigators can claim these fake duplicate batches were errors, but I strongly disagree. The evidence I provided to state and federal agencies suggests the duplicates were Intentional. I do not know who is responsible, and I'll never speculate. But it is my assessment that the evidence shows intent.

3) Machine Recount- This was their second chance to be honest. But once again they covered up the original manipulation from MC#1. GASOS investigators confirmed in SEB 2023-025 that around 3,000 ballots were scanned twice. Technically there are now 3,900 Fulton ballots confirmed scanned twice in the Machine Recount, as 900 more were discovered after the complaint was filed. There's also other manipulation identified.

So as you can see there is clear evidence of manipulation in Fulton somewhere close to 5,000 votes minimum in MC#1. And there were two opportunities for election officials to be honest. But the evidence shows fake duplicate batches added to the official hand count, and then thousands of double scanned ballots in the Machine Recount.

All of a sudden they were off by several thousand. Well it's because you (Fulton County) scanned some of these ballots twice." - GASOS Brad Raffensperger at 1 hour 9 minutes in video.

But several months later at the J6 Committee hearing @GabrielSterling testified that Fulton's hand count was "dead on" accurate. Raffensperger was sitting beside him and never corrected him!
I'll be willing to bet you this same kind of shiff is going on all across the country.
Agree. The commie globalists have been slowly and steadily infiltrating govt all the way from local school boards to the WH. They have taken over some levers of power in our govt and are now trying to subvert our freedom our culture and our way of life. It's up to us to stop it one way or another.
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The FBI had evidence of Georgia 2020 fraud:

In addition to providing evidence of Georgia 2020 fraud to state officials, we also provided evidence to the FBI Atlanta Field Office. They not only failed to investigate, but I can personally confirm that someone was directing agents to steer evidence to the GASOS/SEB, who themselves covered up evidence. And the FBI had clear jurisdiction because, as you can see below, there were federal candidates on the related ballots.

This evidence we provided suggested that the fake duplicate batches included in the official Fulton hand count were intentionally altered so the auditing software known as ARLO (Voting Works) would not recognize a fake duplicate.

Keep in mind that SEB case 2021-181 later concluded in June 2023 that these were indeed duplicates (in other words fake). But they covered up any evidence suggesting intent. These duplicates added 6k gross fake votes (4k net Biden) to the Fulton hand count.

This isn't secondary source information. I provided this evidence to both state and federal agencies in several formal complaints. The evidence is solid as a rock. Now I've filed a lawsuit against the Ware County, GA Board of Elections (Fulgham v Ware) for answers explaining how nearly 1% of their ballots were scanned for the second time 5 days after certification! So far they have failed to explain how this happened. The evidence suggests there's a possibility that Ware election employees may not have done this. If not, who did this?

It is my assessment that we the people have lost sovereign control of our elections. There was fraud in 2020 and it was covered up. President Eisenhower warned us in his 1961 farewell address that the Washington Swamp (he used different terminology) was a threat to American Liberty. He was right.

In 2020 corrupt Washington officials at CISA (DHS) used the phrase "Whole of Nation Mission" to influence and interfere in the election. Now We the People must turn that strategy against the Swamp. To win in 2024 it will take a Whole of Nation effort to turn out a massive vote, while simultaneously mitigating fraud and disinformation efforts by the Deep State.