They’re eating the pets in Ohio!!!!

Make sure to put your yard signs out! I Bet @dpic73 will have his sign out and @nytigerfan is an honorable man and will have his sign out too. How about you @tboonpickens ? Will you welcome your new guests with open arms? @WapPride i see those alligator arms. Don't try and take that yard sign down.

Sounds like a guy who should get fired for being a huge douche and misappropriating public funds.
Oh, trust me, I'm just as amused.
You belong in maga. It suits you.
brain rot √
religious zealot undertones √
brown people from other countries are bad √

I went through a libertarian phase for about 3 months, so i get it. But it was centered more on Ron Paul the candidate and discovering that outlook more so than really understanding it and its stupid assumptions about how society 'out to work'. I voted for Mccain in the republican primary.
I know most maga which is less than 65 years old aren't big readers. So anything you actually consume is likely red pilled dog shit. Funny story about red pill, the creators of The Matrix were men transitioning to women, they used the red pill imagery to show how they felt. The red pill is supposed to represent taking estrogen. So these fanatic magas who are red pilled, are referencing imagery created by trans folks to represent their decision and path towards becoming female.

Anyway the internet has rotted Americans to the core.
Shocked Uh Oh GIF

Because I am ignorant did anyone eat a domestic pet ?
We don't agree on much, but I'm with you here. Honestly, I don't know, but from what little I've read, I'm thinking not. The woman who originally posted it said it was a rumor she heard and just posted it. She had no idea if it were true or not and was sorry the post got so much attention. The police and animal control in Springfield as well as the Republican Governor of the state are saying that this is not the case. While I don't take their word as the absolute truth, I tend to trust them more than random twitter users.

Now Springfield is a pretty big town, and I wouldn't doubt some crazy person ate someone's pet at some point. I wouldn't even doubt that some folks have snagged a duck/goose/swan from a park and ate it. Is there some sort of epidemic where immigrants are grabbing people's dogs and cats off the street to eat? I very much doubt that. We aren't talking about ONE case here (which again, I wouldn't think was impossible). We are talking about multiple cases that add up to a pattern of immigrants eating pets. If someone ate my dog or cat, I'd be PISSED. I wouldn't care if it were an immigrant or not or if it were a Republican talking point or not. I'd be raising hell about it to anyone that would listen.

That has not happened. I'd also be filing police reports and honestly WHY would the local police in a Red State like Ohio lie about there being no reports filed? I mean it's not like there are kids getting killed and they aren't doing their jobs... and are trying to cove that up, THAT I could understand. But missing pets? Nah, no law enforcement officer is going to lie about that IMHO. The upside of lying about it verses the downside of lying about it make that pretty clear.

Also, the "evidence" supplied early in this thread has been shown to be pictures that are NOT from Springfield. That's a big smoking gun right there. No evidence? Again, I can understand that. Who's taking pictures of a dude with a goose and keeping it? So nothing would be reasonable to me. But intentionally posting fake evidence? Not so much...

Just my 2 cents.

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