They even cheating using Alexa lol

I just don’t understand how this actually benefits the Dems. I’d love a strategist, in 2024, tell me how it helps.

There’s enough lack of distrust across the ecosystem and this only reinforces people to gravitate toward Trump.
Its just censorship of conservatives. They are even using AI to do this in the video shown.
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Cry more. I wasn’t disputing anything other than it being common sense, but thanks for feeling as if you had to prove something I didn’t ask for.


Nope, he posted more bullshit misinformation that he found on twatter, and you said it was common sense.

I don't know when y'all will realize that the lies you constantly spread have consequences.

The police in Aurora CO did interviews from the apartment complex that you claimed was taken over by Venezuelan gangs to show that it was not true. Now apparently, bc of people like you spreading bullshit, the Hells Angels are on their way to Aurora to fight venezuelans. So the police also have that to deal with.

Blood will be on your hands.
Nope, he posted more bullshit misinformation that he found on twatter, and you said it was common sense.

I don't know when y'all will realize that the lies you constantly spread have consequences.

The police in Aurora CO did interviews from the apartment complex that you claimed was taken over by Venezuelan gangs to show that it was not true. Now apparently, bc of people like you spreading bullshit, the Hells Angels are on their way to Aurora to fight venezuelans. So the police also have that to deal with.

Blood will be on your hands.
Good Lord you’re dramatic.

You’re the loudest guy in every room.

I’m beginning to think your wife now took over your TI account. That would explain a lot about your behavior.
Nope, he posted more bullshit misinformation that he found on twatter, and you said it was common sense.

I don't know when y'all will realize that the lies you constantly spread have consequences.

The police in Aurora CO did interviews from the apartment complex that you claimed was taken over by Venezuelan gangs to show that it was not true. Now apparently, bc of people like you spreading bullshit, the Hells Angels are on their way to Aurora to fight venezuelans. So the police also have that to deal with.

Blood will be on your hands.
People living there say the police are lying. It makes Kamala look bad. Just like when they said, and you believed, that Biden was sharp as a tack. Damn how many lies have you fallen prey to from the sources you trust???
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I think you’ve lost your marbles.

Please link where I said that to you.

was this you?

was this you?

Again, please show me where I blamed you. Are you Godless? You’re not even far left… you just have a life altering fixation on hating Trump.

I’m kinda worried about you these days. You’re trying really hard… a lot.

Are you feeling the need to overcompensate for your running home crying fit?
Again, please show me where I blamed you. Are you Godless? You’re not even far left… you just have a life altering fixation on hating Trump.

I’m kinda worried about you these days. You’re trying really hard… a lot.

Are you feeling the need to overcompensate for your running home crying fit?

That was directed at us, and you know it.

Don't worry about me. I am not a miserable prick airing my many grievances on TI.
That was directed at us, and you know it.

Don't worry about me. I am not a miserable prick airing my many grievances on TI.
“Us”? Lol… here you go trying hard again.

I never took you for a far left liberal. Just a cocky New York transplant who had a bad childhood experience with someone who looked/acted like Trump.

So you’re aware, you’ve been acting as if you’re pretty miserable since Biden’s performance at the debate. Everyone knows he was your guy, and you went down in flames on that one.
“Us”? Lol… here you go trying hard again.

I never took you for a far left liberal. Just a cocky New York transplant who had a bad childhood experience with someone who looked/acted like Trump.

So you’re aware, you’ve been acting as if you’re pretty miserable since Biden’s performance at the debate. Everyone knows he was your guy, and you went down in flames on that one.

Nah, I said on here multiple times in the year leading up that I wanted someone else to run other then biden. Of course, Biden is still 100000000000000000000000000X better than trump.

But don't let facts get in the way of your argument. You rarely do.
Nah, I said on here multiple times in the year leading up that I wanted someone else to run other then biden. Of course, Biden is still 100000000000000000000000000X better than trump.

But don't let facts get in the way of your argument. You rarely do.
We all know Biden was your guy, and we all know you’re fixated on Trump.

We all make mistakes.
Biden was and is a good President, and Trump is an objectively shitty person who shouldn't be anywhere near the oval office.

Not sure where the insult is in those facts.
We all know Biden was your guy, and we all know you’re fixated on Trump.

We all make mistakes.

Lets take a break from trading insults so I can ask you an honest question.

Would you want your children to model trump's behavior?

I mean, the guy is everything I teach my kids not to be.

Chronic victim mentality.
The stupid nicknames and name calling.
An absolutely habitual liar.
Fixated on unimportant things like crowd sizes.
He is a complete pushover for anyone who kisses his ass.

I am not even going to go into thee racism, bc I know we will disagree on that. But can you argue with anything on that list?
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Lets take a break from trading insults so I can ask you an honest question.

Would you want your children to model trump's behavior?

I mean, the guy is everything I teach my kids not to be.

Chronic victim mentality.
The stupid nicknames and name calling.
An absolutely habitual liar.
Fixated on unimportant things like crowd sizes.
He is a complete pushover for anyone who kisses his ass.

I am not even going to go into thee racism, bc I know we will disagree on that. But can you argue with anything on that list?
Good question. I’ll answer it later today.
Lets take a break from trading insults so I can ask you an honest question.

Would you want your children to model trump's behavior?

I mean, the guy is everything I teach my kids not to be.

Chronic victim mentality.
The stupid nicknames and name calling.
An absolutely habitual liar.
Fixated on unimportant things like crowd sizes.
He is a complete pushover for anyone who kisses his ass.

I am not even going to go into thee racism, bc I know we will disagree on that. But can you argue with anything on that list?
To answer your question, no… I would not (and do not) teach my boys to behave like Trump.

That being said, I feel the same way about them behaving like Biden (or any other lifelong politician). The one quality I do like about Trump, is that he DGAF what anyone thinks, in regards (specifically) to how others feel when he is saying it how it is. If I had to pick, I’d rather my boys show who they really are (great kids btw), than be a chameleon.

Biden is FOS, as is his family. Lifelong politicians, enriching themselves by way of political power. He’s part of the worldwide circle jerk, that is politics. Biden has the machine behind him, so he doesn’t need to play the victim, but I can assure you, if he faced what Trump does on the daily, Biden would lose his mind. He can’t even be challenged without having a fit.

So, I teach my kids to be kind to everyone, but also not to take 💩 from anyone. Be “good”, but not necessarily always “nice”. The world will run over anyone who is simply “nice”. A sad thing to say, but truthful.
To answer your question, no… I would not (and do not) teach my boys to behave like Trump.

That being said, I feel the same way about them behaving like Biden (or any other lifelong politician). The one quality I do like about Trump, is that he DGAF what anyone thinks, in regards (specifically) to how others feel when he is saying it how it is. If I had to pick, I’d rather my boys show who they really are (great kids btw), than be a chameleon.

Biden is FOS, as is his family. Lifelong politicians, enriching themselves by way of political power. He’s part of the worldwide circle jerk, that is politics. Biden has the machine behind him, so he doesn’t need to play the victim, but I can assure you, if he faced what Trump does on the daily, Biden would lose his mind. He can’t even be challenged without having a fit.

So, I teach my kids to be kind to everyone, but also not to take 💩 from anyone. Be “good”, but not necessarily always “nice”. The world will run over anyone who is simply “nice”. A sad thing to say, but truthful.

I agree with your last paragraph. I also agree that I cannot think of any politician that I would want my children to behave like.

I disagree that trump doesn't care what anyone thinks. Maybe 2016 trump was like that, but definitely 2024 trump. He changes positions daily. (kemp is a bad guy, I love Kemp! We need to repeal Obamacare. IVF should be free through Obamacare.) He is desperate to win and avoid facing punishment for crimes.

I also think has enriched himself plenty. Whether it is selling magic beans or taking kickbacks to endorse shitty candidates.

I reread Harv Eckers's Millionaire Mind recently. It was written 20 years ago I think. He goes on about Trump being a brilliant businessman with the perfect mindset. Then he goes into his rules, and the first one is that you cannot have a victim mentality bc it makes you a loser. That is trump 100%.

His victim mentality has infected the right. Reagan is rolling over in his grave.
I agree with your last paragraph. I also agree that I cannot think of any politician that I would want my children to behave like.

I disagree that trump doesn't care what anyone thinks. Maybe 2016 trump was like that, but definitely 2024 trump. He changes positions daily. (kemp is a bad guy, I love Kemp! We need to repeal Obamacare. IVF should be free through Obamacare.) He is desperate to win and avoid facing punishment for crimes.

I also think has enriched himself plenty. Whether it is selling magic beans or taking kickbacks to endorse shitty candidates.

I reread Harv Eckers's Millionaire Mind recently. It was written 20 years ago I think. He goes on about Trump being a brilliant businessman with the perfect mindset. Then he goes into his rules, and the first one is that you cannot have a victim mentality bc it makes you a loser. That is trump 100%.

His victim mentality has infected the right. Reagan is rolling over in his grave.
The victim mentality has infected all sides. That’s one thing my kids know for certain.. they’re never a victim, and no one owes you a thing. We probably agree on more than we’d like to openly admit on TI. It’s more fun giving you a hard time.

Funny side note… Marty Kemp was both my boys’ teacher in pre-K.

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