This has to STOP

In war you kill until the enemy stops killing or trying to kill you

Not to say that specific 6 year old was a threat

There are many dead soldiers from children including lits if 6 year old innocent murderers who will kill as for example Jihad

On the battlefield every warm body is a target
Yeah you lost me
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In war you kill until the enemy stops killing or trying to kill you

Not to say that specific 6 year old was a threat

There are many dead soldiers from children including lits if 6 year old innocent murderers who will kill as for example Jihad

On the battlefield every warm body is a target
Damn you're being obtuse. We get it that Hamas is responsible for what's happening in Gaza, and they deserve it, BUT there is some responsibilty that goes along with being a much greater power and the OP was pointing out that a line has been crossed when it comes to intentionally targeting defenseless children in the street. If you have a shred of decency, you should be able to call that out without trying to make the OP feel guilty for standing up for them . If you won't watch the video, I took this screenshot that shows two children being intentionally targeted in the middle of the street with no adult targets nearby. I don't care what you think about the perpetrators that caused the Gaza invasion, you're a sick fvck if you can't call this out.

He is doing what he takes for Israel to survive

I would NOT want you as my leader when people were wanting to kill my family and me

You would let my family and me die before killing the people wanting to kill my family and me

What does that say about you

Nothing good
1.- You’re obviously not reading anything from me. Your responses aren’t remotely close to relevant to any of my posts.

2.- If I were your leader I guarantee you I could convince you to wear a MakeBudGripeGreatAgain hat in one speech.
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1.- You’re obviously not reading anything from me. Your responses aren’t remotely close to relevant to any of my posts.

2.- If I were your leader I guarantee you I could convince you to wear a MakeBudGripeGreatAgain hat in one speech.

Thank you for elevating your high opinion of your thoughts to my down low brain