This has to STOP

“How do WE turn their barrels against us?”
Great question, I don’t have enough time to type an answer. If you’re so inclined you can look up Scott Horton, he has several great books, articles and even a YouTube channel addressing the subject.

This is part 1 of a 3 part series done by Christian’s addressing the Muslim religion. A friend of mine turned me on to it and it revealed I had a lot of false understanding about the religion and how some sects became radicalized.
Dude. I have been an instructor on Muslim culture and Radical Ideologies for the US Military. I can assure you, the US has done nothing to "turn their barrels against us" except by our support of Israel.

The Middle East has been my job since 2013. Two years of which I lived in Qatar.
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I haven't seen this video. Who is targeting them? Can you say without a shadow of a doubt is was IDF forces? Do you see an IDF soldier pulling the trigger. If not, it's not an IDF soldier. Hamas is the same organization that puts command and control facilities and weapons supply depots under hospitals, schools, mosques and family apartment buildings. They wage an intense IO campaign in an attempt to enrage the Muslim world against Israel.

Don't be so gullible.
If you haven't watched the video, do that first. I understand the level of barbarity that Hamas is capable of but it still stretches the imagination that they'd want to target their future in order to make Israel look bad. But then again, you probably think the FBI staged the insurrection to make Trump look bad.

Don't be so gullible.
Dude. I have been an instructor on Muslim culture and Radical Ideologies for the US Military. I can assure you, the US has done nothing to "turn their barrels against us" except by our support of Israel.

The Middle East has been my job since 2013. Two years of which I lived in Qatar.
First of all, if you’re military or former military I do appreciate everything you’ve done/do.

Secondly, there’s no point in us continuing the convo if you’re not going to seriously consider the info I’ve offered for your review. Especially the info from Scott Horton among others who in detail, with receipts, document the history of radical Islam as it pertains to targeting the US and it’s Allies.

Do you see an IDF soldier pulling the trigger. If not, it's not an IDF soldier.
I’m sure you realize this is illogical. Did you see a Hamas radical pull the trigger?
If you haven't watched the video, do that first. I understand the level of barbarity that Hamas is capable of but it still stretches the imagination that they'd want to target their future in order to make Israel look bad. But then again, you probably think the FBI staged the insurrection to make Trump look bad.

Don't be so gullible.
YouTube won’t let me share it, probably because it shows violence, but look up on the Aljazeera YouTube channel, “War on Gaza: Footage shows summary executions of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers”

Give me your opinion on what happened there please sir.

Edit- replied to wrong poster @PawsFan_