Time for South Carolina to be like Texas and Reopen the state.

That's actually accurate if you are under 40 years old. Both odds are extremely small.
I don't even know how you would calculate the odds of dying in a car crash in a single trip. I guess there may be stats on the average number of car outings per year. per person. Whatever number that is would be less than the chance of dying of covid.
If it was up to the left, we'd all still be lapping up Gov. Andrew Cuomo's drool and following whatever that bum was droning on about. Time to open up! Let us take the risks we want!
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This is the type of info that helps his/mine/your case. His statement was still ridiculous.
I mostly agree that people should be able to make their own decisions. We probably have very similar views on the subject. However, the chance of someone dying in a car crash over the past entire year was less than dying from Covid. The chance of dying in a car crash in a single outing is almost non existent. Whatever statistics you think you know are just simply not true.
Yes my friend, unfortunately they are correct. .08 chance of dying in a car crash, .07 of dying from coranavirus. The comparison is splitting hairs I know, but FAR from ridiculous.
Is it your position that nobody suffered/died from Covid in TX because people you know there apparently "toughed it out"?

First, tell me you don’t get your “facts” from Twitter. Secondly, I can’t believe I even feel the need to address this but, Canada and TX don’t have people living in the same proximity. Canada is over 10 times larger than TX so by default they won’t have as many exposures or deaths.

As your president would say, “Come on man, gimme a break.”
I don't even know how you would calculate the odds of dying in a car crash in a single trip. I guess there may be stats on the average number of car outings per year. per person. Whatever number that is would be less than the chance of dying of covid.
Insurance actuarial tables
Yes my friend, unfortunately they are correct. .08 chance of dying in a car crash, .07 of dying from coranavirus. The comparison is splitting hairs I know, but FAR from ridiculous.
I'm going to do the math for you based on your .08 percent chance of dying on the way to the pharmacy and then I am done arguing about this. Just to use round numbers, let's say there are 300M people in America. Over a years time, that would be 300,000,000 x .0008= 240,000. So at .08%, there would be 240,000 deaths per year by car accident. Now to show how truly ridiculous your statement is, lets determine how likely it is to die on any one trip to the pharmacy. If we assume people only make one car trip a day, we would multiply 240,000 by 365 days per year. 240,000 x 365 = 87,600,000. So by your math we should have over 87 million deaths from car crashes a year. Obviously, that is ridiculously wrong.
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I'm going to do the math for you based on your .08 percent chance of dying on the way to the pharmacy and then I am done arguing about this. Just to use round numbers, let's say there are 300M people in America. Over a years time, that would be 300,000,000 x .0008= 240,000. So at .08%, there would be 240,000 deaths per year by car accident. Now to show how truly ridiculous your statement is, lets determine how likely it is to die on any one trip to the pharmacy. If we assume people only make one car trip a day, we would multiply 240,000 by 365 days per year. 240,000 x 365 = 87,600,000. So by your math we should have over 87 million deaths from car crashes a year. Obviously, that is ridiculously wrong.
Two things...
If we are taking IFR..

.08% is for all ages. If you are under 40, that number is a factor of 10 less. Also, .03% for all ages is more accurate.

So, for under 40 the number is .003% is .00003 which is in the ballpark of dying in a car wreck in the way to work which is around 1:25,000 according to actuarial tables.
Also, Lockdowns and restrictions that are more flagrant in blue states is manifest systemic racism. Being anti-racist is also anti-lockdown.
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Two things...
If we are taking IFR..

.08% is for all ages. If you are under 40, that number is a factor of 10 less. Also, .03% for all ages is more accurate.

So, for under 40 the number is .003% is .00003 which is in the ballpark of dying in a car wreck in the way to work which is around 1:25,000 according to actuarial tables.
That is per year right, not per trip?
I'm going to do the math for you based on your .08 percent chance of dying on the way to the pharmacy and then I am done arguing about this. Just to use round numbers, let's say there are 300M people in America. Over a years time, that would be 300,000,000 x .0008= 240,000. So at .08%, there would be 240,000 deaths per year by car accident. Now to show how truly ridiculous your statement is, lets determine how likely it is to die on any one trip to the pharmacy. If we assume people only make one car trip a day, we would multiply 240,000 by 365 days per year. 240,000 x 365 = 87,600,000. So by your math we should have over 87 million deaths from car crashes a year. Obviously, that is ridiculously wrong.
The logic you used above is inherently flawed. If you want to use that methodology you would need to change the Covid statistics to the chances of contracting and dying from Covid in one day not the annual number you are purportedly using. Here are the real statistics using South Carolina numbers. This is for people under 35 years old because Superica said he’s early thirties. There are 5.2MM people in the state of which about 45% are under 35 (2.34MM). In the last year total, 60 people under 35 have died of Covid. In an average year 650 people die in car accidents. They are usually skewed to younger Americans but we’ll just say 300 of those are under 35 to be conservative. There is the actual data. You are 5 times more likely to die in a car accident if you are 35 years old or younger than you are from Covid. Doesn’t mean you can’t have a bad outcome just like in a car, but the actual risk of death for under 35 is extremely low. Now this is for 35 and younger. Covid is very serious for the elderly population and moderately dangerous for middle aged Americans. However, most of the high at risk have already been or will be vaccinated within the next several weeks meaning it’s time to start cautiously moving back to normal. Those are the facts whether you like them or not. Google away and prove them wrong.
It took an Act of God to harm Texas, not a biological man-made weapon. And the people I know in the great state of Texas just toughed it out.
Yeah, bigger issue through MSM than it actually was. Lot of people had issues, but took it on the chin and went about their business. I had to cut back a dozen Oleanders and haul it off today....... that sucked. Be a great time to own a nursery in these parts
glad to hear you are vaccinated. You can thank Donald J Trump
It’s a shame that Trump and his wife didn’t feel the need to mention to anyone that they were quietly vaccinated before leaving the White House. Might have done wonders for the Bill Gates Antichrist Microchip crowd seeing their fearless leader deem it a priority even after having the damn thing.
The logic you used above is inherently flawed. If you want to use that methodology you would need to change the Covid statistics to the chances of contracting and dying from Covid in one day not the annual number you are purportedly using. Here are the real statistics using South Carolina numbers. This is for people under 35 years old because Superica said he’s early thirties. There are 5.2MM people in the state of which about 45% are under 35 (2.34MM). In the last year total, 60 people under 35 have died of Covid. In an average year 650 people die in car accidents. They are usually skewed to younger Americans but we’ll just say 300 of those are under 35 to be conservative. There is the actual data. You are 5 times more likely to die in a car accident if you are 35 years old or younger than you are from Covid. Doesn’t mean you can’t have a bad outcome just like in a car, but the actual risk of death for under 35 is extremely low. Now this is for 35 and younger. Covid is very serious for the elderly population and moderately dangerous for middle aged Americans. However, most of the high at risk have already been or will be vaccinated within the next several weeks meaning it’s time to start cautiously moving back to normal. Those are the facts whether you like them or not. Google away and prove them wrong.
I am reasonably sure he did not mean dying from covid in one day. I'm pretty sure the chance of catching and dying from covid in one day is zero. I do not know of any case where someone contracted and died from covid in the same day. I'm not even sure if that can be determined. If that is what he meant, then I will agree, but I don't think that would even occur to anyone.
I am reasonably sure he did not mean dying from covid in one day. I'm pretty sure the chance of catching and dying from covid in one day is zero. I do not know of any case where someone contracted and died from covid in the same day. I'm not even sure if that can be determined. If that is what he meant, then I will agree, but I don't think that would even occur to anyone.
I meant catch Covid on a particular day and then later dying. He was trying to discredit a previous poster who actually made a true statement that dying in a car accident is more likely than dying of Covid if you are under 35. He used fuzzy math and I felt the need to correct it for the record.
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I'm going to do the math for you based on your .08 percent chance of dying on the way to the pharmacy and then I am done arguing about this. Just to use round numbers, let's say there are 300M people in America. Over a years time, that would be 300,000,000 x .0008= 240,000. So at .08%, there would be 240,000 deaths per year by car accident. Now to show how truly ridiculous your statement is, lets determine how likely it is to die on any one trip to the pharmacy. If we assume people only make one car trip a day, we would multiply 240,000 by 365 days per year. 240,000 x 365 = 87,600,000. So by your math we should have over 87 million deaths from car crashes a year. Obviously, that is ridiculously wrong.
You're right, if I came up with my calculations with hypothetical figures. But, I did the number of car accidents to deaths vs number of positive cases to deaths. Feel better now that you wasted your time doing the wrong calculations? Also I did world wide since car accidents and corona virus cases happen world wide.;)
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I mostly agree that people should be able to make their own decisions. We probably have very similar views on the subject. However, the chance of someone dying in a car crash over the past entire year was less than dying from Covid. The chance of dying in a car crash in a single outing is almost non existent. Whatever statistics you think you know are just simply not true.
The death rate for car crashes is way closer than you insinuate to death rate of covid. Problem is dying with covid and of covid isn’t separated, thus leading to insanely inflated numbers.
You're right, if I came up with my calculations with hypothetical figures. But, I did the number of car accidents to deaths vs number of positive cases to deaths. Feel better now that you wasted your time doing the wrong calculations? Also I did world wide since car accidents and corona virus cases happen world wide.;)
If I used your .08% number with the world population it would be equally ridiculous.
Nothing should've ever closed down, so yea everything needs to be my area everything has stayed open the whole time so nothing really affected me......I don't mind wearing a mask.
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