Libs love science, except when it comes to people gender they are born with. Then screw science. Hypocrisy at its finest.Is it your position that nobody suffered/died from Covid in TX because people you know there apparently "toughed it out"?
Hes in his 30s and healthy. What was wrong with his statement? More guys in their 30s have died in car wrecks the last 12 months than covid.Dude, I'm for opening things back up and think most of the restrictions are unwarranted, but making ridiculous statements like this doesn't help your(my) cause.
Oh, it doesn't annoy me. It actually makes me laugh. 🤣Sometimes I wear mine in the car just because I know it annoys the people in the cars around me.
Conservatives love the concept of the sanctity of life, except when it comes to people actually born into this planet. Then screw the sanctity of life. Hypocrisy at its finest.Libs love science, except when it comes to people gender they are born with. Then screw science. Hypocrisy at its finest.
I wish I could agree with you, but you have no idea what it's like to live in a place where morons take walks with masks on. Outside. By themselves. With no one around.
Covid idolatry is real is blue state America. In some ways I think there will be an equal and opposite reaction.
Yes my friend, unfortunately they are correct. .08 chance of dying in a car crash, .07 of dying from coranavirus. The comparison is splitting hairs I know, but FAR from ridiculous.
Why do you think that? Truly curious as to why, not trying to start an argument.
That is the one dumbest think I have ever seen written in my life. And I am pretty damn old.
This always makes me laugh...
You libs always push “the science” yet you can’t figure out the difference between a man & a woman?!
Sit yo ass down somewhere!
You have to think of it in terms of what are my chances of dying in a car wreck the next time I drive my car? The insurance industry has this around 1 in 10^5 ballpark (as I understand it). The next number is what are the odds of dying if I'm infected with Covid if you are in a low risk group. That number is also in the ballpark of 1 in 10^5.That is per year right, not per trip?
It bothers me to a small extent because it's stupid and his groups collective stupidity has morphed into a cult worship that absolutely has impact on my daily life. His stupid mob is currently ruling. Am I allowed 20 people at my house, no because of dumbasses like him? My property, my business unless "abundance of caution" theater is involved.No one is making them do that, they choose to
No is is not necessary, but not sure why that bothers you so much as it has no affect on you,
Just like clockwork, again!
The two libs come in here and call you a dumb a$$ and a....well you know what he means.
Typical, can't think for myself, so I will just degrade you! (in my best Tucker voice)
Just like clockwork, again!
The two libs come in here and call you a dumb a$$ and a....well you know what he means.
Typical, can't think for myself, so I will just degrade you! (in my best Tucker voice)
Men stand up to pee.You mean like how you sit down to pee?
I'm saying if he got into a car crash he would have a higher chance of dying than if he caught covid.So you were trying to say he was more likely to die if he had a car accident than he was than if he got covid?
Why is it only about people that died, there are many that have lifetime lung disease from thisPraying for those peopleWhy is it only about people that died, there are many that have lifetime lung disease from this as well....just saying
While that may be true, that is not what you said in your post and is largely irrelevant. He is also more likely to die if he gets bitten by a rattlesnake on the way to the pharmacy, but that is irrelevant also.I'm saying if he got into a car crash he would have a higher chance of dying than if he caught covid.
Men stand up to pee.
Women sit down to pee.
I’m not confused about who or what I am so I stand up to pee, the way nature intended.
I know in your (lib) world, such things are up for debate though bc y’all can’t seem to grasp even the most basic of biological principles which is the difference between a man & a woman.
Thanks for proving my point.
So you took it as just keel over and die in the car instead of assuming I meant in a crash? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂While that may be true, that is not what you said in your post and is largely irrelevant. He is also more likely to die if he gets bitten by a rattlesnake on the way to the pharmacy, but that is irrelevant also.
This is your original post:So you took it as just keel over and die in the car instead of assuming I meant in a crash? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You literally had a better chance dying on the car ride to get your vaccine than you did dying from the virus.
Ok literal larry, you know what I meant. 😂😂😂😂This is your original post:
It does not say IF you have a car accident on the way to get the vaccine you have a better chance of dying ......
You simply said he had a better chance of dying on the car ride to the pharmacy than dying from covid - which is ridiculous.
Is it your position that nobody suffered/died from Covid in TX because people you know there apparently "toughed it out"?
There are limits to reasonable discourse. Y'all surpassed them forever about a year ago.
You nailed it buddy, the only people saying insulting things about others in this thread are liberals. SMDH
I have two beautiful household is the Church-going, Bible believing kind...we’re not perfect, no way, no how, but my wife & I teach it & preach it in our house...& my girls KNOW right from wrong. No, I’m not talking about what’s right & what’s wrong in the Godless lib world...I’m talking about what’s right in God’s eyes. My girls know & stand up for it as well...So if your son or daughter (assuming that you have ever gotten laid) came to you and said that they were unhappy and uncomfortable because they identify as the opposite gender, what would you do? Shock therapy? Beat the shit out of them? Pray it away? Kick them out of the house?
Just curious.
Are you serious? You can't really be that I doing it right?So if your son or daughter (assuming that you have ever gotten laid) came to you and said that they were unhappy and uncomfortable because they identify as the opposite gender, what would you do? Shock therapy? Beat the shit out of them? Pray it away? Kick them out of the house?
Just curious.
So if your son or daughter (assuming that you have ever gotten laid) came to you and said that they were unhappy and uncomfortable because they identify as the opposite gender, what would you do? Shock therapy? Beat the shit out of them? Pray it away? Kick them out of the house?
Just curious.
Tell them the grow the fvck up. You’re born as male or female, period.
I’ll give you credit for actually answering my question. Something that @jimbob1019 and @moradatiger70 didn't have the balls to do. That said, what would you do if your kid told you that they are gay?
I am not even trying to be a dick. I have a friend (ex College football player) whose kid decided instead of a girl she wanted to be a boy. It was hard as shit for him; but in the end he was more concerned about fighting it and causing the kid to potentially hurt or kill themself than the potential embarrassment. It’s a situation I hope that I don’t end up being in.
Biden calling people Neanderthals is rich. This is the guy that has touched many, many children on camera, in a way that appears very inappropriate. The parents and other people in the room are distracted, so he feels free to go to town. That’s what it looks like to sensible people.These kinds of comparisons come from such intellectual lightweights. Canada has a population density of about 4 people per square km. Texas is at about 113 per square km. For those of us that do math, that's a pretty profound difference. It means Texas has 35 times higher population density when compared with Canada. Also, Texas is a border state and it has taken on tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and their COVID cases which alters the numbers a great deal. So yeah, other than everything being different, that's a great comparison. Further, the delusion that Democrats are adhering to science is just absurd to the extreme. That's just not the case and it hasn't been anywhere at any time. That's not to say that Republicans have gone by the science and I am glad for that.
This isn't just a scientific issue. It's one that involves economics and people's well being both mentally and physically. To make it an issue of science is just stupid. The best thing about the science to Democrats is that the path they can claim to use to lead themselves to total control and tremendous gains in power over population. A poll was just released that showed a plurality of Democrats believe the death rate of COVID Is greater than 10%. You don't hear public service campaigns to allay people of those fears and make certain we know that the death rate is no where near 10% or higher. That's because officials are all too happy to keep people terrorized so they can control them.
Another great example of following the science or the truth came up recently with a poll about police shootings of unarmed black people in the United States. A plurality of Democrats believe that number is greater than 1000 per year when the reality is it's 20 or less per year. You can't make policy off fantasyland. It's killing our country. Instead of saying we follow the science, how about we just follow the truth.
President Biden accused the governors in Texas and Mississippi of thinking like Neanderthals today. This coming on the heels of reports detailing how his policies are releasing illegal immigrants into our nation that have tested positive for COVID. And on the heels of a situation where 13 human beings were killed while being smuggled into the US because it is known that we're not going to do anything about illegal border crossings. I could go on and on but let's just leave it at the current thinking in this country is devoid of reason, devoid of morality and devoid of facts when it comes to those in power. As stupid as Trump could be, this is far worse.
These kinds of comparisons come from such intellectual lightweights. Canada has a population density of about 4 people per square km. Texas is at about 113 per square km. For those of us that do math, that's a pretty profound difference. It means Texas has 35 times higher population density when compared with Canada. Also, Texas is a border state and it has taken on tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and their COVID cases which alters the numbers a great deal. So yeah, other than everything being different, that's a great comparison. Further, the delusion that Democrats are adhering to science is just absurd to the extreme. That's just not the case and it hasn't been anywhere at any time. That's not to say that Republicans have gone by the science and I am glad for that.
This isn't just a scientific issue. It's one that involves economics and people's well being both mentally and physically. To make it an issue of science is just stupid. The best thing about the science to Democrats is that the path they can claim to use to lead themselves to total control and tremendous gains in power over population. A poll was just released that showed a plurality of Democrats believe the death rate of COVID Is greater than 10%. You don't hear public service campaigns to allay people of those fears and make certain we know that the death rate is no where near 10% or higher. That's because officials are all too happy to keep people terrorized so they can control them.
Another great example of following the science or the truth came up recently with a poll about police shootings of unarmed black people in the United States. A plurality of Democrats believe that number is greater than 1000 per year when the reality is it's 20 or less per year. You can't make policy off fantasyland. It's killing our country. Instead of saying we follow the science, how about we just follow the truth.
President Biden accused the governors in Texas and Mississippi of thinking like Neanderthals today. This coming on the heels of reports detailing how his policies are releasing illegal immigrants into our nation that have tested positive for COVID. And on the heels of a situation where 13 human beings were killed while being smuggled into the US because it is known that we're not going to do anything about illegal border crossings. I could go on and on but let's just leave it at the current thinking in this country is devoid of reason, devoid of morality and devoid of facts when it comes to those in power. As stupid as Trump could be, this is far worse.
Reading your post arguing about population density being a factor in covid transmission was interesting. I can’t tell you how many mouth breathers on this board have shat on the democratic leaders of NYC because the number of cases were higher in NYC than SC. It is nice that you and I can finally agree on something. I am glad that you are not an intellectual lightweight.
These kinds of comparisons come from such intellectual lightweights. Canada has a population density of about 4 people per square km. Texas is at about 113 per square km. For those of us that do math, that's a pretty profound difference. It means Texas has 35 times higher population density when compared with Canada. Also, Texas is a border state and it has taken on tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and their COVID cases which alters the numbers a great deal. So yeah, other than everything being different, that's a great comparison. Further, the delusion that Democrats are adhering to science is just absurd to the extreme. That's just not the case and it hasn't been anywhere at any time. That's not to say that Republicans have gone by the science and I am glad for that.
This isn't just a scientific issue. It's one that involves economics and people's well being both mentally and physically. To make it an issue of science is just stupid. The best thing about the science to Democrats is that the path they can claim to use to lead themselves to total control and tremendous gains in power over population. A poll was just released that showed a plurality of Democrats believe the death rate of COVID Is greater than 10%. You don't hear public service campaigns to allay people of those fears and make certain we know that the death rate is no where near 10% or higher. That's because officials are all too happy to keep people terrorized so they can control them.
Another great example of following the science or the truth came up recently with a poll about police shootings of unarmed black people in the United States. A plurality of Democrats believe that number is greater than 1000 per year when the reality is it's 20 or less per year. You can't make policy off fantasyland. It's killing our country. Instead of saying we follow the science, how about we just follow the truth.
President Biden accused the governors in Texas and Mississippi of thinking like Neanderthals today. This coming on the heels of reports detailing how his policies are releasing illegal immigrants into our nation that have tested positive for COVID. And on the heels of a situation where 13 human beings were killed while being smuggled into the US because it is known that we're not going to do anything about illegal border crossings. I could go on and on but let's just leave it at the current thinking in this country is devoid of reason, devoid of morality and devoid of facts when it comes to those in power. As stupid as Trump could be, this is far worse.
Cuomo is going down and deservedly so. He sent all those old folks to the nursing homes.....a death trap at the time and he sent them there while Trump had a huge navy ship sitting empty parked in the harbor and a huge tent hospital sitting empty. If that doesnt get him then his sexual harassment scandal will.
no it's different for trump bc those women were lying, unlike the women who accuse any *insert any democratic person* for wrongdoing.I really dont care if Cuomo goes down or not honestly. But, my own grandmother in SC was sent back to her nursing home with covid (from the hospital) because they needed the hospital beds. I dont blame that on the governor of SC, that was the doctor's call. And if you think Cuomo should go down based on three reports of him making unwanted sexual talk to women, then you must want Trump to go down for the 20+ allegations of sexual assault and rape.