I think our definition of separation of Church and State is not at all what the Founding Fathers intended at all.I think separation of church and state is beneficial for both.
Jesus didn't live in a Christ centered nation and didn't seem to spend a bit of time worrying about that. I think Christians are absolutely damaging their witness by trying to convert people by force through the government, rather than by love for their neighbor, the broken, the vulnerable. A lot of Christian conservatives love to say trans is a mental illness, which if they really believe that is true, hard to believe Jesus would treat them like they do.
Jesus spent more time with the “world” than he did with religious leaders and that’s He said in Matthew to go into all the world…so I’d say he did spend time worrying about getting the Gospel message out (we may be talking about different things on that).
While I completely agree that Christians do more harm than good at times with their messaging, the absolute fact is that Christians needs to stand on Biblical truth and confront sin, not condemn the sinners…you can’t accept everything and make everyone think everything is okay. If everything is okay then why did Christ die on the Cross?