I hear all this 'gender affirming' going on everywhere on the left, and they believe you can be whatever gender you want, and take it out of the hands of the parents so the state or federal government can make that decision, and chop off body parts at a young age. Well, I was born white, and that is listed on my birth certificate, but how about 'racial affirming'. What if I want to affirm my race as black? And I could get all the benefits of being black and a minority? Well I might be able to do that anyway, because my DNA says that a have 1% (or possibly a little less) of DNA from Nigeria. But what if I want to affirm that I was black. How would that go over?? You think that would bring the racist roaches out of the woodwork??? WOKE is WOKE, whether it is affirming gender or race? I might give that a try, then throw out the 1% trump card... 😆