LMAO... ASSUMING that you are right about Trump and the Deep State. Which you most certainly aren't, but just for giggles, let's say you are:
Trump got his ass BEAT DOWN LIKE A YARD DOG by the Deep State:
When he came into office in 2016 he had majorities in both houses of congress. He lost the HOR in 2018 and lost the Senate in 2020. He also lost his own election. Tired of winning yet?
Again, assuming that your theories are correct, Trump knew that the Deep State was going to cheat in the election MONTHS before. So he hired a guy to oversee the integrity of the election and had his own AG and DOJ as well. But the Deep State won again! Trump didn't even know that the guy he hired to oversee everything was Deep State and his own AG was as well. WOW!! Trump got OWNED by the Deep State there.
In spite of living in NYC his entire life, Trump got run out of the State by multiple lawsuits (Like his foundation and Trump University). and is living on one of his golf courses in Florida. He's about to lose his ability to conduct business in his own State and will be forced to sell off his business interests there. DEEP STATE FOR THE WIN!!
Trump is being attacked by the justice system all over. Colorado, NY, Washington DC, and even Florida and Georgia. Prosecutors are pressuring his former staff to testify against him with immunity deals and quite a few have taken the offer. He could actually go to jail for some of those things... and is having to use campaign funds to pay lawyers to keep him out of jail. DEEP STATE FOR THE WIN!!!!
With the upcoming election, Biden is in charge now, along with the Deep State he so clearly supports. How on earth does Trump think he can win when the Deep State owned him when he was President and actually had the power to do something? Hell, how many people on his current election staff are Deep State right now? Given his track record of picking Deep State operatives to hire into important positions, I'd think it would be close to half. Trump will be soon be bitching about election fraud once he realizes he's not going to win. Better start whining about cheating now or you are going to miss out.
How exactly is he destroying them again?