Trump 2024

Says the tar-tar with a room temp IQ
Says a guy so dumb, he doesn't know the difference between your and you're - something we learned in 2nd grade. And even after we've pointed it out to you numerous times, you haven't take the five minutes you'd need to google the difference. Or maybe you still don't understand it...

"All contractions are typically taught together after first grade. The focus in second grade is on pronoun contractions. (I + will = I'll, you + will = you'll, I + am = I'm, etc.) Students learn that an apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter or letters to become a contraction."


Democrats Just Woke Up The Entire Country

“People, it doesn't matter how or what you feel about Donald Trump. But if you're a true student of the constitution, if you're a student of law, even if you have a moral standard of justice, all of America ought to be afraid right now.

For that man to be convicted without the right to adequately defend himself from charges that weren't even stated. We've lost our republic. Our constitution is dead, And everyone else in America, we ought to be afraid, afraid for ourselves. It's not a good thing.

And for those that think it is, those that's the enemy.”

A Wide Awake Message To Americans

“Donald Trump is convicted before anyone on Jeffrey Epstein’s client list. Okay.

We have politicians that go into office worth about $2, and now they're millionaires. Yet he's the one being funny with money? Okay.

You charge him for allegedly paying people to hush when you have others who literally have unexplained bodies dropping around them. Okay.

Some of you have been nothing but quiet until now, afraid to speak out, but somehow believe posting a flag upside down is gonna turn this whole thing around. Okay.

I think most of us can agree what's going on is not okay, and no one is coming to save the day.

If it wasn't gonna be before, unless they do something drastic, it's Trump 2024, for show. Take action.”

Jon Dawson Is A TikTok Influencer With 920k Followers. He Says He Doesn’t Care About His Brand Partnerships, He Doesn’t Care About Losing All His Income, He Is Speaking Out For Donald Trump

“I'm for sure voting Trump 2024. Ain't no question in the world, dude. I am voting Trump 2024.“

“—The reason I'm gonna vote Trump 2024 is because one main reason. This man getting the people treatment. He's getting the people treatment. He ain't getting treated like a billionaire. He ain't getting treated like a President. He ain’t getting treated like a politician.He's getting treated like me.

And the people that I despise, the elites, the people that don't answer to the same law that I answer to, the people that can literally bat an eye and say, hey, make that disappear from me, and it's gone. The people that never get challenged on the disrespectful BS that they commit every single day, I can't stand. But this man's getting popped for things commoners don't even get popped for. This man is under scrutiny more than a black man downtown Compton with a bag of good good in his pocket, a sifter so fine that they're checking what type of toilet paper he uses to make sure there's nothing illegal in it. And this man is now a felon, one of the only people in politics, period. That's a felon.

And y'all acting like you're fighting against the system when you are on the same side as the universities, the mainstream media, 99% of politicians, every manufacturing company that does their business overseas. You think you're fighting the system when your entire face is plastered over Target, Nike, Walmart, every time your month comes around, you think you're fighting against the machine when you literally go to universities and they preach, they preach what you preach.”

“Please, you are not going against the system. You are just not smart enough to realize you are the fuel and the cogs in the machine you don't even understand is bending you over a barrel. This is what's insane to me. Fight the system.

I'm voting Trump 2024. This man does not get the special treatment. He is not on the side of the universities. He is not on the side of the Bilderberger meetings. He is not on the side of the Clintons, the Obamas, the Rockefellers, the universities, the large corporations. This man is the guy who's fighting the machine.

This guy is the rage against the machine. He is the one that is giving you the ability to say, F this, I will not stand for it anymore. I am not gonna let you raise my taxes and have you send them overseas. I am not gonna let you tell me what I should put in my body, what I have to put in my body, just the function in the world that is supposed to be free. No way, no how.”

This is a 5 minute video so I can’t transcribe it all due to X’s text limits but I recommend watching!
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This thread (whole forum, really) is such an interesting view of what it's like inside of a cult. I hope Janja Lalich lurks here because there's likely not a better way to get an inside view into cult behavior than reading the posts from MAGAs here.
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BREAKING: Following the New York conviction, Doug Leone, another venture capitalist BILLIONAIRE has publicly announced his support for Trump. He is also going to pour heavy money into the campaign

"I have become increasingly concerned about the general direction of our country, the state of our broken immigration system, the ballooning deficit, and the foreign policy missteps, among other issues. Therefore, I am supporting former President Trump in this coming election."

London England Has A Message 🔊

“Our message to Donald Trump, to the United States and every American who’s watching this. Your election in November is far bigger than your country. Donald Trump is needed in this world to bring back peace. His leadership is needed to save the west. All our countries are being flooded, they are destroying our cultures, they are bringing us down. This is an attack on the west. There’s only one person who can stop it. You have an opportunity in November with this election. Donald Trump” (Thunderous applause, followed by a Trump chant)

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