Trump 2024

By John Hinderaker

"Tonight Donald Trump held a rally before 80,000 to 100,000 cheering fans in New Jersey. Joe Biden, in contrast, could hold a rally in a parking lot. Trump is not one of my 25 favorite politicians, but the fine points are rapidly becoming irrelevant. The New York Post reports:

'You could take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, and add them up .. and they haven’t done the damage to our country that this total moron has done,' Trump, 77, said to a cheering crowd of tens of thousands.

You could debate that proposition, but it is plausible. Joe Biden makes James Buchanan look like Abraham Lincoln.

'He’s a fool, he’s not a smart man. He never was,' Trump said.

Biden was known as “Slow Joe” for decades before he became senile.

'He was considered stupid. I talk about him differently now because now, the gloves are off. He’s a bad guy … he’s the worst president ever, of any country. The whole world is laughing at him, he’s a fool.'

Sad but true. And, at long last, the gloves need to come off: Trump talked about the absurd indictments that the Democratic Party has brought against him.

He blamed Biden, 81, for his legal troubles, saying, 'You don’t do that to your opponents.'

'It’s done in third-world countries, it’s done in banana republics, it’s not done in the United States of America.'

Well, it wasn’t done until now. The Democrats have violated every historic norm. Their indictments of Trump are all, every one of them, a bad joke."
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The funny thing is, for 55 years I always thought I was a liberal.

I always loved and got along with everybody.

I never judged anybody.

I never fought with anybody.

I obeyed the laws and paid my taxes.

I wanted everything to be safe and happy.

Then TRUMP came along and the world went haywire.

So now if I want to be a liberal, I have to:

Hate white people
Hate Jewish people
Hate Christians.
Hate the unborn.
Fear the weather.
Fear the flu.
Support child sex changes.
Want criminals to go free.
Not want a border.
Love WAR.
Love illegal immigration.

And want every country to get more money and attention than my own.

This is why I switched to the Conservative Party.

Not because I love the Republicans.

Because I CAN’T love what the democrats want to do to this country.
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Haley's pulled like 15-30% of votes last night in a couple of different states even though she's not running for president. I doubt she'd accept VP from Trump bc it sounds like she's trying to distance herself and make a run at being the face of the GOP post-Trump era. She would probably win in a landslide if she went against Biden.
Haley's pulled like 15-30% of votes last night in a couple of different states even though she's not running for president. I doubt she'd accept VP from Trump bc it sounds like she's trying to distance herself and make a run at being the face of the GOP post-Trump era. She would probably win in a landslide if she went against Biden.

I would vote for Haley in a general. I would imagine she would win in a huge landslide.

Trust the MAGAs to again not actually care about winning elections.
Haley's pulled like 15-30% of votes last night in a couple of different states even though she's not running for president. I doubt she'd accept VP from Trump bc it sounds like she's trying to distance herself and make a run at being the face of the GOP post-Trump era. She would probably win in a landslide if she went against Biden.
Both my wife and I voted for Haley and her delegates in the Maryland Republican Primary in protest. I’m a man of my word and firmly believe integrity matters.

Also Hogan firmly trounced the MAGA candidate for Senate. Hogan will now go against Angela Alsobrooks who beat out David Trone, which was crazy considering how much money Trone sunk into his campaign. The Hogan vs Alsobrooks general will be very very interesting to follow.

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