Trump 2024

Have you heard of Agenda 47…? It’s a package of proposals that President Trump says he will implement when elected.

Those include:

- Preventing WWIII by ending all the needless proxy wars.

- Going to war with the cartels that currently control our Southwest border.

- Ending Veteran homelessness.

- Absolutely no welfare for those here illegally.

- Dismantling the woke carcass of higher education and replacing it with The American Academy.

- Reinvigorating the auto industry by reversing the horrendous policies put in place by Biden.

- Lowering the cost of energy, which every American can appreciate.

- D*ath penalty for human traffickers.

- Rebuilding our military to the great power it once was.
Trump has always had the same viewpoints no matter what his party affiliation was. A true leader!!

Almost 37 year ago, Trump wanted to STOP sending our money abroad: “That’s why it bothers me so much when we give this kind of money to the wealthiest country in the world and yet for our own people, the homeless, the sick , the poor, the farmers who are going through H€LL right now…. This country shouldn’t be raising taxes, we should be lowering taxes. We should have a surplus, not a deficit… Those countries should be paying us major billions of dollars and you won’t have any deficit whatsoever and then we’ll be able to help the poor, the sick and the homeless, the farmers and every body else…”

President Trump has ALWAYS put Americans before other countries and it’s why he’s running for President again because he don’t want to see this country being destroyed.
Hallelujah!! This will be epically great!!

Trump Tells America How we will Celebrate the Birth of America when He’s Back in Office…

And it’s AMAZING!!

As a nation, we should be preparing for a most spectacular birthday party!

Here is My Plan to Celebrate Americas 1776 Founding:

• Day 1, I will convene a White House Task Force called “Salute to America 250”
- They will Coordinate with State & Local Governments to ensure not just one day of celebration, but an ENTIRE YEAR of festivities across the nation starting on Memorial Day 2025 & continuing to July 4, 2026.

• I will work with all 50 governors, Republican & Democrat to create “The Great American State Fair”, a unique One Year Exhibition featuring pavilions from all 50 states.
- The Great American State Fair will showcase the glory of every state in the Union, promote pride in our history & put forth innovative visions for Americas future.
- Trump plans to host “The Great American State Fair” at the Legendary Iowa State Fair Grounds.
(That’s Why Trump is there 🙌)
- Together we will Build it & They will Come!

• We will host major sporting contests for High School Athletes — Patriot Games

• I will sign an Executive Order to bring back our National Garden of American Hero’s, commission artists in a statuary park honoring the greatest Americans of all time

• I will invite the leaders & citizens of nations around the world to visit the United States in honor of our 250th anniversary.
- Americas tourist industry should get ready because we’re going to have a lot of people coming, it will be a record year.

• I will ask Americas great religious communities to pray for our nation & our people as we prepare for this momentous occasion!

“As we chart a course toward the next 250 years, let us rededicate ourselves as One Nation, Under GOD! 🙌

Hallelujah!! This will be epically great!!

Trump Tells America How we will Celebrate the Birth of America when He’s Back in Office…

And it’s AMAZING!!

As a nation, we should be preparing for a most spectacular birthday party!

Here is My Plan to Celebrate Americas 1776 Founding:

• Day 1, I will convene a White House Task Force called “Salute to America 250”
- They will Coordinate with State & Local Governments to ensure not just one day of celebration, but an ENTIRE YEAR of festivities across the nation starting on Memorial Day 2025 & continuing to July 4, 2026.

• I will work with all 50 governors, Republican & Democrat to create “The Great American State Fair”, a unique One Year Exhibition featuring pavilions from all 50 states.
- The Great American State Fair will showcase the glory of every state in the Union, promote pride in our history & put forth innovative visions for Americas future.
- Trump plans to host “The Great American State Fair” at the Legendary Iowa State Fair Grounds.
(That’s Why Trump is there 🙌)
- Together we will Build it & They will Come!

• We will host major sporting contests for High School Athletes — Patriot Games

• I will sign an Executive Order to bring back our National Garden of American Hero’s, commission artists in a statuary park honoring the greatest Americans of all time

• I will invite the leaders & citizens of nations around the world to visit the United States in honor of our 250th anniversary.
- Americas tourist industry should get ready because we’re going to have a lot of people coming, it will be a record year.

• I will ask Americas great religious communities to pray for our nation & our people as we prepare for this momentous occasion!

“As we chart a course toward the next 250 years, let us rededicate ourselves as One Nation, Under GOD! 🙌

Yes! The great unifier returneth!
If you believed that then you wouldnt be for using lawfare to try and get rid of him. You fear he will win and the boomerang will comeback at you for the illegal things your side has done. Again remember you asked for this...
It's not about a political side, anyone with a scintilla of brain matter knows what he's done is unconscionable for the leader of the greatest nation in the world. It shouldn't be a debate that he's unfit...and neither is his opponent. If he gets away with all of it, think about what that means for future presidents when they decide to go further...especially now that they have the judicial protection of calling it an "official act."
It's not about a political side, anyone with a scintilla of brain matter knows what he's done is unconscionable for the leader of the greatest nation in the world. It shouldn't be a debate that he's unfit...and neither is his opponent. If he gets away with all of it, think about what that means for future presidents when they decide to go further...especially now that they have the judicial protection of calling it an "official act."
again you keep leaving out the all important word. Its not just "official act", thats a very vague term and not what the USSC stated...