Trump 2024

Let the truth free your mind.

TikTok Creator Told To Read Agenda 47 By Commenters Trying To Bash Trump. Video Accidentally Blows Up Approaching 100k Likes & Everyone In The Comments Says They Can’t Believe They Just Became Donald Trump Supporters

“I was told in my live this morning that I need to go read Agenda 47 because I stated that Trump does not endorse Project 2025, but agenda 47 is a cliff notes version. So I went and I read it:

- First up, ending homelessness in veterans, which will be taking the funding away from the housing for the immigrants that are coming in illegally over our border and putting that funding into housing for our homeless veterans

- Also giving funding to the VA

- Ending the war in Ukraine on day 1. News flash, Putin, about a week ago, said that he would be okay with this.

- It talks about lessening low income housing and using that money to help Americans who want to purchase homes purchase homes. Instead of putting that money into rentals and low income housing, it would put together programs so you can be in the best financial position to purchase a home

- Hiring a 100 new prosecutors and firing the ones that George Soros hired

- Ending the source of drug addiction in America, and funding better programs for people who are addicted to drugs. That funding would also come from the housing that is for the illegal immigrants crossing our border

- If you come over to the United States illegally right now but give birth to a child in the United States, that child is a are automatically a US citizen. This is going to stop that from happening.

- The rise in childhood chronic illnesses, we are going to start incentivizing looking for the root cause of those illnesses instead of just shelling out the medication to these children, not just putting a Band Aid on it and calling in a day

- Building the military and giving monetary incentives to join the military, but also changing the way that the military does things, re reconstructing the military

- Returning jobs back to the United States that are currently being done overseas so that we can further an economic boom.

- If you are caught human trafficking or drug trafficking and you are convicted, you could get the penalty.

- Using gas cars instead of electric cars, making America energy independent again, drill, baby, drill.

- People that homeschool will get a check from the government every month just like the public school system does.

- Taking that funding from the Department of Education and putting it back in the hands of the parents, giving the parents back that power, and also holding teachers and faculty accountable for talking about their sexual preferences or the sexual preferences of a child, setting children up for success before they graduate

- And stopping welfare for the people who are coming into this country illegally.

Where's the problem with all of that? I don't really know, but I read it. Those are some of the key points. If y'all wanna go and read it for yourselves, please do.

Stop listening to the media. Have a nice day.”

Ever been in combat? Ever been shot at? I haven’t. Neither, until today, has President Trump.

But one thing that combat veterans tell me, over and over, is that combat reveals character. The experience of being under fire exposes who you are in fundamental ways. You don’t really know what that answer will be until the moment is upon you.

Well, we just had President Trump’s character revealed. Turns out he’s the kind of man who comes under fire, takes a hit, feels the blood. and stands back up… with his fist raised. That’s who he is.

That’s who he always was – and now we know it.
A new rider on the Trump Train. Love it!!

graduated in 2012 w a degree in Women's Studies

cried in 2016 when Trump got elected

lost touch w the dems somewhere around MeToo

discovered entrepreneurship

updated my voter registration in 2018 but didn't tell anyone

told myself i was a 'single-issue-voting Centrist'

the last 6-12 months i've believed i was going to abstain from voting in the upcoming election because the options are equally terrible

but watching Trump survive an assassination attempt and act like a total ****ing savage just shifted me into some strange, patriotic gear that my fancy-feminism-white-men-bad infected brain never showed me

like, the dude took a bullet and stood up with blood dripping down his face, and rallied a ****ing crowd while fist pumping, yelling "FIGHT!"

sorry, but i'm voting for that.

and saying it out loud feels so freeing

(2012 stepfanie would be so pissed but that's okay because 2012 stepfanie didn't know shit)
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A new rider on the Trump Train. Love it!!

graduated in 2012 w a degree in Women's Studies

cried in 2016 when Trump got elected

lost touch w the dems somewhere around MeToo

discovered entrepreneurship

updated my voter registration in 2018 but didn't tell anyone

told myself i was a 'single-issue-voting Centrist'

the last 6-12 months i've believed i was going to abstain from voting in the upcoming election because the options are equally terrible

but watching Trump survive an assassination attempt and act like a total ****ing savage just shifted me into some strange, patriotic gear that my fancy-feminism-white-men-bad infected brain never showed me

like, the dude took a bullet and stood up with blood dripping down his face, and rallied a ****ing crowd while fist pumping, yelling "FIGHT!"

sorry, but i'm voting for that.

and saying it out loud feels so freeing

(2012 stepfanie would be so pissed but that's okay because 2012 stepfanie didn't know shit)
Just fvcking weak and pathetic that guy is. He sounds just like Sleepy Joe Biden.

This election is over. The only way Trump doesn’t win is if they kill him first. Otherwise this is a landslide.

That shooter did more harm to the democratic cause than any other person in recent history, and that is saying something. The Trump train is gonna run with a mandate pushing it. The only question is can republicans take the house and senate. No one is going to show up for sleepy joe and Trump voters will vote with the fervor of 1000 rabid dogs.

And now Trump has the most iconic photo in American History to run on. Probably will go down as more famous than the iwo jima photo or the Bush 9/11 photo. More famous than Bin Laden and Sadaam.

Trump is a fvcking boss!

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin.

Donald Trump Truth Social 07:36 AM EST 07/14/24 @realDonaldTrump

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