Trump Shot?

Based on what I know to date she was DEI pick to wreck SS

And what exactly "do you know?" The only way you would know that is if you were the Chief Human Capital Officer of the SS or the hiring official (the person that selected them). Are you one of those two people? Did you see a hiring document that had "DEI selection" checked? By the way, there is no box like that in hiring documents.

So, unless you were any of those roles or saw the hiring documents...You don't know.
So creating a FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION campaign for multiple years by Left and Democrats by Hillary

Having 51 FORMER INTELLEIGENCE OFFICERS sign a lie posted in National News

Creating Lawfare against Trump for, things I have done many times in my life like him on a smaller scale

Trump is THE MAN

There is not another person that I know on EARTH that could have taken the blows your fanatics of hate and fear mongering could have done and the Man stands tall

I do share that Murder and Assassination is in the Playbook even if by Warped People

Keep Going With the Narrative You Closet Violent anarchists believe in and the worse may happen for the Trump Family

My mom used to say if you can't hurt the parents, THEN YOU HURT THE CHILDREN

We could talk all day about Elon Musk exposing the censorship and bias against the Republican Party and Trump but your tightly closed beartrap mind cannot be pried open to hear "TRUTH ABOUT X" or read Truth Social

Enjoy Your world I never plan to visit

EXPECTING ATTEMPTS NOW on his family in the worse of ways

Oh my goodness! That is a lot. Are you okay?
does not approve chris farley GIF

I didn't say that. Those are your words.
  • Haha
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