Trump to debate Harris!

I know it hard for you 3 letter agency interns to have to deal with us freedom loving Patriots.
Women don't think you love freedom
Non-christians don't think you love freedom
Us vermin don't think you love freedom
Illuminatibot, Draino the Clown and Insurrection Barbie are not election fraud experts. Nobody thinks anything you post is remotely credible except people like @AugTig and @Allornothing
Put whatever "label" you want to on me. That's all you got. Slowly but surely, your house is crashing down. Just like Joe, you will be asked/made to leave.

I really wish someone could explain to me how stupid people like you exist. At that point we could at least address your situation.
Put whatever "label" you want to on me. That's all you got. Slowly but surely, your house is crashing down. Just like Joe, you will be asked/made to leave.

I really wish someone could explain to me how stupid people like you exist. At that point we could at least address your situation.
I'll let you in on a little secret- my parents had sex.

For those wondering why the Kamala campaign are desperate to host the debate on ABC:

Remember that nasty woman at the NABJ a few days ago? Her name is Rachel Scott. She works for ABC.

Trump is also currently suing ABC over defamatory comments from Stephanopoulos, where he falsely claimed Trump “raped” E. Jean Carroll. There is a legal conflict of interest, and ABC have proven they are hostile towards Trump.

If the debate is on ABC, all the questions will be just like the ones shown in the video below, combative and designed to smear Trump.

Trump already did his debate in enemy territory on CNN, now it’s time for the Dems to come onto Trump’s turf on Fox News.
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For those wondering why the Kamala campaign are desperate to host the debate on ABC:

Remember that nasty woman at the NABJ a few days ago? Her name is Rachel Scott. She works for ABC.

Trump is also currently suing ABC over defamatory comments from Stephanopoulos, where he falsely claimed Trump “raped” E. Jean Carroll. There is a legal conflict of interest, and ABC have proven they are hostile towards Trump.

If the debate is on ABC, all the questions will be just like the ones shown in the video below, combative and designed to smear Trump.

Trump already did his debate in enemy territory on CNN, now it’s time for the Dems to come onto Trump’s turf on Fox News.
I'll let you in on a little secret- my parents had sex.
And all this time I thought two buzzards bumped asses and you fell out.

Your parents didn't go through with the abortion either, which in your case is a crying shame.

Some may consider this over the top, but seeing as how you have openly said in this forum that I should kill myself, I consider it fair game.

Kamala is afraid to debate Trump on Fox News for multiple reasons.

1: Fox News won’t play ball with her campaign and leak her the questions ahead of time.

2: Fox News plan to have a full audience, which is bad news for Kamala, because Trump always wins over the crowd.

3: Fox News hosts might actually ask her tough questions, but which she cannot handle.

All of the posturing from the Kamala campaign was just projection. They have no intentions of debating Trump, unless they have all the variables on their side, hence why they want to debate on ABC again.

If they go into a debate on Fox News, with an audience, Kamala is going to get eviscerated, and they know it.
But why did trump bail on the ABC debate??? If he's such a "master Debater", your words, not mine, what does her have to worry about???
And all this time I thought two buzzards bumped asses and you fell out.

Your parents didn't go through with the abortion either, which in your case is a crying shame.

Some may consider this over the top, but seeing as how you have openly said in this forum that I should kill myself, I consider it fair game.
I don't get credit for hoping it's quick and painless? 🤷‍♂️🙄
But why did trump bail on the ABC debate??? If he's such a "master Debater", your words, not mine, what does her have to worry about???
He didnt. The dems bailed on that debate when dementia joe was pulled by the dark dem leadership. That debate and its deal was then over with.
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She is just a whore. Can we not talk about this?

She was nothing. She started doing the hawk-tuah and suddenly she is going to be the leader of this country. There are plenty of members of this board that I would feel more comfortable with over her: dpic73 (a CIA plant), @okclem, @nytigerfan.

We all know these people are miserable human beings, but at least they say it out loud. They don't hide who they are. They stand behind their stupidity.

If they tell you who they are, believe them.

We certainly believe you when you tell us you are a racist sexist idiot.
It doesn't take thousands of people. Just a few stupid mf'ers like yourself. You demonrats have figured out you only have to win a few counties to secure a win.

People who use the term "Demonrat" repeatedly and unironically shouldn't be allowed to vote.
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How is the above Racist? Sexist?

I'll respond earnestly.

Kamala Harris has held and been elected to multiple high stress incredibly difficult jobs. She had multiple millions of people vote for her, repeatedly. She's passed bill after bill and been successful by objective measures at every stop.

Saying she got to where she is because shes a whore is so sexist it's impossible to me that you could earnestly not see that.

And that poster, is, objectively, racist. He's shown us time and time again.
Make sure I have the timeline of events correct:

- Trump destroys Biden in debate so bad it causes Joe to quit (**debate held on left centric news channel).
- Democrats pull a bait & switch with candidates without proper primary.
- New Democrat candidate wants to control terms on any potential future debates?

Seems a bit…weird.
You mean do I want to roll around in the mud with a rabid asshole who only slings insults and fabricates his own reality?

That would be a NO for me dawg.
see you are still projecting. Your response describes you to a tee....
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Make sure I have the timeline of events correct:

- Trump destroys Biden in debate so bad it causes Joe to quit (**debate held on left centric news channel).
- Democrats pull a bait & switch with candidates without proper primary.
- New Democrat candidate wants to control terms on any potential future debates?

Seems a bit…weird.
- Trump destroys Biden in debate so bad it causes them to try and kill him, attempt fails forcing Biden to quit
- Democrats pull a bait & switch with candidates without proper primary.
- New Democrat candidate wants to control terms on any potential future debates?
Put whatever "label" you want to on me. That's all you got. Slowly but surely, your house is crashing down. Just like Joe, you will be asked/made to leave.

I really wish someone could explain to me how stupid people like you exist. At that point we could at least address your situation.
he's not stupid, just dishonest and evil...
lol at Trump being scared.

He made Joe quit after the first debate.

She won’t show up.

Democrats got EVERYTHING for the first debate. CNN. Mics cut off. Democrat moderators. Earliest in history etc.

And now they won’t go to Fox News. They are scared of Fox News? Trump already went on CNN.

What are they scared of?

If I was Trump I would refuse to debate. Harris needs this debate much worse than Trump.

Harrris has never won a debate. Trump has won plenty. Trump has nothing to prove, Kamala has everything to prove.

Again, the democrats are trying to set the bar low for The DEI candidate. They have to shelter her because she is not strong enough to fend on her own.

Pathetic. The democratic disarray is getting old. Total chaos.
If you don’t agree to something you can’t back out.

Kamala is terrified of getting knocked out by a Trump debate.

It’s Ok.

They will set the bar low for her because she is a DEI candidate. And they will feign at how well the black woman did.

Anything they can do to avoid focusing on their terrible policies.

Don’t talk about the economy! It’s falling apart. Bidenomics is a huge scam and everyone knows it.

And Kamala was the Border Csar.

Trump will mop the floor with her during the debate.

Can you imagine the word salad Kamala will be serving?
Because who wants an audience right?

She scared Don will TKO her in September!

She either shows up, or she reads the teleprompter for 3 months.

Trump doesn't actually debate because regardless of what he's asked, he responds with with a long litany of fictional bullshit so that he can avoid questions he doesn't like and only make the points he wants to be heard - and he won't shut up long enough for someone to fact-check him. Combine that with an audience full of sycophants and it will just turn into the Jerry Springer show and we won't learn a thing. She'd be a fool to accept an invite like that.