Trump's Dinner w/ Fuentes - point of no return

Private citizens literally used to own their personal cannons.


Gonna be a no from me
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Corporations and the ultra-wealthy aren't accountable to the same laws as you and me.

what kills me is, as you said the ultra wealthy aren't accountable. the thing is, our system of government does empower us with the means to demand it. and the reason they continue to get away with this stuff is they divide us in half and people can only see the abuses of power by one party - which crushes both the numbers and provides them an army to go out and argue with the other half. the tension this has created allows them more freedom than ever. we've become so hyper politicized they know if the walls ever look like they're closing in on something big they just create a new shiny object to argue over. so people either wake up and point the fingers at the true problem and vote our way to reinstating accountability for everyone or we're just dawdling down the road to serfdom. so sick of the 90+% of people who in large part want the same things get pulled into the mud by the 3% of either side that are lunatics and caving to them as the politicians and media pretend the things that draw the most attention matter in the slightest.

the alternative is a whole lotttttt of people in this country would give literally anything for the biggest problem in their life to be something someone said on the internet again. gonna learn just how good we had it and stupid it was to fall into being divided enough to throw it all away. i don't get how thats not more obvious to more people, and i have no idea if it's even possible to make it so with how partisan has become.
It's insane. How many times have the dems told us they are the party of the poor and the pubs are the party of the rich?

The dems are the rich. And they are the corrupt. We are seeing that in real-time with this FTX scandal.

It's why the dems here won't touch this topic. Every other topic they beat in the ground, they act like they don't see this one.

You know why.
yea it does tend to break out that the dem rich are the uber wealthy - the gates, bezos, that weirdo pos buffet etc. the people who have mega wealth held in carried interest.

republicans have a few heavy hitters but their "rich" are largely made up of high income earners, ie the people who get a pineapple shoved up their hoop with taxes. when they say "tax the rich", what that really means is people who make in the 500k-low millions. now that's doing pretty well depending on where you are in there and where you live as well as who you're supporting on it, but it ain't generational wealth. and somehow the media allows that sack of sht buffet to be painted as this bleeding heart folksy grandpa and doesn't have a single follow up to his saying things like "my secretary pays higher taxes than i do". well warren, thats because you pay her 500k salary and yourself 100k, which allows you to hold onto that 100bb in carried interest while i'm getting cornholed for 50%. i don't begrudge him for taking advantage of the rules, i begrudge him for the phony act he puts on, and our media for being so stupid or such lapdogs they refuse to expose things like that. btw you know the railway threatening to strike, bnsf? thats one of st warren's. national grandpa warren who wants fairness and happiness and unicorns for all and it should be financed by the rich that aren't him, has employees so upset with comp they're threatening to strike. i've yet to see this factor pointed out as anywhere close to a focus of reporting on the issue though. nor do journalists ever feel the need to look into all of the tax problems with warrens affiliates under the berkshire umbrella. people like him are near the top of the list who need to be exposed. but no one influential enough will ever call him out for his two faced bs. all you have to do to pay more in taxes is pay yourself more warren, but i guess the genius you are never thought of that. then there's a whole lot of weird rumors about this dude, but the only thing i'm not uncertain about is there's more than a few skeletons in that closet if anyone took the time to look.
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There you go. Anyone that says something you don't like, just call them a name, then you don't have to listen to anything they say, and you can remain blissfully ignorant.

But pick another label besides 'racist'. The great great great grandfathers of every dem here were some of the founders of the KKK in the 1800s.
Yah ok my ancestors are racists. Are you good now with me pointing out racist behavior in present day now? Good lord. You are so broken by the right vs left you can't simply call out bad behavior? Wow.
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what kills me is, as you said the ultra wealthy aren't accountable. the thing is, our system of government does empower us with the means to demand it. and the reason they continue to get away with this stuff is they divide us in half and people can only see the abuses of power by one party - which crushes both the numbers and provides them an army to go out and argue with the other half. the tension this has created allows them more freedom than ever. we've become so hyper politicized they know if the walls ever look like they're closing in on something big they just create a new shiny object to argue over. so people either wake up and point the fingers at the true problem and vote our way to reinstating accountability for everyone or we're just dawdling down the road to serfdom. so sick of the 90+% of people who in large part want the same things get pulled into the mud by the 3% of either side that are lunatics and caving to them as the politicians and media pretend the things that draw the most attention matter in the slightest.

the alternative is a whole lotttttt of people in this country would give literally anything for the biggest problem in their life to be something someone said on the internet again. gonna learn just how good we had it and stupid it was to fall into being divided enough to throw it all away. i don't get how thats not more obvious to more people, and i have no idea if it's even possible to make it so with how partisan has become.
The FBI killed MLK. What will they do to those of us who want to unionize and overthrow the citizens united ruling?

People unionizing is so demonized they were murdering protestors in the streets just 40 years ago with 0 accountability.
Facts are that maybe America has always been pretty bad towards the poor and that anyone who tries to improve our country disrupts the powerful and they don't like that
Funny how leftard politicians say walls don't work, yet 95% of them live behind iron gates with security surveillance.
(of course that won't work when you want your boyfriend in to get hammered) 😂

Please be careful with that rumor as NYTIGERFAN who is the perfect LEFT WING LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC replica of Donald Trump has chastised me for asking that question regarding why will the police not release the records and why are the police records in conflict

It amazes me how hard he works at trying to be the exact liberal left replica of Trump

Since NYTIGERFAN did say Nikki Haley was a slut and sleeping around I took the liberty to call and ask was she sleeping around with whom

Apparently not him so have to keep asking people who was the lucky guy or maybe girl LOL
I think Nick Fuentes is a fan club member that is Facebook Friends with NYTIGERFAN

Heard they hang around together on TWITTER under monikers of Nick Fuentes of no one knows me or cares and NYTIGERFAN as Donald Trump Wannabe for the liberal left

Just a rumor I heard after the rumor started that Jill Biden and Nikki Haley are having threesomes in Deleware with a black mamba secret service agent who works out on weekends as that is why the log books are not being released

Heard the videos may slip out as Hunter Biden has a new lap top and is keeping the stuff safe so no one sees the kinky stuff people in power do on the weekend
The FBI killed MLK. What will they do to those of us who want to unionize and overthrow the citizens united ruling?

People unionizing is so demonized they were murdering protestors in the streets just 40 years ago with 0 accountability.
Facts are that maybe America has always been pretty bad towards the poor and that anyone who tries to improve our country disrupts the powerful and they don't like that

just my opinion that we are in a real bad spot today that only gets worse, and we can either wake up and do something about it or watch it all happen.

i'm not getting at some form of like a public unionization kind of situation, just pushing a message of broader general awareness. the only way to do it is to get people to snap out of the hyper-partisan good guys vs bad guys based on political party and deciding to start expecting accountability, which goes as much for themselves as it is where else it might be applied. a big part of creating the divide has been messaging to anyone who takes issue with something that it's not their fault and they will get justice for you. but yea its not necessarily about taking to the streets all the time or banding together, its just getting a message out that the govt is the one that's always lying, and both sides do it. i could walk through almost every major contributor to the social powder keg we've become and virtually all of them are rooted in government ideas, programs, or messaging. it just can't go on like this, and we need to wake up to they've put us here while egregiously abusing power while we sit around blaming each other.

and then when it does come to a case like ftx or epstein, we can make silence unacceptable. keep pushing. demand answers from legislators, i mean get unemployed and retired people calling a bunch of legislators every damn day, calling mainstream news outlets every day, seeking journalists and legislators who are supportive and will keep demanding answers. i mean we had mobs following manchin and sinema around for our last waste of a trillion dollars. people have a right to demand answers, not a damn thing they can do about it. and they may not give them, but they work for us, and we ultimately control whether or not they deserve to hold the position they do. i know there's gonna be people that get away with things, they're gonna pull more fukkery, but if we could at least get to a place where we regained some sense of expectations of ourselves and our media/representatives and didn't apply it based on what letter they have next to your name they'd be forced to pay attention. it got to this point because we let ourselves be convinced the problem was the other half of the people and kept voting in the same shtheads or amalgamations of the previous one. maybe you're right and change is impossible, but like the thought of watching them pull this sht again and again and we sit here and take it sitting on our couch playing video games eating oreos yelling about trump or hillary and racism or socialism sounds like a living hell to me.
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We see who is working together in all this. The enemy uniparty doing its thing. Thats why if McConnell and McCarthy are running the show then it business as usual. I do wonder though why Trump and a few others are seemingly sticking with McCarthy so I will pay attention there.

We see who is working together in all this. The enemy uniparty doing its thing. Thats why if McConnell and McCarthy are running the show then it business as usual. I do wonder though why Trump and a few others are seemingly sticking with McCarthy so I will pay attention there.

McConnell is right. It’s highly unlikely Trump will be re-elected president. It’s basic logic and math. And he’s right to denounce white supremacy and antisemitism and anyone who affiliated with people like that.
McConnell is right. It’s highly unlikely Trump will be re-elected president. It’s basic logic and math. And he’s right to denounce white supremacy and antisemitism and anyone who affiliated with people like that.
I strongly disagree with your take related to associating Trump with any of that which is what he did and the motivation for the statement.
I strongly disagree with your take related to associating Trump with any of that which is what he did and the motivation for the statement.

Did Fuentes dine with the Donald at his house?

If so, its fine for trump to say he didn’t know who he was. I didn’t. But, upon realizing who he is, he should have very clearly and very publicly stated that he wants nothing to do with anyone who harbors white supremacist, antisemitic or any other feelings of bigotry. He should have denounced the rhetoric that Fuentes spreads and supports.

Did he do that? If not, why? That’s the obvious way to handle the situation.
Did Fuentes dine with the Donald at his house?

If so, its fine for trump to say he didn’t know who he was. I didn’t. But, upon realizing who he is, he should have very clearly and very publicly stated that he wants nothing to do with anyone who harbors white supremacist, antisemitic or any other feelings of bigotry. He should have denounced the rhetoric that Fuentes spreads and supports.

Did he do that? If not, why? That’s the obvious way to handle the situation.
I did not even know who this guy was until the left made it an issue. I do not think Trump needs to virtue signal on this one personally by apologizing for something thats not his doing, so we will see if it affects him especially with all other stuff that will continue to come his way. The uniparty will continue to throw stuff at him on a regular basis.
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I did not even know who this guy was until the left made it an issue. I do not think Trump needs to virtue signal on this one personally by apologizing for something thats not his doing, so we will see if it affects him especially with all other stuff that will continue to come his way. The uniparty will continue to throw stuff at him on a regular basis.

I don't think it's virtue signaling to denounce white supremacy, antisemitism and bigotry after hosting a white supremacist, antisemite and bigot at your dinner table. I think it provides needed clarity that you do not support or condone those things or anyone who shares those beliefs.
I don't think it's virtue signaling to denounce white supremacy, antisemitism and bigotry after hosting a white supremacist, antisemite and bigot at your dinner table. I think it provides needed clarity that you do not support or condone those things or anyone who shares those beliefs.
Give me a break man. This entire story is just more contrived bullshit to enrage the loony toons on the left. You yourself even said you had no idea who this guy was earlier ITT. Then you read a couple bullshit slander articles calling this guy the spawn of satan and claiming he’s BFF’s with Trump and you’re going along with the narrative

You’re smarter than this. At some point you have to stop playing politics and just call this nonsense out for what it is
"i agreed to meet with Kanye for dinner to discuss xyz. I wasn't aware he was bringing with him this Nick Fuentes guy who has a history of saying antisemitic, bigoted, etc comments. as you all know i don't support any of those policies and i vehemently deny any association with him or people of his ilk."

that's literally all he has to do and this would be a nothingburger except on like salon or huff post, which who cares what they write about anyways?
I did not even know who this guy was until the left made it an issue. I do not think Trump needs to virtue signal on this one personally by apologizing for something thats not his doing, so we will see if it affects him especially with all other stuff that will continue to come his way. The uniparty will continue to throw stuff at him on a regular basis.

I'll give you the Trump didn't know he was showing up with Kanye, but the fact he stayed is 100% on Trump.

Trump is a former President who is still under Secret Service detail. Nobody dines with him without prior approval and proper vetting. When Kanye showed up with Fuentes and the other dude, the approved guest list had been changed. You don't think at that point they had to show identification and be properly vetted and questioned before they broke bread with a former President? You think Trump answered the door and just said "come on in boys, let's eat?"

Fuentes has been in the news cycle many times in the last 6-7 years and a quick internet search will show you he has been active on social media, webcasts, PAC conferences, attended J6 and many other events in support of Trump and MAGA since 2016. All of that could've been easily found by Secret Service in a matter of minutes before he was cleared to eat with Trump. I find it hard to believe he didn't know who the guy is, or that his history and beliefs never came up during the meeting/dinner.
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Fuentes has been in the news cycle many times in the last 6-7 years
Serious question: What sites are you getting your information from that have been covering this guy for the last 6-7 years?

I know as much about Trump's dealings as anyone here, and I had never heard of this guy till last Friday. What kooky left-wing conspiracy theory sites are you reading about Nick Ferrari on? The New York Times? Washington Post? Politico?
Serious question: What sites are you getting your information from that have been covering this guy for the last 6-7 years?

I know as much about Trump's dealings as anyone here, and I had never heard of this guy till last Friday. What kooky left-wing conspiracy theory sites are you reading about Nick Ferrari on? The New York Times? Washington Post? Politico?

The point was that anyone that googles Nick Fuentes can find hundreds of articles on the guy (on many different platforms and sites) going back to 2016ish. The guy isn't some random dude like us that just showed up with no history. And in each one I perused it was very clear his beliefs were right in-line with what has been reported in the last few days. FWIW - I remembered his name when it was first reported, but don't recall the last time I read it in an article.
The point was that anyone that googles Nick Fuentes can find hundreds of articles on the guy (on many different platforms and sites) going back to 2016ish. The guy isn't some random dude like us that just showed up with no history. And in each one I perused it was very clear his beliefs were right in-line with what has been reported in the last few days. FWIW - I remembered his name when it was first reported, but don't recall the last time I read it in an article.
Not a good look for the Donald. Color me shocked
The point was that anyone that googles Nick Fuentes can find hundreds of articles on the guy (on many different platforms and sites) going back to 2016ish.
Can you? I have no idea cause I'd never heard of the guy till 5 days ago. That's the point, this is a massive deal to Trump haters that think it dinks Trump, but 99.8% of the world has no idea who he is and doesn't care.

Pretty obvious Trump doesn't know the guy either. Sounds like Kayne wanted to talk to him, he says sure come over, Kanye arrives with a couple of guys, Trump doesn't know who they are, welcomes them as he does Kanye, and that's the end of it.

To sane people. To those with TDS, it's a life-changer LOL That alone tells me this is another Lucy pulling back the football nothingburger
"i agreed to meet with Kanye for dinner to discuss xyz. I wasn't aware he was bringing with him this Nick Fuentes guy who has a history of saying antisemitic, bigoted, etc comments. as you all know i don't support any of those policies and i vehemently deny any association with him or people of his ilk."

that's literally all he has to do and this would be a nothingburger except on like salon or huff post, which who cares what they write about anyways?
Yes history has shown if he acknowledges the insane ramblings of his haters, they usually calm down.

Right, chief. LOL
Can you? I have no idea cause I'd never heard of the guy till 5 days ago. That's the point, this is a massive deal to Trump haters that think it dinks Trump, but 99.8% of the world has no idea who he is and doesn't care.
Just you not remember this news story from February 2022? This stayed on the news cycle for several days and many Republicans spoke out against MTG's appearance. Fuentes' name was called out by almost all of them. Am I to believe that later that same year nobody in Trump's orbit (or his supporters) remembers this guy, especially considering he was the primary organizer of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville in 2016 that gained media headlines for weeks.

MTG speaks at AFPAC Conference organized by Nick Fuentes

BTW - you can google MTG and Fuentes and pick many other sites to read this news if you don't like the one I picked.
Just you not remember this news story from February 2022? This stayed on the news cycle for several days and many Republicans spoke out against MTG's appearance. Fuentes' name was called out by almost all of them. Am I to believe that later that same year nobody in Trump's orbit (or his supporters) remembers this guy, especially considering he was the primary organizer of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville in 2016 that gained media headlines for weeks.

MTG speaks at AFPAC Conference organized by Nick Fuentes

BTW - you can google MTG and Fuentes and pick many other sites to read this news if you don't like the one I picked.
Never heard of that story either.

Look at the story itself: MTG speaks at event organized by guy that left says is really a nazi.

No one except crazies on the left would care to read that story, even if it was true.
How is this confusing you?

And again....nazism is a construct of the alt left. Goodness.
Ah yes, Viking Man who the libs believes was really Q.

Him and his two buddies were spotted at BLM meetings the previous summer.

You got hoodwinked. SMDH does no one here do any research before they post?
Ah yes, the classic no true Scotsman
Ah yes, Viking Man who the libs believes was really Q.

Him and his two buddies were spotted at BLM meetings the previous summer.

You got hoodwinked. SMDH does no one here do any research before they post?
Was this the BLM rally that he held a “Q Sent Me” sign at or a different one?

You live in an alternate reality lol
Was this the BLM rally that he held a “Q Sent Me” sign at or a different one?

You live in an alternate reality lol
I absolutely live in a different reality than you do, I can see that clearly.

Looks like he's at a BLM rally there. I've seen other pictures where his two J6 buddies were at a BLM rally WEARING BLM gear.

Again, he's literally a paid actor. Wild guess, you believed Jusse Smollot too, right?