Ukraine War

i guess it is because trump loves putin. and hates nato.
There you go... That's the crux of it right there. And b/c of this Comrade Growlz is never going to miss a chance to glorify the motherland and piss all over America. Remember when he told you the US blew the pipeline? Except we didn't. Now we only "helped".
This is what leadership looks like losers.

LMAO... yep. Never taking responsibility, throwing anyone who doesn't agree with him under the bus. Crapping on our allies and praising folks that want our Country destroyed. A guy that will flip flop for a few dollars... Remember when he hated EVs? Musk buys him with some cash and now he's all about EVs. Remember him wanting to ban Tik Tok... then that dude that owns a big part of it donated to Trump... Now Trump's all about Tik Tok. At least Trump makes no bones about the fact that he'll bend over if the money's good. That's exactly the kind of leader Growlz loves.

Only took a couple more years of useless war and the loss of several hundred thousand lives to death and debilitating injury.

At least Raytheon’s happy!

My desired foreign policy goals of the US: Mind our own damn business, and focus on improving the lives of our people. We spend a trillion dollars a year on the military for what? We’re surrounded by two oceans, a vassal, and a dysfunctional narco state. At least we’re ready for the Independence Day alien ships to come
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I mean … wouldn’t you fight for your country until the last man??

the Ukrainians will fight till the last man, and take out thousands of Russian commie dogs with them.

Either way, the West wins.

Either Putin, the commie c*nt, presses to the end, wins the war leaving no Ukrainian men left to conscript and completely depleting his military’s effectiveness (which has proven to be dog shit to begin with) or he presses to the end and the Russian people revolt and over throw him. Either way it’s a win for the US and the West.
The West "wins" and Ukraine loses everything. Putin sent his dogs to fight his wars, and we paid the Ukrainians to fight ours. Their bravery should have been used to push for a settlement when it was advantageous, but it wasn't good enough for the warhawks that cling to the fantasy of destroying the Russian army in Ukraine.

Russian military effectiveness isn't dog shit. The Ukrainian army is tough and has been entrenched in strongholds along the Donetsk frontline for a decade, and they're getting pushed back.
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The West "wins" and Ukraine loses everything. Putin sent his dogs to fight his wars, and we paid the Ukrainians to fight ours. Their bravery should have been used to push for a settlement when it was advantageous, but it wasn't good enough for the warhawks that cling to the fantasy of destroying the Russian army in Ukraine.

Russian military effectiveness isn't dog shit. The Ukrainian army is tough and has been entrenched in strongholds along the Donetsk frontline for a decade, and they're getting pushed back.
Not only was (past tense, because they’ve been gutted) their effectiveness dogshit, their tech is F’n laughable … actually laughable. Their supposed two crowning achievements were their hypersonic missile (which were intercepted by patriot missile batteries from the mid-90s) and their “stealth” SU57 (which has a radar footprint of a f’n blimp, but oooooooooooo it makes a scary noise when it flies). The Russians are trash dude …
Not only was (past tense, because they’ve been gutted) their effectiveness dogshit, their tech is F’n laughable … actually laughable. Their supposed two crowning achievements were their hypersonic missile (which were intercepted by patriot missile batteries from the mid-90s) and their “stealth” SU57 (which has a radar footprint of a f’n blimp, but oooooooooooo it makes a scary noise when it flies). The Russians are trash dude …
So they're gutted and advancing on every part of the front line? Sure thing. The reason they're not begging for a peace deal isn't because Putin's crazy. It's because they're winning. It won't change with F-16s. It won't change with more ATACMS. The biggest mistake they made was overextending themselves trying to take Kyiv and other cities in northern Ukraine. It's largely been a success for them otherwise. Their economy is doing well despite the sanctions. They'll grab more land and are perfectly capable of holding it despite their equipment losses. Ukraine tried taking back Zaporizhzhia, and they got decimated by organized Russian defenses. This idea that the Russians are idiots who don't what they're doing at this stage is a dangerous underestimation. Ukraine (and the West) has fallen victim to believing its own propaganda.

Yes, a lot of what they say is bluster, and they know that they don't have a chance of matching the US in the air directly. It's irrelevant. We can brag about it all we want to, and they'll keep advancing in Ukraine. If your solution relies on us going to war with Russia, several thousand nuclear warheads in all, over an Eastern European country, it's not a solution. It's delusion. Now, if your solution involves Ukraine winning back territory or 5-10-20 years, I can believe it, but it's not happening via the war of attrition we're seeing now. Ukraine simply doesn't have the men.

In your best case scenario where Ukraine wins back all of its 2014 territory, what happens if the people there simply don't want to be part of Ukraine? That's not hard to believe, and it may be reality. Do you think Ukraine is going to willingly let Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Crimea break away after they lost hundreds of thousands of men to retake them? Nope, so what's going to happen? Nobody bothers asking the question.

If they're trash, great, there's no problem at all. They're not a threat, and that's the end of the story. No need for us to dumb billions of dollars into a losing conflict; this isn't another Soviet Afghanistan (which wound up biting us in the ass anyway). I hope people eventually realize that we don’t need to fight every bad guy everywhere.

Morally, I'm against anyone who rightfully criticizes the callousness of Vladimir Putin while gleefully sending a generation of Ukrainian men to die as long as the US defense industry benefits. Ukraine should have seen how disposable it was when the American attention span shifted from their fight against Russia to helping Israel, F35 fighter jets, Merkava tanks, M109 artillery and all, kill Muslim guerillas armed with AKs and RPGs.
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