This a typical statement from someone who has never put HIS OWN MONEY into a business. Why don't you and E warren and Barry start your own company; with your attitude you would see very quickly how EVIL ALL COMPANIES ARE. The govt. doesn't make
money, they just take money. It astounds me how many people think like you do, It's always someone else that is screwing the whole world. This why minimum wage increases won't work. If they went to $15.00/hr, then you would say $20.00 is needed.
This is just a revolving door issue that would never get solved.
Be happy for the people that have a job and for the bonuses that they do get. It takes BALLS to start a business and MEGA BALLS
to grow the business.
Typical response from an internet tough guy. To enlighten your ignorant ass, I actually 1) work in corporate America and easily in the top 10% and 2) own two businesses on the side that employs people (and about to add a third on my way to real independence). So please don’t give me your Fox News, think you are actually part of the true elite, response that’s so typical. One thing to realize; if normal everyday folks can’t afford your product, you go out of business.