Wanna hear some BS? Ruke Orhorhoro and Ajou may have to go back to Nigeria and Canada

You really can't marginalize an entire branch of the government. As long as he's in the White House, you gotta work with him.

We all know how this works. Republicans support Trump. But five minutes after he's out of office they all race to the nearest moron with a microphone (ie the media) and scream "I never really liked that a&&hole!" It's all a machine and it's all about moving the interests of the PARTY forwards. And democrats do the same damn thing.

That's why voting for a person over a party is a losing proposition, regardless of how noble it sounds. Because in the end, the person will support the position of the party. There are a few exceptions (such as a representative in Georgia I think) but 99.999% of the time you get what the party wants.

You think a democrat is going to stand against abortion? Or against gun control? Maybe Bill Richardson back in the early 90s.

You think a republican is going to stand for healthcare for all? Trump suggested a single payer system but hasn't moved on it.

I never liked the guy but I voted for him in the general election. He seemed a little bit better than Hillary.
We'd be a lot better off if the party was much stronger. It would've prevented Trump from ever coming near power. Jonah Goldberg has written pretty convincingly about this (; And I actually think you're better off voting for a party (meaning a coalition of people with shared interests) over a person in most cases, but most people aren't as uniquely bad or ill-suited for office as Trump. The 2016 primary was just a tragedy.

Anyway, not that I want to see today's Democrats getting more power, but it will be interesting to see how the triumphalists behind Trump react if/when he loses. What if he loses big, and causes big long-term problems for Republicans? I doubt these people will ever really come to terms with how stupid nominating Trump was and how stupid and incompetent he is, because it would mean having to question their own cynicism. Instead, they'll blame people like The Lincoln Project, "Never Trumpers," "The Establishment," and some sort of conspiracy. Meanwhile, we'll be stuck with an illiberal left-wing government. I hope I'm wrong.
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Trump administration being racist under the guise of “America First”? What a surprise!!

It’s almost like I was right when I got banned for saying his supporters are disgusting filth

Please child. Post less. Grow up more.
1) Those 3 never pretended to be conservatives.
2) Trump and his administration are damaging the Republican Party.
3) I’m a republican
4) Wake the fvck up.

Trump is not a Republican. He is an nationalist independent that wrested control from a moribund, corrupt republican political elite.

I am GLAD that he is damaging the "Republican Party" AND speaking out against the Democrat Socialist Party AND the political elite of both sides.

I voted for Trump the Destroyer. He is appointing judges that I like, taking the America First anti-globalist stand that I like, Anti-illegal stand that I like, anti-establishment stand that I like. Love it. NATO Paying more for their own defense. Renegotiated Trade Deals... Increased focus on military and other competition with our enemy, China and not with Middle East Bullshit. WIllingness to bitch slap Iran when needed.

Wake the fvck up.
Trump is not a Republican. He is an nationalist independent that wrested control from a moribund, corrupt republican political elite.

I am GLAD that he is damaging the "Republican Party" AND speaking out against the Democrat Socialist Party AND the political elite of both sides.

I voted for Trump the Destroyer. He is appointing judges that I like, taking the America First anti-globalist stand that I like, Anti-illegal stand that I like, anti-establishment stand that I like. Love it. NATO Paying more for their own defense. Renegotiated Trade Deals... Increased focus on military and other competition with our enemy, China and not with Middle East Bullshit. WIllingness to bitch slap Iran when needed.

Wake the fvck up.

We'd be a lot better off if the party was much stronger. It would've prevented Trump from ever coming near power. Jonah Goldberg has written pretty convincingly about this (; And I actually think you're better off voting for a party (meaning a coalition of people with shared interests) over a person in most cases, but most people aren't as uniquely bad or ill-suited for office as Trump. The 2016 primary was just a tragedy.

Anyway, not that I want to see today's Democrats getting more power, but it will be interesting to see how the triumphalists behind Trump react if/when he loses. What if he loses big, and causes big long-term problems for Republicans? I doubt these people will ever really come to terms with how stupid nominating Trump was and how stupid and incompetent he is, because it would mean having to question their own cynicism. Instead, they'll blame people like The Lincoln Project, "Never Trumpers," "The Establishment," and some sort of conspiracy. Meanwhile, we'll be stuck with an illiberal left-wing government. I hope I'm wrong.

I think the bigger problem is the anti trumpers in the republican party who not only refuses to stand behind their leader but talks ill will of him.

I think those republicans will wither off and die a quick death.

Those guys are just cowards and are harming the party more than trump
Trump is not a Republican. He is an nationalist independent that wrested control from a moribund, corrupt republican political elite.

I am GLAD that he is damaging the "Republican Party" AND speaking out against the Democrat Socialist Party AND the political elite of both sides.

I voted for Trump the Destroyer. He is appointing judges that I like, taking the America First anti-globalist stand that I like, Anti-illegal stand that I like, anti-establishment stand that I like. Love it. NATO Paying more for their own defense. Renegotiated Trade Deals... Increased focus on military and other competition with our enemy, China and not with Middle East Bullshit. WIllingness to bitch slap Iran when needed.

Wake the fvck up.
My opinion:
We have a capitalistic economy that is global. Having an America-First mentality is one thing. Creating tariffs on goods entering our economy is a terrible thing. That country doesn’t pay those tariffs, the consumer (us) pays for it through increased cost of the product. Incentivizing manufacturing jobs to come to the US is one approach. Penalizing our economy isn’t the right approach.

There is no increased focus on our military. Our military leaders are dropping like flies because they don’t agree with the administration’s approach. But I’m sure you’re answer to that would be “good maybe they don’t need to be apart of our military if they don’t like Trump.” Our absence in the Middle East is weakening our strategy with China/Russia. We’re out of there, so they’re in doing shady shit in the region. We haven’t fought a war over there in well over a decade. Instead, we’ve been maintaining our presence in the region so that we have protection from our enemies gaining strength through the Middle East.

Tell me again how we’re bitch slapping Iran? Arrest warrants were put out against the President of the USA by them. There is no respect globally of our country right now. But yeah, go Trump go!
Trump is not a Republican. He is an nationalist independent that wrested control from a moribund, corrupt republican political elite.

I am GLAD that he is damaging the "Republican Party" AND speaking out against the Democrat Socialist Party AND the political elite of both sides.

I voted for Trump the Destroyer. He is appointing judges that I like, taking the America First anti-globalist stand that I like, Anti-illegal stand that I like, anti-establishment stand that I like. Love it. NATO Paying more for their own defense. Renegotiated Trade Deals... Increased focus on military and other competition with our enemy, China and not with Middle East Bullshit. WIllingness to bitch slap Iran when needed.

Wake the fvck up.
We'd be a lot better off if the party was much stronger. It would've prevented Trump from ever coming near power. Jonah Goldberg has written pretty convincingly about this (; And I actually think you're better off voting for a party (meaning a coalition of people with shared interests) over a person in most cases, but most people aren't as uniquely bad or ill-suited for office as Trump. The 2016 primary was just a tragedy.

Anyway, not that I want to see today's Democrats getting more power, but it will be interesting to see how the triumphalists behind Trump react if/when he loses. What if he loses big, and causes big long-term problems for Republicans? I doubt these people will ever really come to terms with how stupid nominating Trump was and how stupid and incompetent he is, because it would mean having to question their own cynicism. Instead, they'll blame people like The Lincoln Project, "Never Trumpers," "The Establishment," and some sort of conspiracy. Meanwhile, we'll be stuck with an illiberal left-wing government. I hope I'm wrong.

If you what you like about Trump is his agenda, nebulous though it is, you have much better options (Josh Hawley, etc.). Trump is a horrible vessel for any agenda, but that may actually be the point for people whose main motivation for engaging in politics is to get a good laugh at their betters being taken a down a peg or two.
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How do you feel about the longtime Republicans behind The Lincoln Project?

I am personally a big fan of them needling Trump directly.

I like this kind of thing better, since it's more pro-America, and more of the kind of positive conservatism that I think we need right now. Still, it's a little much of the "circular firing squad" for me. At some point, we'll need to get past "zombie Reaganism, too." Go after Trump and his henchman, don't use a scattershot approach against anybody who's tried to accommodate him.

My opinion:
We have a capitalistic economy that is global. Having an America-First mentality is one thing. Creating tariffs on goods entering our economy is a terrible thing. That country doesn’t pay those tariffs, the consumer (us) pays for it through increased cost of the product. Incentivizing manufacturing jobs to come to the US is one approach. Penalizing our economy isn’t the right approach.

There is no increased focus on our military. Our military leaders are dropping like flies because they don’t agree with the administration’s approach. But I’m sure you’re answer to that would be “good maybe they don’t need to be apart of our military if they don’t like Trump.” Our absence in the Middle East is weakening our strategy with China/Russia. We’re out of there, so they’re in doing shady shit in the region. We haven’t fought a war over there in well over a decade. Instead, we’ve been maintaining our presence in the region so that we have protection from our enemies gaining strength through the Middle East.

Tell me again how we’re bitch slapping Iran? Arrest warrants were put out against the President of the USA by them. There is no respect globally of our country right now. But yeah, go Trump go!

I guess not giving them plane-loads of cash is one thing (technically that's not an action). Sanctions that are absolutely crippling them is another. Killing their #1 military general and exporter of Terror is another. More extensive support of Israel is another. Lol.

Iranian arrest warrants for the President? That's hilarious. Wow that is really something that we should be afraid of.

We need nothing from the Mid East cesspool other than oil and we have enough forces and access to do ensure that we are good there. Russia is not the threat. China is. On this we 100% agree. This administration is pushing back on them on all fronts more than any administration has in recent memory.

Now about those senior military officials dropping like flies. A lot of them needed to go. All those "respected" military leaders are not as respected as you might thing. Not all, but many. Lots of progressive, political, sycophants were promoted during the Obama years.
If you what you like about Trump is his agenda, nebulous though it is, you have much better options (Josh Hawley, etc.). Trump is a horrible vessel for any agenda, but that may actually be the point for people whose main motivation for engaging in politics is to get a good laugh at their betters being taken a down a peg or two.


A vote for some rando candidate that exactly a handful of people even know about is a vote for the democrats and a vote to move us further towards socialism.

Not my system. But it's the one that we live within.
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Believe it. Trump donor is not a moniker I wear proudly. But I keep reminding people of that fact because so many on this site (and in life) automatically infer that any non-Trump-supporter is a "Hollywood liberal" or "woke".

I donated at a point early in the 2016 primary because I felt that he was showboating in order to cut through the noise of an overly-crowded field, and was trying to rally the support of the base, Tea Party types. I also felt - like many Americans did - that I was tired of "business as usual" in Washington, and vowed to not support anyone who was related to a former President (see Jeb & Hillary for examples).

And I genuinely felt that he would "pivot" for the general election, because there's simply no way a person could campaign to be POTUS in that manner.

The rest is history. I've watched in horror as he has ripped this country apart and refused to lead during one of our darkest hours. He is a disgrace, and a bad person.

Truly shame on me for not believing that's who he was when it was there for all to see.

Trump has not ripped our country apart. Lol. It is the left and the democrat policies and politicians that have gotten us to this point. Along with the years / decades of systemic indoctrination by our publc education system.
Trump has not ripped our country apart. Lol. It is the left and the democrat policies and politicians that have gotten us to this point. Along with the years / decades of systemic indoctrination by our publc education system.
Absolute FACT!
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If Democrats control Congress in 2021 they own redistricting after the census. Period. The stakes are incredibly high.

well no, redistricting is done entirely at the state level. some states have non-partisan commissions, many states allow the state leg leadership to make these decisions. this has nothing at all to do with congress.
well no, redistricting is done entirely at the state level. some states have non-partisan commissions, many states allow the state leg leadership to make these decisions. this has nothing at all to do with congress.
Isn't the term "non-partisan (political) commissions" an oxymoron?
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