What’s the best way to ask for a raise?

I’ve been at this job for about 1.5 months and I think I deserve a raise. How does one go about this?
After only 1.5 months you better have a pretty good 45 day track record to show why your worth is more than you were originally hired for. I don’t even entertain possible raises until after 90 days of employment start unless the employee can undeniably show that their value to the company is higher than the salary they are making.
After only 1.5 months you better have a pretty good 45 day track record to show why your worth is more than you were originally hired for. I don’t even entertain possible raises until after 90 days of employment start unless the employee can undeniably show that their value to the company is higher than the salary they are making.
I’m one of the top daily producers I think
Last time I went about this, for 6 working days straight I played “Bitch Betta have my money” by Rihanna around the office. Anyone within ear shot could hear including my boss and the rest of the executives. At the end of those 6 days I received what equates to a 16.2% raise.

I had been working for the company for 7 months when I did this. Not sure how it would work with only being there a month and a half. Good luck though.
Bring value to your company or employee, build trust and let your actions do your asking.
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6 weeks? I am up front with all of my guys and with supervisors it is a little harder (for me) to evaluate the job they are doing as I give everyone the power to do it their way as long as we stay compliant.
Not sure what type work you are doing but my labor force is hired and told 90 days (kind of the norm I believe) they will get araise provided they are working and trying....If this job isnt for them we will work with you while you find a job but we will not fall out for you not enjoying what we do...
I they work hard and get things done, I will know it and the raise comes way before 90 days....
Someone asking after 6 weeks...Well it probably is not going to be in their best interest although at times I stand to be corrected...
why should your employer give you more money for doing your job? Unless youre going above and well beyond what you were asked to do, there is no proper way to ask for a raise because you dont deserve one.

Youre paid to perform a function or a service, and the expectation is that you will do a "good job". Even if your employer is asking you to do things that arent in your job description, your employment contract probably states " ... and all other duties assigned".
This thread confuses me

I’m guessing he was sent to the island?
How did the OP change?

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You obviously don't deserve a raise if you're childish enough to ask a bunch of strangers for advice.
If I am your superior I am going to ask you, “why did you take this job at this salary if you thought you were worth more?” In addition, unless you are truly a superstar, my image of you is diminished. No employer wants to deal with this after 6 weeks.

Prove yourself and you will get your raise. In the meantime, relax and give them reason to give you a raise.
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Go into sales and take control of how much you make. I can’t think of a company that would limit what their sales people make. Doesn’t make sense to me not to be in a position to control my own income.
2 options from what i can tell:

number 1- wear a red "make america great again" hat. this tactic will show your smarts.


option 2- wear an nra tshirt. threaten to go postal.

Easy answer: Make yourself the most valuable employee the company has.

Works there.
Or, works over there.

You don't ask for raises.
You demand them ......from your performance.

You you go 'over there'

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