What do you all think of all these objects flying over/near the US?

Shoot down a $1000 dollar balloon with a million dollar missile. Makes sense to me.
If you think the value of that balloon was $1000, you are sadly mistaken.

And am AIM-9x is about $400k.
All Governments are working together. That’s what Adam Weiskauph’s book was all about “The Illuminati” …. The book went into great detail about how the Global Elite & Global Leaders could take over the world. The thirteen power families led by the Rothchild Family funded the idea of the book & they’ve been following its blueprint ever since.
So we are working WITH the Chinese government

Wasn't Queen Elizabeth's hubby head of NWO when he died
areeves, I appreciate alot of what you bring to the board and I hope you don't take this the wrong way but this NWO conspiracy is simply NUTS
But shooting down supposed alien craft is just another regular day?

Its funny, the same people who laugh at the stuff @areeves is saying are the same ones swallowing the UFO narrative hook line and sinker. And those same people are the ones who would mock the idea of aliens and UFO’s two decades ago

Interesting dynamics here
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Ya'll realize that the balloon did very little "collecting" on its flight. Any collecting it did could have been done by satellites. The balloon was just a big "FU" to the US for announcing we're reopening bases in the PI. This challenges China's "First Ring" claim. (Strangely enough my senior paper in college was the Strategic Importance to the Philippines.) Our basing in the PI helps logistics issues in the Pacific and complicates Chinese targeting of our forces.

All the recent "sightings" are likely due to two things: 1) Yes, reconfiguring radars to focus on slow fliers. Hopefully we're still able to see Mach + objects as well, and 2) NORAD's ROE for engagements has obviously been loosened.

The US doesn't need China. We've been dating too long and the US just doesn't want to end it. US corporations want their market. And since US corporations are the primary contributors to our "Representatives," Congress will keep those markets open to corporations lest they lose their revenue.

China steals from us constantly. Universities are a big target of their collections. Professors know little about security and like to talk about what they do. At IBM, we closed down our entire PC and laptop line because China would reverse engineer everything then sell it for less. That's why IBM sold off to Lenovo.
Ya'll realize that the balloon did very little "collecting" on its flight. Any collecting it did could have been done by satellites. The balloon was just a big "FU" to the US for announcing we're reopening bases in the PI. This challenges China's "First Ring" claim. (Strangely enough my senior paper in college was the Strategic Importance to the Philippines.) Our basing in the PI helps logistics issues in the Pacific and complicates Chinese targeting of our forces.

All the recent "sightings" are likely due to two things: 1) Yes, reconfiguring radars to focus on slow fliers. Hopefully we're still able to see Mach + objects as well, and 2) NORAD's ROE for engagements has obviously been loosened.

The US doesn't need China. We've been dating too long and the US just doesn't want to end it. US corporations want their market. And since US corporations are the primary contributors to our "Representatives," Congress will keep those markets open to corporations lest they lose their revenue.

China steals from us constantly. Universities are a big target of their collections. Professors know little about security and like to talk about what they do. At IBM, we closed down our entire PC and laptop line because China would reverse engineer everything then sell it for less. That's why IBM sold off to Lenovo.
What chapter of revelations was this in?
On the 20mm vs AIM9x issue, ask the Canadians, they tried using bullets on a balloon many years ago, and showed it doesn't work.

- At those altitudes, especially at 40-65kft, the bullets start to tumble quickly. Short range.
- Maneuverability is terrible at those altitudes, even for an F-22
- High closure rates (over the Mach) against a nearly stationary, non maneuvering target make gunning extremely dangerous and difficult
- Predictability of the downing - balloons of this size don’t just pop. They would slowly descend and where they might wind up is unpredictable (and would likely spend significant time in jet routes as a conflict to airliners) (I think the Canadian adventure finally wound up in Greenland)

People keep bringing up the cost thing as if the DOD budget doesn’t already account for it. It’s a sunk cost. The bullet argument is nonsense. They'd be using the sidewinders out at Nellis or Point Mugu in testing anyway.
I guess I'm curious as to what they actually accomplish, if in fact they are spy balloons. With satellite technology being what it is, what could they accomplish that these satellites couldn't. Hell I can zoom in on my grill in the back yard with google earth, I imagine that spy satellites have better resolution.
The satellites up there are considerably better than Google Earth yes, but in EO/IR, better angular resolution. You can still get better angular resolution the closer you are to the target. And you can do it cheaper with the balloon vs launching a rocket.

In terms of ELINT/SIGINT, there are lots of signals that are better picked up by short range receivers than in space.
But shooting down supposed alien craft is just another regular day?

Its funny, the same people who laugh at the stuff @areeves is saying are the same ones swallowing the UFO narrative hook line and sinker. And those same people are the ones who would mock the idea of aliens and UFO’s two decades ago

Interesting dynamics here
Aliens are NOT Aliens, they are demons. In Corinthians, Paul was caught up to the Third Heaven. This is where GOD, JESUS & The Angels reside. The Second Heaven is where the Principalities, Powers, Rulers & Authorities (Satan’s Hierarchy of Demons) hang out… Outer Space & The First Heaven is What we can see with the Naked Eye. Ephesians 6:10 says, “We Don’t Fight Against Flesh & Blood, But Against Powers, Rulers & Authorities In Heavenly Realms.” In other words, our struggle is NOT against another human but the Demonic Forces Who Control Or Influence That Person.

When Tom Horn & Chris Putnam Wrote The Book, “Petrus Romanus (Peter The Roman), They Spent 14 Hours With Guy Cosmonolgo, The Chief Astronomer For The Vatican. Cosmonolgo told Horn & Putnam, “Through This Infrared Telescope Owned By Germany, We See Aliens & UFO’s All The Time.”
The German Telescope He’s Referring To Is Called, “Lucifer.” The Observatory Im Referring To Is On MT Graham In AZ. There Are 3 Huge Telescopes ther. One is Owned By Germany, One is Owned By The Vatican & One Is Owned By The United States.

I Have On My Phone A Craft That Looks Like A UFO But It Was Manufactured By Lockheed Martin With ALIEN/Demon Technology. It Has A Surface Temperature Of 400 Degrees Fahrenheit, It Will Go 17 Thousand Miles An Hour. It Was Sent To Me By A Friend Of Mine In NC Who’s Brother Is A Colonel & Has High Clearance In The Air Force. The Global Leaders Are Interested In Their Technology Due To It Being Far Superior To Ours.
The Aliens/Demons Are Interested In Sharing Their Technology With The Global Leaders Because They Have A Common Goal, Take Over The World For Lucifer & Destroy GOD, JESUS & The Angels.
This Does Not Happen Because Revelation 19 Tells Us, When JESUS Returns To Jerusalem, All The Armies Of The World Are Gathered @ Megeddo (Armageddon) … The Armies Of The World Turn Their Weapons On JESUS & With The Breath Of His Mouth, Destroys 82% Of The Armies Gathered @ Megeddo. It Takes 7 Months To Bury The Dead & 7 Years To Dispose Of The Armament. The False Prophet & Beast/Antichrist Are Thrown Alive Into The Lake Of Fire.

I Encourage You To Research Phil Schneider’s Encounter With An Alien Grey Deep In An Understanding Military Bunker In N.M.
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Yeah they need us but they have the balls to screw us and we don’t have the balls to stand up to them. If you have been reliant on products from them you’d know how much they control us

Pay up front, they ship whatever they want whenever they want…a container that was 7k to get her is now close to 30k and it ships when they decide it ships which is after they fill their countries needs

They do what they want and we allow it. Now they are gathering info and using higher level balloons that they bombed us with in WW2 to do it. They do what they want and we are allowing it

We don't have the balls to stand up to them? You should leave your echo chamber once in a while.

In early October, the U.S. government rolled out extensive new restrictions on China’s access to advanced semiconductors and the equipment used to make them. The restrictions require a hard-to-get license for the sale of advanced semiconductors to entities within China, largely depriving the country of the computing power it needs to train artificial intelligence (AI) at scale. The rules also extend restrictions on chipmaking tools even further to industries that support the semiconductor supply chain, cutting off both the U.S. talent and the components that make up the tools that make the chips. Together, these restrictions amount to the single most substantial move by the U.S. government to date in its quest to undermine Chinese technology capabilities.
I Have On My Phone A Craft That Looks Like A UFO But It Was Manufactured By Lockheed Martin With ALIEN/Demon Technology. It Has A Surface Temperature Of 400 Degrees Fahrenheit, It Will Go 17 Thousand Miles An Hour. It Was Sent To Me By A Friend Of Mine In NC Who’s Brother Is A Colonel & Has High Clearance In The Air Force. The Global Leaders Are Interested In Their Technology Due To It Being Far Superior To Ours.
The Aliens/Demons Are Interested In Sharing Their Technology With The Global Leaders Because They Have A Common Goal, Take Over The World For Lucifer & Destroy GOD, JESUS & The Angels.
Admitting to espionage, subversive acts, and possession of materials without clearance on the internet is a bold strategy. Real talk this drivel is legit craziness. Like fit for a straight jacket full fvcking psychotic. Get help before you hurt someone or yourself.
Admitting to espionage, subversive acts, and possession of materials without clearance on the internet is a bold strategy. Real talk this drivel is legit craziness. Like fit for a straight jacket full fvcking psychotic. Get help before you hurt someone or yourself.

I’ve wondered many times if he’s a real person. Reminds me of someone in some sort of extremist religious cult.
I’ve wondered many times if he’s a real person. Reminds me of someone in some sort of extremist religious cult.
He is a interesting cat, because he will post this kind of stuff but then will post about a Top Tier booster dinner that he attended and was briefed on current Clemson NIL programs and strategy .... and his posts on that turn out to either be true OR are corroborated by other respected posters. This prompted me to think .... uhhhhhhhh maybe @areeves is right???????

...... but then he will say something like that the KKK was created by the FBI and the NWO..... ???? WHOA! Hold up .... I have seen Forrest Gump, I know that isnt true.
I believe everything they tell us. They have no reason to lie.

Just forget about the real world and obsess over Sports and Entertainment and you'll be amazed at how much easier it is to not worry about stupid like that that doesn't actually matter.

Who cares about any of that crap?

What about that Halftime show or that penalty call last night!!? Did you see King James?

The only people worried about that stupid political stuff has to be Far right wing Trump lovers. Nobody else cares....
He is a interesting cat, because he will post this kind of stuff but then will post about a Top Tier booster dinner that he attended and was briefed on current Clemson NIL programs and strategy .... and his posts on that turn out to either be true OR are corroborated by other respected posters. This prompted me to think .... uhhhhhhhh maybe @areeves is right???????

...... but then he will say something like that the KKK was created by the FBI and the NWO..... ???? WHOA! Hold up .... I have seen Forrest Gump, I know that isnt true.
Take the “Maybe” out of the the next to last paragraph & you’ve got something 😎
Yeah sheep…

Haha this is the funniest comment people can make. As a Citadel grad and having a brother who is retired special forces to know enough military people who understand there are legitimate threats against our country

And people assume anyone who is conservative watch FOX news. I cannot tell you the last time I turned on a national news station or even a local one for that matter
As a veteran, I can tell you with 100% certainty and accuracy that the US military is the largest terrorist organization in the world. There isn't enough superpowers out there that could join together to make it to US soil. We literally have bases in every country of power.

Last thing. Fox News is no different than CNN. Unfortunately we do not have a news outlet that tells the truth. The establishment controls them all. The only people suffering from the system are those that still believe in a superior corporate controlled 2 party system.
Admitting to espionage, subversive acts, and possession of materials without clearance on the internet is a bold strategy. Real talk this drivel is legit craziness. Like fit for a straight jacket full fvcking psychotic. Get help before you hurt someone or yourself.
Everything I’ve said is True! Why do you think JESUS, referring to The Tribulation said in Luke 21, “Men’s Heart’s Failing Them For What’s Coming ON The Earth.” Speaking Of The Great Tribulation (Last 3.5 Years Of The Tribulation) JESUS said,”There Has Never Been A Time Like It Or Shall Never Be Again. If Those Days We’re NOT Cut Short, No One Would Survive, But, For The Elects Sake, Those Days Will Be Shortened”
Admitting to espionage, subversive acts, and possession of materials without clearance on the internet is a bold strategy. Real talk this drivel is legit craziness. Like fit for a straight jacket full fvcking psychotic. Get help before you hurt someone or yourself.
What are you going to say when all the things I’ve spoken of come to pass?
Admitting to espionage, subversive acts, and possession of materials without clearance on the internet is a bold strategy. Real talk this drivel is legit craziness. Like fit for a straight jacket full fvcking psychotic. Get help before you hurt someone or yourself.
By the way, I’m NOT scared of them. I know one day, they’ll whack me, like they Will to all those who refuse to receive The Mark Of The Beast & or Worship The Beast/Antichrist
I voted for him…..but imma need Biden to come tell me that these arent aliens like Independence Day.

Are these balloons? Drone? Well then say so. Seems simple.
What are you going to say when none of that happens and you are lying on your death bed?
I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve been slinging the Truth about what’s going to happen BEFORE it happens, so when these things do happen, folks will know what’s going on & why it’s going on & what they should & shouldn’t do. The Eternity Of One’s Soul Depends On The Decisions That Are Made.
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What are you going to say when all the things I’ve spoken of come to pass?
How will we be able to say anything if we're dead? Or are you implying we will choose the Anti-christ and the chip? 🤔
How will we be able to say anything if we're dead? Or are you implying we will choose the Anti-christ and the chip? 🤔
I’m hoping you Don’t receive the Chip or Worship The Beast/Antichrist. You must Trust JESUS as your Savior & Lord.
Aliens are NOT Aliens, they are demons. In Corinthians, Paul was caught up to the Third Heaven. This is where GOD, JESUS & The Angels reside. The Second Heaven is where the Principalities, Powers, Rulers & Authorities (Satan’s Hierarchy of Demons) hang out… Outer Space & The First Heaven is What we can see with the Naked Eye. Ephesians 6:10 says, “We Don’t Fight Against Flesh & Blood, But Against Powers, Rulers & Authorities In Heavenly Realms.” In other words, our struggle is NOT against another human but the Demonic Forces Who Control Or Influence That Person.

When Tom Horn & Chris Putnam Wrote The Book, “Petrus Romanus (Peter The Roman), They Spent 14 Hours With Guy Cosmonolgo, The Chief Astronomer For The Vatican. Cosmonolgo told Horn & Putnam, “Through This Infrared Telescope Owned By Germany, We See Aliens & UFO’s All The Time.”
The German Telescope He’s Referring To Is Called, “Lucifer.” The Observatory Im Referring To Is On MT Graham In AZ. There Are 3 Huge Telescopes ther. One is Owned By Germany, One is Owned By The Vatican & One Is Owned By The United States.

I Have On My Phone A Craft That Looks Like A UFO But It Was Manufactured By Lockheed Martin With ALIEN/Demon Technology. It Has A Surface Temperature Of 400 Degrees Fahrenheit, It Will Go 17 Thousand Miles An Hour. It Was Sent To Me By A Friend Of Mine In NC Who’s Brother Is A Colonel & Has High Clearance In The Air Force. The Global Leaders Are Interested In Their Technology Due To It Being Far Superior To Ours.
The Aliens/Demons Are Interested In Sharing Their Technology With The Global Leaders Because They Have A Common Goal, Take Over The World For Lucifer & Destroy GOD, JESUS & The Angels.
This Does Not Happen Because Revelation 19 Tells Us, When JESUS Returns To Jerusalem, All The Armies Of The World Are Gathered @ Megeddo (Armageddon) … The Armies Of The World Turn Their Weapons On JESUS & With The Breath Of His Mouth, Destroys 82% Of The Armies Gathered @ Megeddo. It Takes 7 Months To Bury The Dead & 7 Years To Dispose Of The Armament. The False Prophet & Beast/Antichrist Are Thrown Alive Into The Lake Of Fire.

I Encourage You To Research Phil Schneider’s Encounter With An Alien Grey Deep In An Understanding Military Bunker In N.M.
Idk man… Im a Christian 100% but you lose me with this alien/tribulation stuff. Not that i dont believe the bible, but this is all too much
For those clowning on @areeves there are some interesting things in the world that some of you should open your eyes to. I’m not saying he’s right about everything but there’s a reason Bin Laden had some of the books he had in his library.
It’s funny listening to both sides. They’re polar opposites in their opinions, but exactly the same people. One side believes every conspiracy theory in existence and every crackpot on the internet, the other believe’s everything their political and social idols tell them and disregards anything that goes against their chosen narrative

Either way, trying to figure out the actual truth is something neither side is interested in
That didn't answer my question but thanks
I’m talking about everything I’ve talked about…. China invading Taiwan & Hyper-Inflation that’s off the charts….. Russia/China being blamed for a Cyber Attack on our Investment & Bank Accounts after our funds have been fleeced….. Food Shortages Due To The NWO Buying Our Farmland…. The Ebola Virus Being Released,… Increased Temperature High records being broken due to Chemtrails, HAARP Weather Technology & Geo-Engineering….. Tactical Nukes hitting A Handful Of Our Cities, Including Washington D.C….. An EMP Attack….. Authorities Going Door To Door To Transport People To FEMA Camps, FEMA Camps (If You Go With The Authorities) ….. The Real RE-Education @ The The FEMA Camps…. The Implementation Of The Mark Of The Beast….. The Worship Of The Beast/Antichrist & Termination For Those Who Refuse
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Idk man… Im a Christian 100% but you lose me with this alien/tribulation stuff. Not that i dont believe the bible, but this is all too much
Read Ephesians 6:10 Principalities, Powers, Rulers & Authorities (Demonic Entities) in Heavenly Realms (2nd Heaven Outer Space) Paul was caught Up To The Third Heaven, where GOD, JESUS & The Angels Reside. First Heaven is what the Naked Eye Can See.
In Luke 21, JESUS speaking of the Tribulation says, “Men’s hearts failing them for what’s COMING On The Earth.”
Read Daniel 11…. The Beast/Antichrist Worships a god that his father’s knew not. A foreign god, the god of Forces. With the help of this foreign god, many nations are overthrow.
Check out Tom Horn’s & Chris Putnam’s book Petrus Romanus (Peter The Roman) Both of these guys are Christians. While writing the book, they spend 14 hours with Guy Cosmonolgo, The Chief Astronomer For The Vatican on The Observatory On MT Graham in AZ. There are 3 Huge, Multi Million dollar Telescopes there. One is owned by the USA, One is owned by The Vatican & One Is Owned By Germany. Cosmonolgo told Horn & Putnam, “Through this infrared Telescope Owned By Germany, we see aliens & UFO’s all the time. I believe they are looking for the foreign god /god of Forces to help the Beast/Antichrist as it states in Daniel 11.
I encourage you to research Daniel Schneider & his encounter with an Alien Grey. Schneider was a engineer who helped build many of the underground military bases. He almost lost his life during this encounter. He spent 400 days in the hospital with severe burns to his body including his lungs & his bones. After being discharged from the hospital, he went public about what’s really going on with the government, NWO & Aliens. I believe aliens are demonic, in fact, I believe they are a type of demon. In Revelation 12, it says the Dragon’s Tail flung 1/3 of the stars (Disobedient Angels or Demons) out of Heaven. I believe the so called aliens are really demons. Phil Schneider was later murdered by the NWO for divulging the Truth.
I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve been slinging the Truth about what’s going to happen BEFORE it happens, so when these things do happen, folks will know what’s going on & why it’s going on & what they should & shouldn’t do. The Eternity Of One’s Soul Depends On The Decisions That Are Made.
But nothing you have said has happened. You say projections. I project those things won’t happen.
But nothing you have said has happened. You say projections. I project those things won’t happen.
But nothing you have said has happened. You say projections. I project those things won’t happen.
That’s right because there’s a lot of people on here who don’t know what’s really going on or what to expect next. So, I’ve shared what is really going on & what to expect next. I’ve shared these things with people because people need to know what’s really going on & what to expect next. The decisions we make in regards to the Mark of the Beast & Worship of the Beast/Antichrist have eternal consequences. People also need to know they need to receive JESUS as Savior & Lord in order to enter into Heaven. Some people on here don’t know that. Some people don’t know the consequences of receiving The Mark Of the Beast & Or Worshiping The Beast/Antichrist. Deception is Rampant. In fact JESUS said in Mathew 24 regarding The Tribulation, “If it were possible, Even The Elect Would Be Deceived.” That is a monumental statement & that why I share what’s really happening & what’s going to happen.
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I haven’t had a chance to talk with anyone on this yet as I have been my parents in assisted living and memory care. When I do find out, I probably will not be able to say much. Very interested!!

I’m sorry to hear about your parents, I’m sure that must be hard. Wishing you and them the best.

If there is anything you learn that you can share here, please do so! Always enjoy your insights.
If you think the value of that balloon was $1000, you are sadly mistaken.

And am AIM-9x is about $400k.
If you think the data collected by that balloon died with the balloon I have some beach front property in Indiana to sell you.

Don't fall for the dog and pony show. Walmart should tell you all you need to know about the relationship the US has with China. They sleep in the same bed.
That’s right because there’s a lot of people on here who don’t know what’s really going on or what to expect next. So, I’ve shared what is really going on & what to expect next. I’ve shared these things with people because people need to know what’s really going on & what to expect next. The decisions we make in regards to the Mark of the Beast & Worship of the Beast/Antichrist have eternal consequences. People also need to know they need to receive JESUS as Savior & Lord in order to enter into Heaven. Some people on here don’t know that. Some people don’t know the consequences of receiving The Mark Of the Beast & Or Worshiping The Beast/Antichrist. Deception is Rampant. In fact JESUS said in Mathew 24 regarding The Tribulation, “If it were possible, Even The Elect Would Be Deceived.” That is a monumental statement & that why I share what’s really happening & what’s going to happen.
You are wrong. I am right.