"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me". You've probably never heard this before since you are a "youngin".
Your problem of
is on none other than Paul "piece of feces" Ryan. He is a piece of trash. Just like McConnell. Just like Graham. All about making money for themselves and you buy their crap.
You think you know of a politician who isn't cheating on their spouse? That's rich.
Here is the thing. TRUMP is going to be the candidate. Nothing you or I say/type will change that. Are you going to vote for Trump, or are you going to vote for a democrat? IMO, it's not going to be Joe.
No point in trying to debate since you have your decision made. That said, I'm not hardly young since I'm 49.
I also don't think all of our politicians are cheating on their wives. I'm sure some are, but that's an incredibly jaded view.