What Would Jesus Do?

Dude literally mistook E Jean Carroll for his second wife in a VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION that was made public.


Saul, the largest enemy of Christians, turned into the apostle Paul.

Nobody is perfect, as I’m sure you’re not either.

Also, lockeroom talk is real. Let’s not pretend this isn’t true. We all do/say stupid things at a younger age.
Saul, the largest enemy of Christians, turned into the apostle Paul.

Nobody is perfect, as I’m sure you’re not either.

Also, lockeroom talk is real. Let’s not pretend this isn’t true. We all do/say stupid things at a younger age.
lol the dude is 78 and still spewing this garbage.

he was ~70 when he talked about grabbing women by the pussy, and no i never bragged to anyone about how i would just walk up to strange women and assault them. i certainly didn't do it as a grown ass man. locker room talk is normally gangly teenagers talking about shit they know nothing about. that kind of talk is harmless.

damn I guess it's too bad Hitler didn't live a little longer so he could see the light, too. none of us is perfect.

i wish i could be there when some of you charlatans meet your maker (if he exists at all) and watch his reaction to your support of this immoral rapist.
Never too late to change for the better!

You don’t have to stay mad about it. You can enjoy your day. It’s a gift.
I don't have to stay mad about the fact that a total piece of shit like Trump (you seem to be agreeing that he acts like a piece of shit here) is in danger of becoming president of this great nation?

When would you say you're expecting Trump to change for the better? He's 78 and currently ranting and raving at a press conference about how a woman "would not have been the one" he chose to rape based on her looks. Why don't you walk into a rape crisis center (roughly 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 women face some kind of sexual violence in their lifetimes- not from drag queens but good old boys like you and me) and tell the women there you only believe the hot ones were raped and see the reaction.
I don't have to stay mad about the fact that a total piece of shit like Trump (you seem to be agreeing that he acts like a piece of shit here) is in danger of becoming president of this great nation?

When would you say you're expecting Trump to change for the better? He's 78 and currently ranting and raving at a press conference about how a woman "would not have been the one" he chose to rape based on her looks. Why don't you walk into a rape crisis center (roughly 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 women face some kind of sexual violence in their lifetimes- not from drag queens but good old boys like you and me) and tell the women there you only believe the hot ones were raped and see the reaction.
I’m not saying he’s perfect, far from it… (so is the other side). I do however, believe you’re being as dramatic as possible in regards to Trump’s behavior.

I’m a hard working business owner, & see Trump as a much better option for the economy, and my businesses.
I’m not saying he’s perfect, far from it… (so is the other side). I do however, believe you’re being as dramatic as possible in regards to Trump’s behavior.

I’m a hard working business owner, & see Trump as a much better option for the economy, and my businesses.
Do you believe the MAGA regulars on here are dramatic as possible about Biden and/or Harris?
Saul, the largest enemy of Christians, turned into the apostle Paul.

Nobody is perfect, as I’m sure you’re not either.

Also, lockeroom talk is real. Let’s not pretend this isn’t true. We all do/say stupid things at a younger age.
ah yes, the young age of 65. Just locker room talk.
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I’m not saying he’s perfect, far from it… (so is the other side). I do however, believe you’re being as dramatic as possible in regards to Trump’s behavior.

I’m a hard working business owner, & see Trump as a much better option for the economy, and my businesses.

I appreciate your truthfulness about your reasons.

I played sports all the way through high school and while we talked about hot girls and even sexual exploits, we never said stuff like Trump did. I also was was 16 or 17, not a married man of 70+ at the time bragging to a Reporter.

Best case he's just a sleazy guy who has no couth, worst case he literally admitted sexual assault.

I have a really tough time laughing those types of statements away as "Lock Room Talk".
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I’m not saying he’s perfect, far from it… (so is the other side). I do however, believe you’re being as dramatic as possible in regards to Trump’s behavior.

I’m a hard working business owner, & see Trump as a much better option for the economy, and my businesses.
Dramatic as possible about a 78 year old senile rapist holding a press conference where he says another woman isn't good looking enough for him to rape? And this senile rapist has your vote for leader of the free world?

Seriously, what kind of churches do you people go to? You must be hearing a lot of different lessons compared to what i head growing up in my Baptist church where my preacher would be rolling in his grave watching these morons prop up this atavist.
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Holla at me evangelicals and family values people...

Dude... the folks on here do not care what Trump does. There is literally NOTHING that he can do or say that will convince his supporters to vote for someone else. Fraud, rape, draft dodging, saying we need to set aside the constitution? No big deal.

Now if Watz said he was a coach instead of an assistant coach? THAT'S something we can all agree is truly terrible.
I appreciate your truthfulness about your reasons.

I played sports all the way through high school and while we talked about hot girls and even sexual exploits, we never said stuff like Trump did. I also was was 16 or 17, not a married man of 70+ at the time bragging to a Reporter.

Best case he's just a sleazy guy who has no couth, worst case he literally admitted sexual assault.

I have a really tough time laughing those types of statements away as "Lock Room Talk".
The really sad thing is Trump's economic "policies" are absolutely moronic and would immediately tank our now surging economy. Look how he embarrassed himself yet again in NYC yesterday.

Dramatic as possible about a 78 year old senile rapist holding a press conference where he says another woman isn't good looking enough for him to rape? And this senile rapist has your vote for leader of the free world?

Seriously, what kind of churches do you people go to? You must be hearing a lot of different lessons compared to what i head growing up in my Baptist church where my preacher would be rolling in his grave watching these morons prop up this atavist.
Dude, Trump made a deal with the evangelicals. He'd appoint justices that would overturn Roe v. Wade and they wouldn't say a damn thing about anything else he did or said. To be fair he delivered on that and so have they. It's a thing.
You would let him grab your daughter by the pussy and be happy he chose your kid.
The BoTh SiDEs stuff they try to push is really pathetic. It's like saying Clemson and South Carolina are both football programs and thus equivalent.

They are going to vote for a moron who thought stealth fighter jets were literally invisible smh.

BoTh SiDEs

Yes. There’s truth on both sides, but many times, it’s exaggerated.

This is where we are as a country.
Appreciate it. Do believe both sides do it as well. As long as people are honest about their own sides faults I typically have no issues.

I just get frustrated when people get frustrated about "both sides are fine people"/they're twisting words, etc or whatever, but then turn around and say something like "Kamala was encouraging the rioting!"

In other words, going to great lengths to explain the nuance of what their candidate said, but taking the extreme of the opposing and not allowing for any nuance.
Probably a step too far for this poster and not really warranted to come at him.

I would bet we have a couple die hard MAGAs who would be overjoyed to have their child receive that dubious honor.
Nah. I don't believe that.

But there are certain folks and FWIW, I do believe they are mostly Republicans/MAGAs that simply can't process information that happens to others and not them personally. I know some people like that and they are otherwise intelligent people. The case that springs to mind are some of the local conservative talking heads back during COVID. These guys were raising hell about the masks and vaccines every day. THEN they or someone in their family actually got COVID and a couple of them actually died if I recall correctly. Then they changed their tunes and started speaking favorably about masks and vaccines while they were sick and/or dying. But they wouldn't do it until it actually affected THEM. Unsurprisingly, changing their view had no effect on their audience b/c like them, it isn't real unless they can see and feel it.

So my opinion here is that if Trump did this to their wife or daughter, they'd react as anyone else would. BUT they would be absolutely STUNNED that Trump did it to them. Just like the folks in Trump's 1st administration were all so shocked when Trump turned on THEM. It's also why there won't be a shortage of folks lining up to help Trump.
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I appreciate your truthfulness about your reasons.

I played sports all the way through high school and while we talked about hot girls and even sexual exploits, we never said stuff like Trump did. I also was was 16 or 17, not a married man of 70+ at the time bragging to a Reporter.

Best case he's just a sleazy guy who has no couth, worst case he literally admitted sexual assault.

I have a really tough time laughing those types of statements away as "Lock Room Talk".
This doesn’t make it right, but nevertheless… You have to figure how many famous men/politicians/athletes/etc act this way. At a certain stage, these folks feel as if they’re above the law, above what’s right/good, and so on. Has Trump said a lot of very questionable things?.. no doubt about it.

He says a lot of it out in the open. Others do so behind closed doors, but yet act the opposite in the public eye. As crazy as it sounds (and I don’t condone things he says), I almost have an appreciation for the fact he’s not hiding it.

I know a lot of very “good” people who cuss, rant, & rave out in the open, but deep down are good people. I also know a lot of people who act like a saint in public, but are horrible behind closed doors. The older I get, the more I like the folks showing who they really are.. at least I can appreciate them not being fake.

Some folks might not like the fact I’m blunt, hold very little back, and say what I think. That’s fine.. but those who really know me, they see that knowing I’m good on the inside, and would help anyone in need, or trying hard to get ahead. I’m not just referring to monetary situations. This is how I see things, and feel.
The really sad thing is Trump's economic "policies" are absolutely moronic and would immediately tank our now surging economy. Look how he embarrassed himself yet again in NYC yesterday.

You can post all you’d like from anti Trump sources, about how bad his policies are, will be, etc. I’m educated and experienced enough to understand & know the truth. My family’s well being depends on it.
Dude... the folks on here do not care what Trump does. There is literally NOTHING that he can do or say that will convince his supporters to vote for someone else. Fraud, rape, draft dodging, saying we need to set aside the constitution? No big deal.

Now if Watz said he was a coach instead of an assistant coach? THAT'S something we can all agree is truly terrible.
No matter what silly quotes anyone produces from Trump or Kamala, I’m not really in the mood for higher cap gains taxes, or unrealized cap gains taxes.

The history of each’s screwed up quotes doesn’t move me.
No matter what silly quotes anyone produces from Trump or Kamala, I’m not really in the mood for higher cap gains taxes, or unrealized cap gains taxes.

The history of each’s screwed up quotes doesn’t move me.
Then you must not identify as a Christian.

Christ doesn't care about your tax bracket above all else.
Then you must not identify as a Christian.

Christ doesn't care about your tax bracket above all else.
Neither do I. I’ve been very blessed, and with that being said, much is expected. So regardless of how you or anyone else views me in regards to my level of Christianity, God always keeps the score, and knows our hearts, and how we choose to use what he’s blessed us with to help others. No need in explaining the details of our actions to you, or anyone else.

Am I a Christian, yes. I am however, above all else, a believer. My personal relationship with our maker supersedes any need I have to make you see me in any certain type of light.
Neither do I. I’ve been very blessed, and with that being said, much is expected. So regardless of how you or anyone else views me in regards to my level of Christianity, God always keeps the score, and knows our hearts, and how we choose to use what he’s blessed us with to help others. No need in explaining the details of our actions to you, or anyone else.

Am I a Christian, yes. I am however, above all else, a believer. My personal relationship with our maker supersedes any need I have to make you see me in any certain type of light.
You realize that when you identify as a Christian but say you'd rather a disgusting individual that you yourself related to Saul lead our nation because you think you'll make more money that nobody with a brain takes that bullshit seriously, right?

You are propping up someone whom you know directly contradicts the teachings of Christ in pretty much every way imaginable while claiming to have a relationship with Christ.

Just as a thought experiment...if the Antichrist with 666 marked on his forehead ran for president and promised you an actual economic policy (in lieu of the word salad garbage Trump pushes) that benefited you...would you vote for him?

Mark 8:36
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul?
Matthew 19:24
"I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!"

Imagine trying to pass yourself off as a Christian while voting for someone with Trump's record who literally decided to sell his own version of The Bible to raise legal funds for his many crimes.
You realize that when you identify as a Christian but say you'd rather a disgusting individual that you yourself related to Saul lead our nation because you think you'll make more money that nobody with a brain takes that bullshit seriously, right?

You are propping up someone whom you know directly contradicts the teachings of Christ in pretty much every way imaginable while claiming to have a relationship with Christ.

Just as a thought experiment...if the Antichrist with 666 marked on his forehead ran for president and promised you an actual economic policy (in lieu of the word salad garbage Trump pushes) that benefited you...would you vote for him?

Mark 8:36
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul?
Matthew 19:24
"I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!"

Imagine trying to pass yourself off as a Christian while voting for someone with Trump's record who literally decided to sell his own version of The Bible to raise legal funds for his many crimes.
This is you being ultra dramatic, again.

If I’m placing a vote in Nov (and I will), it’s going to be for the side which I feel benefits my family and kids’ future. I don’t need your blessing, but thanks for the concern. We send our kids to a great Christian private school, teach them right/wrong, and (see it however you will) keep them away from the fray.

If you’re into the liberal way, good for you. I’m not trying to change your mind. Live however you’d like. Just remember this, if nothing else…. I couldn’t care less how you see or judge my decisions. Funny thing is, I couldn’t care less what your decisions are, either.