If You Come at the King You Best Not Miss - Christmas Edition

No Trump will never get a fair trial in DC. Its 90% democrat, and he ran as a republican. He will not get a fair trial.

And no, you are unhinged in your hate for Trump. You would never be able to give him a fair shake and your post history proves that.
You have been brain washed by the maga fake news and Russian bots
It’s funny to think how shit works out. If they kill Trump, I’m probably out of a job and bankrupt this morning.
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I really don't give a shit but he deserves to live out the rest of his life in prison or home confinement due to his actions since the election. The J6 case and the Georgia case are the much more important ones and if he gets away scot-free on those, then we can talk about a two-tiered justice system and mean it.

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