If You Come at the King You Best Not Miss - Christmas Edition

Oh no. Is he gonna not pay his lawyers in retribution for their poor performance? Oh i know hes gonna try another coups and get further arrested. Make sure you join him on the front lines. Or are you planning to just continue with vague and shallow threats?

I love how he talks so tough, Where was @OleFastball when his lord and savior asked him to go to the Capital? Speaking of that,where was Donald Trump? That's right sitting in the White House drinking diet coke,eating McDonald's, and watching OAN.

Wait, has anyone seen @OleFastball and Donald Trump in the same room at the same time? Might be a story worth the Gateway Pundit. I might have discovered a Smoking Gun Bombshell Gamechangers!
All jokes aside here, at some point it will become obvious to the most radicalized Magas that Trump is going to jail. And then things will get violent. Y'all be safe out there.

All these Maga thugs are going to jail.
Back to the clowning. Trump's lawyer is making free speech arguments....why?

Diversion. They know if they can simplify the defense down to something that is not even part of the prosecution, all the mouth breathers will eat it up. That is why you hear the GOP and the dolts on here parroting that defense. The indictment stated clearly that it was not about the First Amendment. It is about the conspiracy to send false electors.
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Diversion. They know if they can simplify the defense down to something that is not even part of the prosecution, all the mouth breathers will eat it up. That is why you hear the GOP and the dolts on here parroting that defense. The indictment stated clearly that it was not about the First Amendment. It is about the conspiracy to send false electors.

It's already working too. It has already been mentioned in this thread by said Mouthbreather
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None of it matters desperate for an angle do you have to be to believe that not reporting on a laptop story for a couple of days was the reason for your Nazi potato's loss, especially considering it didn't implicate your opponent in a crime. Cry more Ole Slimeball
Couple of days?! It's been 2 years! You know this. Maybe you should get a side gig writing for the NY Times or Washington Post. And, do you know how old and used and completely inappropriate the term "Nazi" is? To compare anything or anyone in the United States to Hitler is ludicrous.
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Couple of days?! It's been 2 years! You know this. Maybe you should get a side gig writing for the NY Times or Washington Post. And, do you know how old and used and completely inappropriate the term "Nazi" is? To compare anything or anyone in the United States to Hitler is ludicrous.
What are you talking about Ken? I've heard plenty about it on MSM media outlets but it sounds like what you're really upset about is they didn't come to the same conclusions about the contents as the right-wing echo chambers did. Plus, before the election only TWO outlets were given access to the hard drive. I don't blame the other networks for being cautious about a story being peddled by slimy agents of Biden's opponent(Giuliani & Bannon), especially considering that even three years later, we know it showed zero proof that Joe did anything of a criminal nature.

And Trump is the closest this country has ever come to having a Nazi-like leader. You know it but you just don't care since you're not the target of his evil intentions.

"But the Wall Street Journal and Fox News — among the only news organizations that have been given access to key documents — found that the emails and other records don’t make that case. Leaving aside the many questions about their provenance, the materials offered no evidence that Joe Biden played any role in his son’s dealings in China, let alone profited from them, both news organizations concluded.

"The lack of major new revelations is perhaps the biggest reason the story has not gotten traction, but not the only one. Among others: Most mainstream news organizations, including NBC News, have not been granted access to the documents. NBC News asked by email, text, phone call and certified mail, and was ultimately denied."

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I would plea for reason but in the twilight zone we live in these days, it doesn't seem to apply. Nutty statements which are then attacked and ridiculed by others who believe equally nutty things. Such a bizarre reality we have created. I hope we return from this abyss we're dragging each other into at some point very soon.
Both sides have lost their minds. It’s abundant in this forum, that’s why I don’t venture here as often as before.

Each side thinks it’s just the other.
The stress of 4 consecutive criminal trials + a presidential campaign might be enough to kill an old man. That would be best case scenario for everyone.

You know I've honestly considered that and I'm not sure whether that would be a good or a bad thing. It's not hard to imagine that at his advanced age and health he could have a sudden issue. My concern would be that the MAGA guys would make up all sorts of conspiracies to blame people for killing him etc. I would be very scared for some sort of armed insurrection.

The best case scenario would be some sort of illness that would make it impossible to serve, but not kill him. We need him to go away so stuff can calm back down.
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Both sides have lost their minds. It’s abundant in this forum, that’s why I don’t venture here as often as before.

Each side thinks it’s just the other.
Those without convictions are leaving their lives to others. I agree it is senseless to argue with people who have no ability to reason and recognize what it true. Their only purpose, at least in this forum, is to win an argument at the expense of what is actually real. Conservatives may engage in these discussions too, but the future of our country is at the forefront of our minds, not just winning an argument. No one wins. We are just demonstrating how the progressive left has intentionally polarized this country.
Both sides have lost their minds. It’s abundant in this forum, that’s why I don’t venture here as often as before.

Each side thinks it’s just the other.

You are not wrong. But it is comical that you, an election denier, and @Willence - I don’t even have time to get into his bias - are lecturing others about this.

Look in the mirror.
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Those without convictions are leaving their lives to others. I agree it is senseless to argue with people who have no ability to reason and recognize what it true. Their only purpose, at least in this forum, is to win an argument at the expense of what is actually real. Conservatives may engage in these discussions too, but the future of our country is at the forefront of our minds, not just winning an argument. No one wins. We are just demonstrating how the progressive left has intentionally polarized this country.

Yep, it is only the left that is polarizing the country. The maga “**** your feelings, lock her up, own the libs at all costs, attack Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer crowd and then claim it was a gay lover dispute” crowd bears no responsibility for anything.
Yep, it is only the left that is polarizing the country. The maga “**** your feelings, lock her up, own the libs at all costs, attack Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer crowd and then claim it was a gay lover dispute” crowd bears no responsibility for anything.
Projection. You're proving me correct. Your statement is almost completely inaccurate. True dat on "lock her up".
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