If You Come at the King You Best Not Miss - Christmas Edition

Bullshit Ken and you know it, but Trump re-wired your MAGA brain so thoroughly that you don't even recognize evil when you see it anymore. Gracefully accepting defeat and participating in the peaceful transfer of power is an American tradition that ONLY HE gave the middle finger to because he's an indecent man who cares more about himself than our system of government.

Not sure what kind of mental gymnastics you have to jump through to make him acceptable after what he's done since the election. If maliciously lying about the election and siccing an unruly mob to the Capitol on Jan. 6th, that resulted in 5 deaths doesn't affect your support for him, you may want to do a character check because yours has been corrupted....which makes you bad for this country.
Peaceful transfers of power usually follow a fair and honest election, which 2020 was not. It was over half the country giving the justifiable middle finger. Finally, only one person died as a direct result of the day's conflict and that was Ashley Babbit, an unarmed protester who was trying to enter the capital like so many others were allowed to do that day. Unfortunately, standing in the hall in front of her was a nervous, overzealous officer, that fired before thinking. Neither her entry nor his firing were advisable. There was no death by fire extinguisher, but rather a stroke after arriving home. Yes, the turmoil of the day could have contributed, but it wasn't an evil insurrectionist with a fire extinguisher. Please know that you are calling bullshit not just on one person, but half of America that thinks you are either an elitist and are propagating this crap or an ignorant peon jumping on a bandwagon and blindly following those that yell the loudest.
Bullshit Ken and you know it, but Trump re-wired your MAGA brain so thoroughly that you don't even recognize evil when you see it anymore. Gracefully accepting defeat and participating in the peaceful transfer of power is an American tradition that ONLY HE gave the middle finger to because he's an indecent man who cares more about himself than our system of government.

Not sure what kind of mental gymnastics you have to jump through to make him acceptable after what he's done since the election. If maliciously lying about the election and siccing an unruly mob to the Capitol on Jan. 6th, that resulted in 5 deaths doesn't affect your support for him, you may want to do a character check because yours has been corrupted....which makes you bad for this country.
Peaceful transfers of power usually follow a fair and honest election, which 2020 was not. It was over half the country giving the justifiable middle finger. Finally, only one person died as a direct result of the day's conflict and that was Ashley Babbit, an unarmed protester who was trying to enter the capital like so many others were allowed to do that day. Unfortunately, standing in the hall in front of her was a nervous, overzealous officer, that fired before thinking. Neither her entry nor his firing were advisable. There was no death by fire extinguisher, but rather a stroke after arriving home. Yes, the turmoil of the day could have contributed, but it wasn't an evil insurrectionist with a fire extinguisher. Please know that you are calling bullshit not just on one person, but half of America that thinks you are either an elitist and are propagating this crap or an ignorant peon jumping on a bandwagon and blindly following those that yell the loudest.
Or maybe I'm just a normal person, uncompromised by an orange, buffoonish cult-leader who has no regard for the truth, right or wrong or the law. Maybe I'm just someone who saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears an abomination of a man who is wholly unfit to be running the greatest country on earth.

Let's just take your post above to see how easily he's corrupted you:
  • You claim that the 2020 election wasn't a fair and honest election without a shred of evidence that proves otherwise. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have decided to believe that our election system is wholly corrupt, without facts to support that belief, simply because a narcissistic sociopath said so. That's what he did to you.
  • You have chosen to support a domestic terrorist who jumped through a broken window leading to the House chambers instead of the officer who had to make a split-second decision to keep that terrorist, and those that would follow her, from crashing the House floor in order to attack those who were there simply to record the electoral votes. That's what he did to you.
  • You have chosen to accept the ridiculous narrative that those terrorists were allowed to enter despite seeing them tear down barricades, attack police with flagpoles and bear spray, break windows, smear feces on the walls and cause millions of dollars worth of damage. That's what he did to you.
  • Trump lost the popular vote in both elections by huge margins and Trump-backed candidates in all swing states lost their mid-term elections by big margins, yet you're still convinced you represent half the country because you saw a sea of red hats at a Trump hate rally. That's what he did to you.
In the past, just one of the things above would have made a candidate wholly unelectable but taken altogether that candidate should be nowhere other than a jail cell. The fact that you can't see that proves that you've been corrupted by the leader of the largest cult in our country's history.

Because that's what he's done to you.
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Or maybe I'm just a normal person, uncompromised by an orange, buffoonish cult-leader who has no regard for the truth, right or wrong or the law. Maybe I'm just someone who saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears an abomination of a man who is wholly unfit to be running the greatest country on earth.

Let's just take your post above to see how easily he's corrupted you:
  • You claim that the 2020 election wasn't a fair and honest election without a shred of evidence that proves otherwise. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you have decided to believe that our election system is wholly corrupt, without facts to support that belief, simply because a narcissistic sociopath said so. That's what he did to you.
  • You have chosen to support a domestic terrorist who jumped through a broken window leading to the House chambers instead of the officer who had to make a split-second decision to keep that terrorist, and those that would follow her, from crashing the House floor in order to attack those who were there simply to record the electoral votes. That's what he did to you.
  • You have chosen to accept the ridiculous narrative that those terrorists were allowed to enter despite seeing them tear down barricades, attack police with flagpoles and bear spray, break windows, smear feces on the walls and cause millions of dollars worth of damage. That's what he did to you.
  • Trump lost the popular vote in both elections by huge margins and Trump-backed candidates in all swing states lost their mid-term elections by big margins, yet you're still convinced you represent half the country because you saw a sea of red hats at a Trump hate rally. That's what he did to you.
In the past, just one of the things above would have made a candidate wholly unelectable but taken altogether that candidate should be nowhere other than a jail cell. The fact that you can't see that proves that you've been been corrupted by the leader of the largest cult in our country's history.

Because that's what he's done to you.
Bold print really stings. Of course, I feel the same about you and all those other blind mice who have been poisoned by the very real Trump Derangement Syndrome (That's what it's done to you). You all need an antibiotic pill of truth, rationale, and reason with a slap across the face by the Holy Spirit. Hit me up tomorrow. Maybe your fury will have subsided.
Bold print really stings. Of course, I feel the same about you and all those other blind mice who have been poisoned by the very real Trump Derangement Syndrome (That's what it's done to you). You all need an antibiotic pill of truth, rationale, and reason with a slap across the face by the Holy Spirit. Hit me up tomorrow. Maybe your fury will have subsided.
Poor thing thinks he's rational and believes in the truth LMAO.

Maybe you'll have a come to Jesus before tomorrow so you'll understand how far you've fallen.
The Lincoln Project is laughable and has been for years. Purely political....lying is their main mission. Please find better reference material than this.
I know exactly who they are and they do a great job using parody to point out real truths. Or in the case of the clip above, they use their "actual" quotes. Actual quotes aren't lies Ken
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This thread is not really shocking, but still disappointing to see.

I typed out a long post about how we are all just doing our best and how the othering and assumptions made by the far right are a precurser to political violence. And how we are all actually on the same team and we just disagree about how to get to the goal.

And then I deleted it. The battle lines have been drawn. And somehow, the people in the tiny minority with extreme views here believe they are, in fact, the majority.

So, obviously not worth trying to bridge the gap.

You people are batshit insane.
This thread is not really shocking, but still disappointing to see.

I typed out a long post about how we are all just doing our best and how the othering and assumptions made by the far right are a precurser to political violence. And how we are all actually on the same team and we just disagree about how to get to the goal.

And then I deleted it. The battle lines have been drawn. And somehow, the people in the tiny minority with extreme views here believe they are, in fact, the majority.

So, obviously not worth trying to bridge the gap.

You people are batshit insane.
Most conservatives have strong opinions about all of these subjects...they're just quiet about it, non -confrontational, thus the term conservative. The left is loud and abusive. You may think there are only 4 or 5 of us that believe this way, but you'd be very wrong. We are just the only ones that waste our time on here trying to talk sense into you wokies. Lol. It's an admirable trait on our part but not an effective one. I truly don't believe either side is stupid. Media propaganda (opinion news) has warped our minds. Yes, it comes from both sides, but lets not assume all propaganda is a lie. It's just the way we have to get our news these days. It takes some deciphering to get to the truth. Some of us are better at it than others.
Most conservatives have strong opinions about all of these subjects...they're just quiet about it, non -confrontational, thus the term conservative. The left is loud and abusive. You may think there are only 4 or 5 of us that believe this way, but you'd be very wrong. We are just the only ones that waste our time on here trying to talk sense into you wokies. Lol. It's an admirable trait on our part but not an effective one. I truly don't believe either side is stupid. Media propaganda (opinion news) has warped our minds. Yes, it comes from both sides, but lets not assume all propaganda is a lie. It's just the way we have to get our news these days. It takes some deciphering to get to the truth. Some of us are better at it than others.
Ken, trust me, we're well aware that the majority of "this board" is conservative because most of them have roots or connections to ruby red South Carolina. But this board is not reflective of the country as a whole, by any stretch.

For years now, the loud and abusive conservatives ruled the board, with some of the worst venom I've ever seen directed at Obama. I even remember one poster openly threatening to shoot him on here.

The discussions here really aren't between Democrats and Republicans anymore because the GOP we once knew has ceased to exist. Now that Trumpism is the the main ideology on the Right, the arguments are more between people who believe in right and those who believe in wrong. We've seen what misinformation and Trumpism has done to this country and that's why you see us as loud, because we're not going to let your ilk control the narrative without a fight.

Sadly, it's just too dangerous to let you MAGAs go unopposed because it's proven that you're ridiculously susceptible and gullible to fake news. Hence the pushback...

And if you really are the majority, why hasn't your party won the popular vote in 20 years?

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Maybe you want a nazi-like legal system simply because its Trump. But I don't.
Maybe the Nazi-like ex-Presidunce shouldn't have committed his crimes there if he didn't want to be tried there. 🤔

Keep in mind that Jack Smith already did Trump a favor in the documents case by assigning it to the Miami circuit and he ended up with Trump appointed judge Aileen Cannon, who has previously shown she's compromised.

Aren't you going to whine about that too?
Maybe the Nazi-like ex-Presidunce shouldn't have committed his crimes there if he didn't want to be tried there. 🤔

Keep in mind that Jack Smith already did Trump a favor in the documents case by assigning it to the Miami circuit and he ended up with Trump appointed judge Aileen Cannon, who has previously shown she's compromised.

Aren't you going to whine about that too?
O has he been convicted of a crime? No, he hasn't and I doubt he will be. You guys will be set up for a big let down again.
O has he been convicted of a crime? No, he hasn't and I doubt he will be. You guys will be set up for a big let down again.
Even your buddy growls is confident he will be convicted now. I doubt he actually goes to jail, but the tide is turning.
O has he been convicted of a crime? No, he hasn't and I doubt he will be. You guys will be set up for a big let down again.
Strange comeback after a post complaining about the trial venues. If you're so sure he wont be convicted, why do you care where the trial is held?
He will never be convicted and even if he is the Supreme Court will over turn it.

And if he is re-elected he is going scorched earth on the commies trying to destroy this nation.

No matter what happens We The People (including you Libs) win because the communists have been exposed.

Another reason they will come after the Supreme Court conservative justices.
Ken, trust me, we're well aware that the majority of "this board" is conservative because most of them have roots or connections to ruby red South Carolina. But this board is not reflective of the country as a whole, by any stretch.

For years now, the loud and abusive conservatives ruled the board, with some of the worst venom I've ever seen directed at Obama. I even remember one poster openly threatening to shoot him on here.

The discussions here really aren't between Democrats and Republicans anymore because the GOP we once knew has ceased to exist. Now that Trumpism is the the main ideology on the Right, the arguments are more between people who believe in right and those who believe in wrong. We've seen what misinformation and Trumpism has done to this country and that's why you see us as loud, because we're not going to let your ilk control the narrative without a fight.

Sadly, it's just too dangerous to let you MAGAs go unopposed because it's proven that you're ridiculously susceptible and gullible to fake news. Hence the pushback...

And if you really are the majority, why hasn't your party won the popular vote in 20 years?

Popular vote is not used to elect our president as you know. Otherwise, California, NY, and Illinois would rule our country. Narrowing it down, LA, NYC, and Chicago would be our Tri-City capitol. These cauldrons of woke-ism breed more woke-ism.. The overwhelming geographical US would never be represented. It's true that the America First revolution has jettisoned traditional Republicanism (RINOs). I'd stop short of calling it Trumpism. He did indeed recognize the overwhelming American sentiment and latched on in his
Ken, trust me, we're well aware that the majority of "this board" is conservative because most of them have roots or connections to ruby red South Carolina. But this board is not reflective of the country as a whole, by any stretch.

For years now, the loud and abusive conservatives ruled the board, with some of the worst venom I've ever seen directed at Obama. I even remember one poster openly threatening to shoot him on here.

The discussions here really aren't between Democrats and Republicans anymore because the GOP we once knew has ceased to exist. Now that Trumpism is the the main ideology on the Right, the arguments are more between people who believe in right and those who believe in wrong. We've seen what misinformation and Trumpism has done to this country and that's why you see us as loud, because we're not going to let your ilk control the narrative without a fight.

Sadly, it's just too dangerous to let you MAGAs go unopposed because it's proven that you're ridiculously susceptible and gullible to fake news. Hence the pushback...

And if you really are the majority, why hasn't your party won the popular vote in 20 years?

You are obviously unaware of your PROJECTION! And you know why the popular vote isn't used to elect our President.
Popular vote is not used to elect our president as you know. Otherwise, California, NY, and Illinois would rule our country. Narrowing it down, LA, NYC, and Chicago would be our Tri-City capitol. These cauldrons of woke-ism breed more woke-ism.. The overwhelming geographical US would never be represented. It's true that the America First revolution has jettisoned traditional Republicanism (RINOs). I'd stop short of calling it Trumpism. He did indeed recognize the overwhelming American sentiment and latched on in his

You are obviously unaware of your PROJECTION! And you know why the popular vote isn't used to elect our President.
To be fair, the election is now decided by the rust belt, for the most part. So, you'd just be changing what states decide the election.
Popular vote is not used to elect our president as you know. Otherwise, California, NY, and Illinois would rule our country. Narrowing it down, LA, NYC, and Chicago would be our Tri-City capitol. These cauldrons of woke-ism breed more woke-ism.. The overwhelming geographical US would never be represented. It's true that the America First revolution has jettisoned traditional Republicanism (RINOs). I'd stop short of calling it Trumpism. He did indeed recognize the overwhelming American sentiment and latched on in his

You are obviously unaware of your PROJECTION! And you know why the popular vote isn't used to elect our President.
Ken, you're arguing a point I wasn't even making. I wasn't talking about the way elections work - I was just addressing your point that you represent 50% of the population and your comment that the majority of the board is conservative but they aren't as loud.
Feel free to re-read
To be fair, the election is now decided by the rust belt, for the most part. So, you'd just be changing what states decide the election.
I apologize for the unclear post I made. I had a finger fart and my reply disappeared, so I made a short one and sent it instead. It looks like the incomplete first reply combined somehow with the new one. Frustrating.
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Ken, you're arguing a point I wasn't even making. I wasn't talking about the way elections work - I was just addressing your point that you represent 50% of the population and your comment that the majority of the board is conservative but they aren't as loud.
Feel free to re-read
I re-read, and I only wanted to respond to your final comment on the popular vote. As I said to WAP, I had a finger fart and my initial reply disappeared, so I sent a short second one, thinking I had lost the first. It looks like they both ended up posting. Apologies.
She is gonna miss y'all. The hunter is about to become the hunted.

It's almost like you want them to interfere with a criminal investigation so that the defendant can get off without paying a price for his insidious corruption. I'm sure you wouldn't want that!

She told him to f*** off before, looks like she'll be telling him again.

The new Republican party - do no legislation, just impeach everybody and investigate the investigators. SMFH

"What will happen now? The House Judiciary Committee doesn’t have jurisdiction to insert itself into criminal prosecutions at the state and local level, a point the Fulton County prosecutor will no doubt emphasize if/when she takes Jordan’s subpoena to court.

That said, if the congressman can make a credible case that his panel is investigating possible misuse of federal resources, the matter might very well proceed. Watch this space.

Update: After this report was published, Willis responded to Jordan's subpoena with a written statement that read:

"These false allegations are included in baseless litigation filed by a holdover employee from the prior administration who was terminated for cause. The courts that have ruled found no merit in these claims. We expect the same result in any pending litigation.

"Any examination of the records of our grant programs will find that they are highly effective and conducted in cooperation with the Department of Justice and in compliance with all Department of Justice requirements. Our federal grant programs are focused on helping at-risk youth and seeking justice for sexual assault victims who were too long ignored. Our federal grant-funded Sexual Assault Kit Initiative has been cited by the United States Attorney General as a model program.

"We are proud of our grant programs and our partnership with the Department of Justice that makes Fulton County a safer, more just place."