What Would Jesus Do?

It’s so simple.

It’s the little boy that cried wolf.

They claimed for years that Trump was a Russian Agent. They claimed to have rock solid proof backed by a dossier that he was working for Putin. They stole 2 years of his presidency with an outright fabrication. Just like the boy crying wolf.

They cried that the country would collapse under a Trump presidency. As it turns out the country try did fantastic under a Trump presidency. Much more so than under BidenComics.

You could say Trump murdered and abused puppies. But just like the little boy that cried wolf, NO ONE BELIEVES THE BULLSHIT ANYMORE!

The dem stranglehold on controlling the narrative has been permanently removed. (Thank you Elon)
Revisionist history AT BEST. The Mueller report certainly did not say Trump was innocent, merely that a sitting President couldn't be prosecuted. NOT the same thing at all. Trump was impeached for it and found not guilty. That's good enough, and you don't normally hear me saying anything about it. But saying that the whole thing was BS is simply not the case.

I do agree about the country collapsing under Trump. That was not the case. I'd remind you that leading up to the 2020 election Trump told us all how Biden was going to crash the stock market, oil production, and the US economy in general. Those things didn't happen either and both the stock market and oil production reached new highs under Biden. In fact, the US reached the point that we produce more oil than we export for the first time in forever under Biden (NOT TRUMP).

There are serious problems with our economy with prices and inflation both being up. That's a fair criticism on the US economy. But just like you really can't blame Trump for the economic downturn due to COVID, it's difficult to lay the blame on Biden for inflation and prices when the rest of the world is in the same boat and generally worse off than we are.

It's obvious, I've never had any use for Trump. I disliked him when he was identifying as a liberal Democrat, running with the Clintons, Epistein, and the Obamas and endorsing them (and NONE of you big time Trumpians would have pissed on him if he were on fire). And now that he said (Oh I'm a Republican now... And you Trumpian figuratively touch yourselves whenever you speak his name), I don't care for him still. Because Trump isn't a Democrat or Republican. Trump works for Trump. Period. I've never thought he was a Russian agent and you can go back and check me on that. I don't think he hates America or is somehow a racist or any of that. He works and acts for himself. And that's all. Did he work with Russia against American interests? No idea. WOULD he work with Russia and against American interests if it helped him? Absolutely. That's one of the very consistent things about Trump. He will say and do anything to help himself out. He will throw any and everyone under the bus if they work against him. That should be apparent to anyone who's watched him more than a couple of days.
So foreign wars, fought in foreign places, not America are the fault of the American president? I guess to the MAGA world that tracks...

You say the business is his personal life and his son's, while at the same time attacking Biden for his Son's private business dealings years before his Dad was the President is the height of hypocrisy.
So little do you know. Look into the war with Ukraine. It has Biden's admin all over it. Deny, deny, deny. It's old.
For God's sake, the man's family was cashing checks from world leaders for access to the White House.
You have your head in the sand further than LiMu Emu!
  1. America First: Trump’s catchphrase was “America First,” and he wielded it like Thor’s hammer. Whether you agreed with him or not, he was all about prioritizing U.S. interests. From trade deals to foreign policy, he wanted Uncle Sam to lead the charge.
  2. Homeland Security: Trump’s strategy emphasized protecting the homeland. Think border walls, immigration policies, and a focus on national security. He believed in a strong defense to keep America safe.
  3. Economic Prosperity: The man loved prosperity like a kid loves candy. His administration aimed to boost the American economy, create jobs, and make the U.S. a global economic powerhouse. “Drill, baby, drill” was his energy policy mantra—aiming to turn America into an oil and gas juggernaut1!
  4. Peace Through Strength: Trump channeled his inner Teddy Roosevelt, believing that a strong military was essential for peace. He wanted the U.S. to flex its muscles, both diplomatically and militarily, to maintain order in the chaotic world arena.
  5. Advancing American Influence: Trump wanted Uncle Sam to be the cool kid at the global lunch table. He pushed for American influence worldwide, whether through diplomacy, trade negotiations, or strategic alliances.
Chuds talking about foreign wars is so weird. Like why would Putin not have marched into Ukraine when he knows the Moscow wing of the Republican party wouldn't have done anything to aid Ukraine? MAGA logic at its finest.

So little do you know. Look into the war with Ukraine. It has Biden's admin all over it. Deny, deny, deny. It's old.
For God's sake, the man's family was cashing checks from world leaders for access to the White House.
You have your head in the sand further than LiMu Emu!
  1. America First: Trump’s catchphrase was “America First,” and he wielded it like Thor’s hammer. Whether you agreed with him or not, he was all about prioritizing U.S. interests. From trade deals to foreign policy, he wanted Uncle Sam to lead the charge.
  2. Homeland Security: Trump’s strategy emphasized protecting the homeland. Think border walls, immigration policies, and a focus on national security. He believed in a strong defense to keep America safe.
  3. Economic Prosperity: The man loved prosperity like a kid loves candy. His administration aimed to boost the American economy, create jobs, and make the U.S. a global economic powerhouse. “Drill, baby, drill” was his energy policy mantra—aiming to turn America into an oil and gas juggernaut1!
  4. Peace Through Strength: Trump channeled his inner Teddy Roosevelt, believing that a strong military was essential for peace. He wanted the U.S. to flex its muscles, both diplomatically and militarily, to maintain order in the chaotic world arena.
  5. Advancing American Influence: Trump wanted Uncle Sam to be the cool kid at the global lunch table. He pushed for American influence worldwide, whether through diplomacy, trade negotiations, or strategic alliances.
So if Ukraine was true, how come the Republicans didn't impeach him for it? They tried for 4 years and couldn't even come up with the votes when they were the majority in HoR?
Chuds talking about foreign wars is so weird. Like why would Putin not have marched into Ukraine when he knows the Moscow wing of the Republican party wouldn't have done anything to aid Ukraine? MAGA logic at its finest.
Chuds like you trying to explain it away is even weirder!
Putin may not have marched into Ukraine with a much stronger US administration. Do I know that? NO. Same as you don't know if he would have. The fact is he did and it's bc he took it when he thought it was his best shot to win and they will.
Liberal spin is so old, and everyone hopefully wants a change!
Liberal spin is so old, and everyone hopefully wants a change!
Republicans haven't won a popular election for the presidency in 20 years. You won't win this one, either. You're literally a minority position party propped up by our outdated electoral college nonsense.
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Revisionist history AT BEST. The Mueller report certainly did not say Trump was innocent, merely that a sitting President couldn't be prosecuted. NOT the same thing at all. Trump was impeached for it and found not guilty. That's good enough, and you don't normally hear me saying anything about it. But saying that the whole thing was BS is simply not the case.

I do agree about the country collapsing under Trump. That was not the case. I'd remind you that leading up to the 2020 election Trump told us all how Biden was going to crash the stock market, oil production, and the US economy in general. Those things didn't happen either and both the stock market and oil production reached new highs under Biden. In fact, the US reached the point that we produce more oil than we export for the first time in forever under Biden (NOT TRUMP).

There are serious problems with our economy with prices and inflation both being up. That's a fair criticism on the US economy. But just like you really can't blame Trump for the economic downturn due to COVID, it's difficult to lay the blame on Biden for inflation and prices when the rest of the world is in the same boat and generally worse off than we are.

It's obvious, I've never had any use for Trump. I disliked him when he was identifying as a liberal Democrat, running with the Clintons, Epistein, and the Obamas and endorsing them (and NONE of you big time Trumpians would have pissed on him if he were on fire). And now that he said (Oh I'm a Republican now... And you Trumpian figuratively touch yourselves whenever you speak his name), I don't care for him still. Because Trump isn't a Democrat or Republican. Trump works for Trump. Period. I've never thought he was a Russian agent and you can go back and check me on that. I don't think he hates America or is somehow a racist or any of that. He works and acts for himself. And that's all. Did he work with Russia against American interests? No idea. WOULD he work with Russia and against American interests if it helped him? Absolutely. That's one of the very consistent things about Trump. He will say and do anything to help himself out. He will throw any and everyone under the bus if they work against him. That should be apparent to anyone who's watched him more than a couple of days.
Im going to stop after your first paragraph.

The whole thing was made up.

The End.
Remember, if your investigation is legitimate, you don't need to lie on the FISA warrant.
I'd rather have a piece of shit that stands up for America instead of what we have had the last 4 years and if Camala wins another 4 years of the same. Leave your feelings at the door when you are dealing with other scum leaders of the world!
Lol. Again with your delusions. Other than corporate collusion and gouging, the last four years have been a domestic success by any metric. Foreign policy has been about as good as it could be given the situations and constraints. But you keep making up this fantasy about the country’s condition. Your life must suck, but I bet you're blaming it on the wrong person.
I'd rather have a piece of shit that stands up for America instead of what we have had the last 4 years and if Camala wins another 4 years of the same. Leave your feelings at the door when you are dealing with other scum leaders of the world!
Nothing enrages me more than maga chuckle****s claiming Trump stands up for America. You can't ignore the defining moment of his presidency and truly believe that, unless you care more about HIM than you do our own country - you just can't.


Lol. Again with your delusions. Other than corporate collusion and gouging, the last four years have been a domestic success by any metric. Foreign policy has been about as good as it could be given the situations and constraints. But you keep making up this fantasy about the country’s condition. Your life must suck, but I bet you're blaming it on the wrong person.
We could obviously go back and forth on who is delusional. I tend to back up my so-called delusional thoughts with facts. You on the other hand just spit out your delusions and then excuses to back them up.
Lol. Again with your delusions. Other than corporate collusion and gouging, the last four years have been a domestic success by any metric. Foreign policy has been about as good as it could be given the situations and constraints. But you keep making up this fantasy about the country’s condition. Your life must suck, but I bet you're blaming it on the wrong person.
If that is as good as foreign policy could be, then whoever is in charge should be fired. Awful job.

Democrats need to start firing people and holding them accountable when they do a bad job.
Lol. Again with your delusions. Other than corporate collusion and gouging, the last four years have been a domestic success by any metric. Foreign policy has been about as good as it could be given the situations and constraints. But you keep making up this fantasy about the country’s condition. Your life must suck, but I bet you're blaming it on the wrong person.
I would also say that the inflation produced under Bidencomics is a major issue that is affecting the vote.

Inflation really hit the middle class hard. Bidencomics produced the worst inflation in 50 years and if Kamala would have had her way Democrats would have passed another bill that would have lead to hyperinflation. We should all thank Manchin for saving us.

If Kamala wins, you know inflation is going higher. The problem is, there is no where to hide from inflation. It crushes everyone except the very elite, the people who democrats claim to hate. Look at Elon, Bezos, Gates et al .... they are richer than ever while the everyday citizen is getting punished by illegal immigration.
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I would also say that the inflation produced under Bidencomics is a major issue that is affecting the vote.

Inflation really hit the middle class hard. Bidencomics produced the worst inflation in 50 years and if Kamala would have had her way Democrats would have passed another bill that would have lead to hyperinflation. We should all thank Manchin for saving us.

If Kamala wins, you know inflation is going higher. The problem is, there is no where to hide from inflation. It crushes everyone except the very elite, the people who democrats claim to hate. Look at Elon, Bezos, Gates et al .... they are richer than ever while the everyday citizen is getting punished by illegal immigration.
Can you explain what will happen to inflation when Trump
  • Gives billionaires and corporations a huge tax cut
  • Cuts taxes on Social Security and Medicare
  • Ends taxes on tips
  • Ends taxes on OT
  • Deports millions of agriculture workers who harvest our food
  • Imposes a tariff of 10 to 20 percent on all foreign goods and a 60 percent tariff on goods from China.
And while you're at it, can you tell us how that will affect the deficit

I know inflation is a very important issue for you so I look forward to your thoughtful reply

Im going to stop after your first paragraph.

The whole thing was made up.

The End.
Nope... Just b/c you (and by You, I mean whatever comes out of Trump's mouth at the moment) say something is true doesn't make it so... Read the executive summary of the Mueller Report.

Can you explain what will happen to inflation when Trump
  • Gives billionaires and corporations a huge tax cut
  • Cuts taxes on Social Security and Medicare
  • Ends taxes on tips
  • Ends taxes on OT
  • Deports millions of agriculture workers who harvest our food
  • Imposes a tariff of 10 to 20 percent on all foreign goods and a 60 percent tariff on goods from China.
And while you're at it, can you tell us how that will affect the deficit

I know inflation is a very important issue for you so I look forward to your thoughtful reply


Im going to make this real simple for you so that even you can understand it.

Inflation under Trump = 1.9%
Inflation under Biden = 5.5%
Im going to make this real simple for you so that even you can understand it.

Inflation under Trump = 1.9%
Inflation under Biden = 5.5%
I'm going to make it simple for you too.

Increasing the money supply will make inflation worse.
Decreasing revenue will explode the deficit

Thanks for joining my Ted talk
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Having your claim of talking to Higher Powers

I speak to Jesus every day

Does that count
Then you must not identify as a Christian.

Christ doesn't care about your tax bracket above all else.

Christ did care about earthly values as he said render unto Caesar what is Caesars

Also put the highest value on those who have little but contribute all they have as to financial wealth
Im going to make this real simple for you so that even you can understand it.

Inflation under Trump = 1.9%
Inflation under Biden = 5.5%


Since Biden has come to office huge increase in cost of living far more than 5.5% on food

More like 50% or greater

On home and car insurance like 50 to 100%

on gas 100%


Since Biden has come to office huge increase in cost of living far more than 5.5% on food

More like 50% or greater

On home and car insurance like 50 to 100%

on gas 100%

Dude... Are things more expensive? Yep. Is my food bill half again more expensive or greater (Pro tip: that's 50 percent) Not even close. I'm paying MAYBE a buck for a pound for Ribeye on sale than I was back in 2020. My insurance hasn't gone up at all. I'm not paying double on gas either.
serious you have a 401k? do you own a home?
Don't worry about me pal.

Yes, i have both. I am also a responsible saver. Inflation destroys your savings and rewards the irresponsible.

Inflation ravishes the lower class the most, the people the Democrats claim to help. Inflation rewards the very, very rich, the people that Democrats demonize.

The question people should be asking is, did i get a raise of more than 5.5%, every year for the last 4 years? If not you are losing money directly to inflation.

Since Biden has come to office huge increase in cost of living far more than 5.5% on food

More like 50% or greater

On home and car insurance like 50 to 100%

on gas 100%

I 100% agree that they cook the numbers just like they did the jobs numbers. No way they are letting a high print hit before the election.

The 5.5% is an average across all categories. But yes, housing and food have seen larger than average increases. And this is why it disproportionately hurts the lower class. Shelter and food are necessities and they increase in cost at a much faster pace than people are receiving wage increases. Might as well just cut a check to Bezos, Gates, and Elon.
Don't worry about me pal.

Yes, i have both. I am also a responsible saver. Inflation destroys your savings and rewards the irresponsible.

Inflation ravishes the lower class the most, the people the Democrats claim to help. Inflation rewards the very, very rich, the people that Democrats demonize.

The question people should be asking is, did i get a raise of more than 5.5%, every year for the last 4 years? If not you are losing money directly to inflation.

How interesting, my house and my IRA and 401K are all worth substantially more than they were in 2020.

What you seem to not recognize with higher prices,is that I make more when I sell the items I own.

You never want to acknowledge that the global pandemic is the primary reason for the inflation, you can't shut down the entire worlds economies and not experience some financial hardship.
I 100% agree that they cook the numbers just like they did the jobs numbers. No way they are letting a high print hit before the election.

The 5.5% is an average across all categories. But yes, housing and food have seen larger than average increases. And this is why it disproportionately hurts the lower class. Shelter and food are necessities and they increase in cost at a much faster pace than people are receiving wage increases. Might as well just cut a check to Bezos, Gates, and Elon.
Any thoughts on how inflationary pressures in the US compare to the rest of the world post-COVID?
Any thoughts on how inflationary pressures in the US compare to the rest of the world post-COVID?
Yes. If you look most European countries have been back below 2% for a few months now while we were still hovering at 3%.

Look in the inflation threads, I posted links to the stats a month or so ago.
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Yes. If you look most European countries have been back below 2% for a few months now while we were still hovering at 3%.

Look in the inflation threads, I posted links to the stats a month or so ago.
How about in the first few years of the pandemic? Did we potentially take a smaller problem for a longer period vs a larger problem for a smaller period?

I assume even a bet squelcher like you can do the math there?
This wanna be intellectual getting owned by people who actually went to college makes me laugh.

He's such a schmuck.
On one hand, I can respect him for going into the lion's den, but on the other hand, his hidden agenda sickens me. Still fun to see these woke lib college students going toe to toe with him and showing him things aren't so simple when he thought he'd be humiliating them.
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