there is no funding mechanism in it. its not even a real bill, it's just 1 page.
i hate that it was introduced and I hate that Dems and the people I work for have to respond to nonsense because it was introduced.
whole text is here:
start at "resolved".
That's actually a pretty solid read, thanks for sharing. Some good data points in there and if it hasn't come across in posts, I do love data.
So help me here, what stage would you say Green New Deal is in? Not asking to pick a fight, asking because I generally don't know the answer. It seems to be a huge talking point coming out of AOC's list of things that keep me up at night but per your point above, if it doesn't have a budget set against it, then I have to think it's not even close to being of substance. (As an example here, when my product team comes to me with investment asks and business cases, I won't even look at it if it doesn't have budget/spend and ROI metrics)
These types of changes are typically where I put my budget hat on and I just don't know where the money is going to come from. I'm also not sure what types of waste/pollution/etc gets created once you start tearing down buildings and rebuilding (where required). Think about somewhere like Manhattan where you'd have to rip down/make considerable construction like changes to a shed load of buildings. That seems daunting at a minimal view.
I know that's only a single aspect of it but you have to start asking the same question about cars, power plants (nuclear, coal etc), etc.
The above may sound like a negative response but in reality, I think we have to find ways to get there, I'm just not sure how you fund it. If you put the onus on the corporations, they will offset spend with cheaper wages and payroll spend mitigation (offshoring).
The fundamental different between government and business is when business has a cost to revenue problem, they cut costs to make profit. Government may change funding allocations but they aren't nearly as aggressive as corporations. So if you make funding the changes the private sectors problem, they just cut spend elsewhere. If you make it the governments problem,, they raise taxes/go into more debt/inflation etc etc.