What's the republican voter fraud theory on

there is no funding mechanism in it. its not even a real bill, it's just 1 page.

i hate that it was introduced and I hate that Dems and the people I work for have to respond to nonsense because it was introduced.

whole text is here:

start at "resolved".

That's actually a pretty solid read, thanks for sharing. Some good data points in there and if it hasn't come across in posts, I do love data.

So help me here, what stage would you say Green New Deal is in? Not asking to pick a fight, asking because I generally don't know the answer. It seems to be a huge talking point coming out of AOC's list of things that keep me up at night but per your point above, if it doesn't have a budget set against it, then I have to think it's not even close to being of substance. (As an example here, when my product team comes to me with investment asks and business cases, I won't even look at it if it doesn't have budget/spend and ROI metrics)

These types of changes are typically where I put my budget hat on and I just don't know where the money is going to come from. I'm also not sure what types of waste/pollution/etc gets created once you start tearing down buildings and rebuilding (where required). Think about somewhere like Manhattan where you'd have to rip down/make considerable construction like changes to a shed load of buildings. That seems daunting at a minimal view.

I know that's only a single aspect of it but you have to start asking the same question about cars, power plants (nuclear, coal etc), etc.

The above may sound like a negative response but in reality, I think we have to find ways to get there, I'm just not sure how you fund it. If you put the onus on the corporations, they will offset spend with cheaper wages and payroll spend mitigation (offshoring).

The fundamental different between government and business is when business has a cost to revenue problem, they cut costs to make profit. Government may change funding allocations but they aren't nearly as aggressive as corporations. So if you make funding the changes the private sectors problem, they just cut spend elsewhere. If you make it the governments problem,, they raise taxes/go into more debt/inflation etc etc.
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That's actually a pretty solid read, thanks for sharing. Some good data points in there and if it hasn't come across in posts, I do love data.

So help me here, what stage would you say Green New Deal is in? Not asking to pick a fight, asking because I generally don't know the answer. It seems to be a huge talking point coming out of AOC's list of things that keep me up at night but per your point above, if it doesn't have a budget set against it, then I have to think it's not even close to being of substance. (As an example here, when my product team comes to me with investment asks and business cases, I won't even look at it if it doesn't have budget/spend and ROI metrics)

These types of changes are typically where I put my budget hat on and I just don't know where the money is going to come from. I'm also not sure what types of waste/pollution/etc gets created once you start tearing down buildings and rebuilding (where required). Think about somewhere like Manhattan where you'd have to rip down/make considerable construction like changes to a shed load of buildings. That seems daunting at a minimal view.

I know that's only a single aspect of it but you have to start asking the same question about cars, power plants (nuclear, coal etc), etc.

The above may sound like a negative response but in reality, I think we have to find ways to get there, I'm just not sure how you fund it. If you put the onus on the corporations, they will offset spend with cheaper wages and payroll spend mitigation (offshoring).

The fundamental different between government and business is when business has a cost to revenue problem, they cut costs to make profit. Government may change funding allocations but they aren't nearly as aggressive as corporations. So if you make funding the changes the private sectors problem, they just cut spend elsewhere. If you make it the governments problem,, they raise taxes/go into more debt/inflation etc etc.

the chances of it becoming reality as a single package are basically zero. a bill to enact all those changes would be a massive undertaking to draft, and the republicans would never pass it out of the senate and it probably doesnt even have the votes to pass out of the house after this election. Moderates and dems in swing districts wont vote for it out of fear or genuine disagreements on policy.
the chances of it becoming reality as a single package are basically zero. a bill to enact all those changes would be a massive undertaking to draft, and the republicans would never pass it out of the senate and it probably doesnt even have the votes to pass out of the house after this election. Moderates and dems in swing districts wont vote for it out of fear or genuine disagreements on policy.

In that case, they should break it down into individual projects and push somewhat independently. That does a few things, lessens the complexity to understand it (big challenge for a large portion of the country and even government) and it makes the investment/funding look smaller. Investment Banks are incredibly good at moving budget through the bank with similar tactics.
In that case, they should break it down into individual projects and push somewhat independently. That does a few things, lessens the complexity to understand it (big challenge for a large portion of the country and even government) and it makes the investment/funding look smaller. Investment Banks are incredibly good at moving budget through the bank with similar tactics.

100% agree. Leadership elections this week in the house will tell us a lot about whether any of this gets done.

Even in small chunks though the mcconnell led senate won't bring stuff to a vote. He's proven time and time again he has no interest in governing and is only focused on the political impacts. He doesn't care about the american people.
I do not agree with your analysis. We will see how this plays out. I am with President Trump at this time.

But it isn't analysis. Every single time the Republican lawyers are in court they either can't produce ANY fraud or, like today in Maricopa, they say they aren't even trying to argue this is fraud. There is the Trump tweets alternative universe and then there is the reality in court. Put up or shut up time for republicans...

It is why they have lost every single case. In NV it has been super embarrassing (see the dead people argument that was quickly debunked)--they don't send the claims to the election officials in the state and then if they have the guts to actually bring something to court, it gets laughed at and thrown out.

What specifically don't you agree with? There has only been one case of fraud found in the entire country this cycle and it was a Trump voter in Luzerne, PA who filled out a ballot for a dead person--that is it.
Probably taken out of context (which several will jump all over here as we get going this AM) but Biden's new COS admitting elections are rigged back in 2014

Before everyone shoots down Gateway Pundit as hack jobs, you can go to twitter and look at the post.

Yes they are hacks. This is the actual definition of FAKE NEWS. Klain meant and has said before this that what he meant is that INCUMBANCY, which is what the article is about, is a huge determining factor in elections.
This isn’t true. I haven’t even kept up with what Trump has had to say in regards to the election fraud. One can use common sense and surmise something is up.

I agree with this. And that "something" is Trump and company are busy telling you how the Dems stole the election without offering proof. Trump's been saying that he wouldn't accept the election results if he lost for MONTHS and is hoping that he can void the election results and let the Supreme Court decide. That's what's up. That's the common sense answer. It's been a week and a half and as far as I can see, there hasn't been a ton of evidence offered that there's some sort of massive fraud. If you look hard enough I'm sure you can find some stuff that not above board. Millions of people voting in thousands of locations. There bound to be something there. But a massive coverup, not seeing it.

And I bet you haven't been bothering with what Trump's had to say. Remember his first statement to the American people about Philly where the Republican observers were locked out of the building where the counting was being done. That went to court and Trump's own lawyer said that Republican observers were in the room where the counting was done. Obviously the Judge (a Bush appointee) threw the case out minutes later. BUT the fact is that Trump LIED to you and the American people. On purpose. And as is pointed out above every time one of these complaints gets to court, it gets thrown out. Now I'm all about looking at LEGITIMATE accusations of fraud. But when you are obviously just throwing accusations around and hoping something sticks, that is a different story. Trump needs to man up and concede if he doesn't have any proof.
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I just want to remind everyone currently trying to engage with this guy, that he generally agrees with @areeves and his take on where the world is headed. Just fysa.
Just like I’ve said, rampant voter fraud is being uncovered in many states. They even used DominionSoftware to switch the votes after they were cast. Either way, a civil war is very possible!
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How the fake mail-in ballots made Trump lose the election while the Republicans gained 10+ seats and kept all the senate seats?

Just curious

There is rampant voter fraud, including Dominion Software, which changes the vote after the ballot has been cast. I’ve been telling y’all this would be a huge issue!
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There is rampant voter fraud, including Dominion Software, which changes the vote after the ballot has been cast. I’ve been telling y’all this would be a huge issue!

Any actual proof? The DHS just released a statement that there were no software issues and this was the most secure election in history. But keep Conspiracy Alive I guess.
Any actual proof? The DHS just released a statement that there were no software issues and this was the most secure election in history. But keep Conspiracy Alive I guess.
The DHS is part of the NWO, so is the FBI, CIA, WHO, the Media, NATO.... Wakeup & hope they overturn this fiasco!
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Any actual proof? The DHS just released a statement that there were no software issues and this was the most secure election in history. But keep Conspiracy Alive I guess.
I’ve tried to warn y’all MANY TIMES, Biden the Left & The NWO & even some Republicans want to enslave us. In fact, you’re witnessing it right now with Covid-19. The NWO, specifically Bill Gates, funded the research for it, a Bio-Tech company in Britain holds the patent on it but it was released in China due to the world’s dependence on China’s manufacturing and distribution.

If Biden maintains the Presidency, one on the main buzz words you’re going to hear him say is, “Climate Change Crisis!” This is so they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law in 1992 by NWO Member, George Bush SR.

They will confiscate property & homes under the guise of environmental protection. They will tell you where you can & can’t live & visit!

He & his administration will come after our guns!

Little To No Air Travel, again, under the guise of environmental protection!

The Implementation of The Mark of the Beast, either via Vaccine or RFID Chip! (Revelation 13)

The Implementation of the Worship of the Beast/Antichrist! This involves authorities taking US Citizens to FEMA Camps after an EMP & tactical nuclear attack! Unfortunately, people will think they are going to be provided for until it’s safe to return home. This is a LIE. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens will be given a choice, 1. Agree to be re-educated, take the Mark of the Beast (if it hasn’t already been administered) & Worship the Beast/Antichrist! Your Second Choice, Termination by Guillotine. (Revelation 13)

This is not some SCi-FI Novel, This IS Reality! Some of you will scoff but everything I said will come to pass! Much of what I said is in the Bible, some of what I said comes from knowing & understanding who the NWO, What their 21 Goals are & what their plans for humanity are! EVERYONE in the NWO is A SATANIST! One CANNOT be in the NWO without giving his Allegiance to Lucifer. So what do we know about Lucifer? JESUS said, “Satan Only comes to Kill, Steal & Destroy!” The Bible says, “Satan Roams around like Roaring Lion, Seeking Whom HE May Devour!”

Revelation 12 says, “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for the devil comes down with much wrath because he knows his time is short!”

Revelation 12 says, “Satan Deceives The Whole World!”

The Bible also says, “Satan is the father of lies!”

The Bible also says, “Satan was a Murderer from the beginning!”

Some of Y’all voted for the very party who worships Satan, do you honestly think these people are going to give their allegiance to Satan but they’re going to be truthful with you about their plans for you & your loved ones?

Do you think they care about you & your family?

If they’ll kill a baby, do you think they’d think twice about killing you?

Do you not think they’re going to deceive you, every chance they get? Some of y’all need to Wake Up!!! Text me, I’ll send you all the evidence I’ve got.... 813-245-4570
Level 10 paranoia setting in.

@areeves is a TI friend.

Lolololol. The guy going around claiming rampant voter fraud is going to overturn the election is calling me paranoid?

Why don't you take a read:

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There’s smoke everywhere... this is getting good.

Like this "smoke" where trump awyers admit in court that they've got nothing.