Worst convention speech ever?

Good lord this is painful. An old man just rambling and lying in between solid chunks of total incoherence. The crowd checked out after the first 5 minutes but Trump is about to enter his third hour of this crap if he keeps it up much longer. Someone get Grandpa his Ensure shake and call it a night please. I can't take any more crowd shots of Laura Loomer. It's wild that even the nutjobs in attendance seem like they're attending a wake.

I mean if a list of dignitaries like Kid Rock, Eric Trump, Hulk Hogan, and Dana White can't get the crowd revved up for you, it might be time to just sit this one out. This is brutally bad even by Trump's standards.
Probably better than your videos sadly. Stick to one thing you were maybe good at but unfortunately you ventured into the dark side of idiocy.
Holy shit. Please explain to me exactly what civil war part deux will look like. I drive the boat by fort Sumter all the time - should I look out for cannon fire? Should I stock up on ammo and MREs? Invest in food insurance? Start drafting a local militia? Get my buddies to start training for sniper shots with our deer rifles? Have my 8 year old weight train to drag the dead off the battlefield?

I roll my eyes even harder at these comments than when the left talks about fascism.
You have nothing to worry about, Trump is going to win in a landslide. But if S really does HTF, it'll be the fastest war in history. If you haven't already started preparing, you'd do best just to sit it out.

I know I'm very blessed to be in the position I am in, but from what I've gathered about you over the two plus decades we've been TI members together, you know just a fraction more about the struggles of the average American as the Hollywood elite.

I know you don't see it in Mt. Pleasant, but there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of people who don't have anything left to lose. Rumors & lies<impeachment<impeachment again<fake insurrection<phony indictment<kangaroo court conviction<assassination attempt...

Just trying to point out the extent of the Biden dementia cover up. Not expecting to convince anyone.
How the hell can you even consider trump for anything? Trump is just flat out a narcissist crook. His only oath is to himself. I support the country I am thankful to live in, not a political party.

Admiring Putin, denying the election, asking states to alter or create votes for his benefit.

The Republican party is not a conservative party. It is the extremist party of trump. If John McCain (who trump hates) was still around I would gladly vote for him Just keep the Palin nut job out of it.

We have 2 choices. I can not think of any past president who is anywhere near as evil as trump if you do not see it, you have not been paying attention.

Even a bad choice is better than trump.
Probably better than your videos sadly. Stick to one thing you were maybe good at but unfortunately you ventured into the dark side of idiocy.
Yeah a couple million views and counting bud so I think I'll keep going if I want. And to be honest I originally started the videos because I wanted to have a longform library of highlight reels to watch when I was doing cardio at the gym.

I'm sure you're a very talented guy when not going ULTRAMAGA lol.
  • "Hey look, we just need uhhhhh, 11k votes, so go find them." GA Secretary of State
  • Fake elector schemes in multiple states
  • J6
  • Hang Mike Pence
  • Stacking the SCOTUS with corrupt buffoons who will give him unchecked power
  • Still refuses to acknowledge results of our free and fair election
  • Has already said if he loses again it will be because of cheating
Seriously, wtf would you consider dangerous for our democracy?
Tboon. Sorry but this is all TDS magnified crap. Trump did nothing illegal at any time and thats a fact. Yall need to try and beat Trump on the issues if you can.
How the hell can you even consider trump for anything? Trump is just flat out a narcissist crook. His only oath is to himself. I support the country I am thankful to live in, not a political party.

Admiring Putin, denying the election, asking states to alter or create votes for his benefit.

The Republican party is not a conservative party. It is the extremist party of trump. If John McCain (who trump hates) was still around I would gladly vote for him Just keep the Palin nut job out of it.

We have 2 choices. I can not think of any past president who is anywhere near as evil as trump if you do not see it, you have not been paying attention.

Even a bad choice is better than trump.
You guys ticket me honestly.

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